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Australia is Racist

Guest Gary C

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Guest abusivegeorge

At least they are open about it, closet racists do my fucking head in. Except my Nan coz shes just hilarious.

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Guest bitroast

hehe. i'd like to just butt in and say the show is a reunion special, used to be real popular in the 80s so they used a similar/terrible 80s set design for nolstolgia&fun. watching clips from american shows reacting to the short sketch and they totally don't acknoweldge(/know?) this fact and just laugh at how poor and behind our country is. then they slag off the whole country for being racist and 100 years behind everyone else. they go right ahead and generalise and regard the WHOLE country of australia as being racist.

i don't know how the skit got on prime time telly, but it was a silly decisiion and now the whole world hates australa. it's amusing if nothing else........................................................?

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Guest uelogy

I am Aussie and the second I saw the skit begin I knew the shit storm was to follow. It was a stupid move on the show to put it on; however it's equally ignorant to label an entire country as degenerate racists which is basically what I've seen happen over the last few days...

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Guest abusivegeorge

I am Aussie and the second I saw the skit begin I knew the shit storm was to follow. It was a stupid move on the show to put it on; however it's equally ignorant to label an entire country as degenerate racists which is basically what I've seen happen over the last few days...


Many Americans label their own country as entirely racist.

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Guest abusivegeorge

some of the comments in here from kakapo are faggoty and niggardly


Niggardly isn't a racist term, I just found out.

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everyone do their part and impregnate a different colored woman than themselves




I banged a native American girl last night. Sioux to be exact. That race wasn't even on the list, but it's cool I can put it in and check it off.

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some of the comments in here from kakapo are faggoty and niggardly


Niggardly isn't a racist term, I just found out.


Yeah, but it's impossible to use when people worry that the saying "The pot calling the kettle black" could a racist statement.


Anyway, I find this video is disturbing, I can't really pin down why either. It seems so archaic and on top of everything just super unfunny. I'm someone who despises PC bullshit and this still left me shocked.


Australia is kind of like the American South or Midwest in the fact that the people are nice and hospitible, but there's a very dark and fucked up history and remnants of such hatred in certain areas. That said, Abbos seem so much more marginalized than most other minority groups, and the fact that they were casually referred to "blacks" by the Ozzie public and government just decades ago makes a outrageously tacky black-face skit even more disgraceful... even if its just a shitty and tactless MJ spoof.

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yeah, i gather that though. they insist on sitting in their bullshit reservations and act suprised when they can't get a job so then they turn to sniffing petrol lol. that's the impression i get anyway. one of my (english) mates is out in melbourne and says everyone avoids the abbos cos they're constantly fucked on something and super-aggresive. the actual aussies i know never have a bad thing to say about the abbos, although that's probably cos they've never actually met a proper one.

uh.. what? 'proper' aboriginals are the ones that get on with their lives and aren't thugs. the ones you don't hear about. and really that's most of them. i had an aboriginal girlfriend for three years and all of her family and indigenous friends were down to earth, nice people like 'everyone else' with jobs and respect and goals in life etc. here in australia the 'thuggy' type people are of all races, and actually in melbourne i never see any homeless aboriginal people.



I've met a few australians who have found it hard to understand that the term 'wog' is socially unacceptable. On the whole though, most of the australians I know are lovely people.

i'm italian, and i'm not offended in the slightest if anyone calls me a wog. though i'm pretty much the opposite of the stereotype, except that i have a family that makes a lot of amazing homemade food, which is actually pretty awesome!


For those who are saying shit like "australia is all white", you may be surprised to find that australia is actually an incredibly multicultural nation, at least in the urban areas. the country areas can be a bit old fashioned though, a bit like the south in the US.



australia is multicultural as fuck. it's just that you always hear about the bogans who fuck it up for everyone by being racist cunts.


.. and most of the time it isn't active racism, it's just ignorance. aboriginal thugs (for example) are only noticed because they stand out, and like i said most aboriginal people aren't like that, and i can imagine that they're pretty pissed off at the stereotype.

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some of the comments in here from kakapo are faggoty and niggardly


I don't think it's a coincidence that the main instigators of the apartheid subforum are all white and from the deep south.

