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about my night last night

Guest petr

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tonight for 30 minutes my computer would not turn on


it just crashed


probably because,


i had external wireless keyboard and wireless mouse, 3 external hard drives, wacom tablet, external orbit webcam, usb 16 gb thumb drive, ipod shuffle charger all pluugged in and running simultaneously throgh the 10 unit mutli usb hub thing


also i had chrome, itunes, notepad, vlc player, skype, soulseek, utorrent, photoshop, afteraffects programs running


i guess this was too much


i was pressing the button for a restart after it crahsed when i apply a hi def black marble photoshop pattern


the computer turned off but then for one half an hour it would not return on


i kept pressing the button for it to turn on but the screen was just black and only one power button was glowing green


if the computer is acting normally then there are three buttons one is green one is orange and one is white


the orange and white would not turn on and i was worried


i felt a pressure in my skull and i thought i was losing my hearing


everything felt dizzy and muddy and my ears felt pressured up with goo and it was canceling out the noise


my ears felt so much pressure and i thougt my head was about to explode or i thought my heart was beating too fast


i htought the pressure and heartrate must be so unhealthy, i was worried something was going to melt out of my ear


maybe a part of my inner ear or a part of my brain, or just wax, i dont even know it just felt liek something was going to pour of out my head


my limbs were going numb i was sweating i thought i was oign to have a heartattack at 22

imean 23


i am 23 now


i thoguht about having a heart attack at 23 or going deaf at 23 and what that means how fucking stressed i must be to inflict that damage upon myself


for a split second i thought suicid e is more elegant less embarrassng that 23 year old technology stress heart attack but i am not allowed myself to think thoughts like that because i refused that a while back


i refuse myself from letting down my family and firends even if it is unbearable pain for me to endure


also somtimes suffering is good sometiems suffering is bad, you never knwo which kind of suffering it was until after youre out and you look back on the suffering, unfortunately


um anyways


i was even more stressed i thought i was going to go deaf and that made my heart go fasters


and stil the computer would only habve the green light . . .




i was supposecd go to my friend constants opening but i felt very violent aggressive attitude because of the computer and didnt' want t o go socialize with people and have carefree smalltalk when my important computer was potentially dead


it was hard to make my legs walk down the stairs they were shaking from panicking that i had broken my stupid computer


my head still felt pressue and my ears felt plugged and i thought i was going to go deaf from the panic


friday night on the street seemed too active and i was scared to cross the street because i felt liek my eyes were not properly responding to my brain signals, idiot eyeballs were not opening up to intake more light and help me through the darkness.i waited at least a few minutes to let all passing biesk and cars go clear of my street crossing area


i went across teh street to the across the street middle of the street corner store bodega and i boguth 1 tiny bottle of pino grigoo and 1 tiny bottle of some german cheap "champagne"


i rbought 5 euros in coins that i borrowed from rafaels desk ( 1 2-euro coin, 1 1-euro coin, 4 50-cent euro coins)


i hiope that adds up to five so disgusting my inability with the simplest math


i got the two tiny wines from the fridge in the store and then when i went to the turkish guy to pay i asked him how much were the wines, he said one was 1.50 and the other wine was 1.70. in my disoriented angry state also i am inherently bad and confused by math i thought that the 5 euros that i had rbought was not enough and i would have to shame take a wine back, but then a great surprise i saw only 3 euro 20 on the register i had more than enough money.


getting back across the street i had the same problem, everyhting was so dark and moving too fast and again i waited embarrassingly long time to cross the street


i spit a little bit on the mean fat woman apt that lives below us, a little bti on her stairs


i just felt like it


she is such a bithc


computer problems make me so angry. more angry than anyhting. i slammed the door and almost dropped the bottle of champagene


i left the window open and the aids-3d tri color gradient florescent light on -- and 4 new bugs had entered the kitchen. i told them "PLEASE LEAVE" but they weren't getting a move on so i electrocuted them with the electric tennis bug racket that rafaels mom gave to us


the racket has been mostly convenient i have only electrocuted myself 2 times with it, which is impressiv ratio compared with how many times i use it


my firned joel says i am supposed to first ask the bugs to "please leave" and then if they don't i am allowed to kill them. i think he said i had to wait a day though which seems too long so i am stil a bug mudrder


but seriously.. bugs get the fuck out of my fucking house


i refuse to live in filth


i poured all the tiny pino wine into the glass, the bottle = 1 "full" glass


i've been trying to "cut down" so i buy these tiny 1 glass bottles


sort of works


i was in the kitchen and i peek into the living room at my vegetable computer only blinking one green button sans orange blinks sans white blinks - still dead ?


i go into the living room and kill all power to all external devices and again do a "hard" restart hodlign down the power button and agian hear the whimper shutdown of the stupid compueter


i sit down on the couhch and look at rafaels DALI book to calm myslef but i dont really calm because i can hear my stupid comptuer fan in the background


i finish the wine get up and again an aggressive hard restart. this restart i really had no hope left i thought it was really broken and then all of a sudden green orange and whie lights are blinking and the fucking POS is starting up normally like nothing ever happen


then helga calls me askign if i want to go to vietnamese restaurant wtih people from the opening. i say im not sure maybe i should back up some files while the computer is tsill working and also that i am in a violent aggressive snappy ice bitch mood but i check thing and everytihgn seems to be working better than evefr, fucking hell so i call her back and say that i come to veitnameese


so i shut the computer down proper;y and put on sme sort of dancer/chav/house paint outfit and walk over to the veitnamanenese place wehre people are going


i didnt' take my bike because agian i felt liek my eyes weren responding to signals from my brain and thigns felt unusually dark and i didnt' trust myself to be safe on a bike as i was only 40% in control of my body


i was wearing headphoens which is supposedly dangerous at night for women but i was so angry because computer problems so infuriate me so it didn't matter because i had a very fierce stride mean face keys between my fingers in a fist ready to poke someones fucking eye out


on the walkl to the restaurant i was listening to 'too short - blow the whistle' it comes from oakland which is of the scariest place i know and it has a hard beat AZnd gives mea confidence/scary/dykey swagger and i invite anyone to fuck with me when i am mad aboiut my computer and listening to gangster rap i feel sorry for anyone who would make that choice becaus i was ready to fight


i took the darkest / desolate route to the restaurant,also the quickest but the most nonsafe women walking alone route


sometimes i almost feel liek looking for trouble. jockish nerd blood pumping through my brains angry about technology.


