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US Forces Rape and Murder 14-year-old Iraqi Girl

Guest Gary C

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In March 2006 four US soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division gang raped a 14 year old Iraqi girl and murdered her and her family —including a 5 year old child. An additional soldier was involved in the cover-up.


The London newspaper further noted “graphic nature of some of the images may explain the US President Obama’s attempts to block the release of an estimated 2,000 photographs from prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan despite an earlier promise to allow them to be published.”


Maj. Gen. Taguba, who retired in January 2007, said he supported the President’s decision, adding: “These pictures show torture, abuse, rape and every indecency.


“The mere description of these pictures is horrendous enough, take my word for it.”


In April, Mr. Obama’s administration said the photographs would be released and it would be “pointless to appeal” against a court judgment in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).


But after lobbying from senior military figures, Mr. Obama changed his mind saying they could put the safety of troops at risk.


In May, he said: “The most direct consequence of releasing them, I believe, would be to inflame anti-American public opinion and to put our troops in greater danger.”

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Yes, this is hardly breaking news.

It was the subject matter of Brian De Palma's impressive film Redaction in 2008


I haven't seen that film (perhaps I should?), and had certainly not heard of any particular instances like this. The photos too are incredibly shocking.

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now that i've finished being reactionary, are these pictures legit? i've never heard of the asian tribune, so i'm not sure if it's a reliable source.


not that pictures like this are usually faked or anything. i just want to know that i'm not being riled up.

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beyond the utter inhumanity of this act, what I want to know is why the fuck these guys are stupid enough to let pictures be taken in the first place?

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Guest abusivegeorge

Aye yeah, we just don't hear about it coz it gets covered up, like Chris said, this happenned all the time, I have no doubt it still does, it's all just hush hush.


The saying "there is good and bad in all" didn't come about via thin air (well I guess thats what words are but you know what I mean).

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Guest thanksomuch

ugh, the sad part is that I bet this happens more than we think.


more then we think x100.... why do people takes pics and vid of shit like this any way? srsly tho? like those kids in w/e eastern european country that were killing people... ffs, i don't to sound like an asshole but they WANT to get caught. fucking retards...

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Guest thanksomuch

happens to american girls too, cept that's done by common criminals, dads, uncles and boyfriends. BUT EVEN THAT'S OK AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT IN THE ARMED FORCES!

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i'm thinking in the scope of war. americans like war because their homeland isn't torn apart by rape, murder, etc. they rarely see the actual brutality of it, until their sons come home with missing legs/burns/ptsd.

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Guest thanksomuch

i'm thinking in the scope of war. americans like war because their homeland isn't torn apart by rape, murder, etc. they rarely see the actual brutality of it, until their sons come home with missing legs/burns/ptsd.


no no i totally feel you holmes. I have a hearty laugh at america's hwo have never been our of the country or have ever talked to some one from a nation that's had the shit kicked out of it.


and even when their sons/daughters come home f'd in the a, they are HEROS!

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not to say this shit doesn't happen but pictures like this are normally propaganda with an alteria motive


a local forces battalion and a chap who actually used to work in the same place I do was involved in a infamous 'fake' picture scandal in the UK just as reports were coming out about prisoner abuse which totally distracted the general public from the real issue at hand and got an unsympathetic newspaper editor out of the way in the same blow


soldiers have to drill down woman and kids if they even approach a convoy in case they carry bombs and most of them don't have a fucking clue why they are there in the first place



if you want to drop bombs on my mums back yard I'll fight ypu to the death but why anyone would want to go to a distant middle eastern country to kill poor people and generate more revenue for the military and oil industry I don't know



those pics are from some ironic porn movie 'donate now' :rolleyes:

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