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some of the comments in here from kakapo are faggoty and niggardly


I don't think it's a coincidence that the main instigators of the apartheid subforum are all white and from the deep south.


aw man, wow, what a noble crusade. equal rights on a poop shit mspaint your penis nerdy white guy music-listening no girls allowed messageboard. i really respect what you do. hey why dont you share that racist poetry you've been writing? i've always been really curious about that. or am I taking what you're implying too seriously (sorry there's no sub thread by you highlighting what you're about/where you're coming from)?

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some of the comments in here from kakapo are faggoty and niggardly


I don't think it's a coincidence that the main instigators of the apartheid subforum are all white and from the deep south.


aw man, wow, what a noble crusade. equal rights on a poop shit mspaint your penis nerdy white guy music-listening no girls allowed messageboard. i really respect what you do. hey why dont you share that racist poetry you've been writing? i've always been really curious about that. or am I taking what you're implying too seriously (sorry there's no sub thread by you highlighting what you're about/where you're coming from)?


whoah, fred taking internets too seriously? now I've seen everything. Papa is rubbing off on you

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fuck this shit

black person paints their face white to imitate a white person, hey that's cool



i didn't see any banners hanging in the background saying "NO NIGGERS" nor did i see any dark effigies being hung. the particular segment of the show consists of deliberately bad acts that are there to be heckled by the judges, plus that act had been on some 15 years ago and was only back because of the reunion special. they bought back all their old, well known acts for this show in fact.


For those who are saying shit like "australia is all white", you may be surprised to find that australia is actually an incredibly multicultural nation, at least in the urban areas. the country areas can be a bit old fashioned though, a bit like the south in the US.


yeah maybe it was in poor taste, and if harry wasn't on the show, the rest of the world wouldn't even know about it. the bottom line is, it was not intended to be racist, just deliberately stupid and lame.


Did you read this post?


This is the equivalent of a bunch of black guys painting their faces white while wearing stupid wigs to mock-perform as The Scorpions and expect white people in general to be racially offended by that. Oh right no it isn't, since white people in general don't all look the same, or act alike, or listen to the same music or talk the same way therefor... no white person would take offense, lol pwnd.


If I were member of a race that took up only 5-10% of the population, and knew that most of the other 95-90% hardly ever made friends with, and often hardly made lengthy conversation with someone of my race; and I were aware of that people generally feel separate and often even uncomfortable with people racially different from themselves, and feel threatened by difference, and want to elevate themselves above those different from themselves; and I saw a television programme making a mockery out of my race, then, yes, I would be offended, I would feel misrepresented.


But I'm white. I'm a member of that 90-95%. If someone mocked that 90-95% I'd know all my coworkers and friends, mostly white, would see the plain falsity of that mockery. I wouldn't feel misrepresented. I wouldn't feel attacked. I wouldn't think others would be stupid enough to actually believe I'm like that. And I wouldn't suspect, because of that stupidity, that they may actually end up treating me like that, pushing me farther and farther down the social hierarchy.




Well if there's no effigies being burned and NO NIGGERS banners, then it can't be racism, right? Racism can't ever be casual and insidious. Come on man, I know you're Australian and subtle understanding of sensitive issues is not your cultural strong-point, but just think about it.

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some of the comments in here from kakapo are faggoty and niggardly


I don't think it's a coincidence that the main instigators of the apartheid subforum are all white and from the deep south.


aw man, wow, what a noble crusade. equal rights on a poop shit mspaint your penis nerdy white guy music-listening no girls allowed messageboard. i really respect what you do. hey why dont you share that racist poetry you've been writing? i've always been really curious about that. or am I taking what you're implying too seriously (sorry there's no sub thread by you highlighting what you're about/where you're coming from)?


whoah, fred taking internets too seriously? now I've seen everything. Papa is rubbing off on you


am i though? maybe i'm just trying to wind people up. i may not have a hitler stache of ambiguity to hide behind, but i can always just say it's 6 am here and i havent had any sleep.


but, to be clear, one thing on this board i do take seriously is the issue of racism.


and maybe the thought of papa rubbing off on me. so fu.

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