the most powerful thing you can do is give a powerful and intimidating "aura" using strong body language


do not come near me.


if you value your fucking eyes,


do not come near me.


i remember thsi feeling all the time in new york, walking hard with headphones, squinting hard, just hoping someone will get in my way so i can shoulder chekc them out of my way, hoping a cab cuts me off in the street so i can smack the back of it, just wishing for any release and waiting for further justification why i hated it there


i definitely squint more with my right eye


like this: :wtf:


i also squint with both eyes but the right eye always takes the bulk of the squint

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i left the window open and the aids-3d tri color gradient florescent light on -- and 4 new bugs had entered the kitchen. i told them "PLEASE LEAVE" but they weren't getting a move on so i electrocuted them with the electric tennis bug racket that rafaels mom gave to us


the racket has been mostly convenient i have only electrocuted myself 2 times with it, which is impressiv ratio compared with how many times i use it


my firned joel says i am supposed to first ask the bugs to "please leave" and then if they don't i am allowed to kill them. i think he said i had to wait a day though which seems too long so i am stil a bug mudrder




but seriously.. bugs get the fuck out of my fucking house


i refuse to live in filth





Very interesting story, hilarious at times. If I had any advice to you it would be to read up/talk to people on how to manage stress and anger like that because you really shouldn't let a computer ruin your night like that ya know?


Also your accent is hilarious, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

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IN all seriousness if your computer is a desktop your power supply may be dying, or may just need to be upgraded to like a 500 watt if you are connecting so much. A usb hub should not make a computer crash and not turn back on.


or your processor could be having issues and need to be replaced.


If laptop the processor thing could be it too or your power cord with converter on it may need to be replaced.


Most any time i've had probs with a computer simply not "turning on" it's been a power supply issue.


On my desktop after a few years ago having to replace the power supply, recently the same type of issue kept happening except this time i could see the thing was getting power and would try to boot but just wasn't. So i bought a new power supply, didn't help. Changed out the memory, didn't work. Then after returning memory, and power supply, bought a new cpu and viola, working fine.

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Guest my usernames always really suck
i kept pressing the button for it to turn on but the screen was just black and only one power button was glowing green


Last time this happened to me, it turned out the video card busted -- a capacitor had literally exploded.

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yeah i think some sort of power supply issue i think my computer was having trouble with this one external hard drive, that was like the "new element" to the set up and things seemed to be slowing down because of it. it has an external power source itself this hard drive but it is the oldest hd i have and i hadn't plugged it in like over a year and iit seemed liek it was causing issues. because there has been zero problem everysince i unplugged thatmotherfucker

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Guest Adjective

if my computers died i dont know what would become of me

you would be sidewalk penis caricaturist and freestyle hummer

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Very interesting story, hilarious at times. If I had any advice to you it would be to read up/talk to people on how to manage stress and anger like that because you really shouldn't let a computer ruin your night like that ya know?


Also your accent is hilarious, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.


yes it is true i should learn to manage streess better, i would usually do some yoga except i project yoga podcasts on the wall which are all stored on the coooppppmmmmmyttrrrr :sad:


glad you like my accent can u tell im from california :tongue:

are you sure you are 23??


what the fuck fdoes this evewun mean e3xactly


how much speed did you tweek to write that long ass post?




you must nevr take your bicycle on the road with headphones on


:unsure: i do it all the time , i find that it is a greater triumph for me to be spending time outside biking with headphones on surrounded by huge cars, much safer for me outside as it seems there are so many more things indoors that will inflict more damage on me somehow my homes are a bti unsafe for example i am allergic to bees because i have been stung so many times in my house when i was little, but that was because we had a 16 foot beehive in the attic and then came through the light fixtures at night and i stepped on dead ones all the time. also there was that fire/explosion incident hehe forgot about that one for a sec


oh just right now i am making some tea on the stove i am by myself and the stove is making a bizarre popping noise. of course the stove would never do this when someone else is in the house


what have i done wrong this time

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just smash your fucking computer altogether. if you really need something, an important email or shit, visit an internet cafe. if you can't live without being able to do crazy formant filter action buy a jew's harp or sth. give yourself a fixed time window to clean up your flat. jeez.


edit: also, try to leave the house without your mp3 player as much as possible. eat healthy & exercise. kthxbye

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i still don't know exactly how i got home late last night after the wisp/flahbulb art collective concert thing. i absolutely blame the cheap 3 dollar drinks which weren't even measured properly, the guy was just eyeballing pouring vodka in a plastic cup "seems about right"


and now i have to get ready to DJ later tonight for some vintage 8MM Kodachrome films :sorcerer:


i forgot to mention how fucked my laptop is at the moment. when technology works its GREAT but if there's problems then it's the worst thing in the world. like living without DSL


as long as your hard drives aren't corrupted, you're all clear (this has actually happened to me before)

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