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Introduce a Lesser Known Artist

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  • 8 months later...
Guest disparaissant

i dunno how unknown he really is but a lot of art students i know have never heard of him:

anselm kiefer





he channels a lot of post ww2 german guilt which makes for some pretty goddamn depressing stuff.

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Guest ruiagnelo

bigger, better pics of your work? i like it


maybe i will share some, soon.

this one is a detail from a bigger one, which i love more than the actual whole piece.

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sure you smarty pants know this artist but I love his work


Yves Tanguy









yes, similar to Dali but with nothing to hold onto cept horizons, supremely alien!

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Guest Z_B_Z

the delightfully nutty paul laffoley



i don't get this stuff at all, kinda religious, no?



im not sure what id call it. religious doesnt seem to be the right word. i admire the general weirdness and the obsessive attention to detail.

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Guest theSun

bigger, better pics of your work? i like it


maybe i will share some, soon.

this one is a detail from a bigger one, which i love more than the actual whole piece.


please do. i'm no art critic but i like the overall feel of that pic. hard to say really though because it's so small!

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MOCA in L.A. has a great exhibit on Arshile Gorky right now. Obviously, Gorky is pretty well known and had a huge influence on the abstract expressionists, but there seems to be a heavy re-evaluation of his work at the moment.


Had no idea he'd grid out all of his compositions beforehand (and then create a veritable shit-ton of alternate versions); he actually sort of resisted the looser expressionism that he influenced. And the way he'd wear his influences on his sleeve and keep synthesizing and re-synthesizing those elements was pretty remarkable; they guy would keep reinventing himself (literally altering his own back story to fit the current work) in the most dubious ways, but everything, paradoxically, seems so deeply-felt. And of course, the guy was a mess and you can't help but see the personal narrative of genocide--> suicide spelled out in some of his stuff.




Diary of a Seducer, full-size and in person, was pretty devastating/disturbing, I thought:




Anyway, Gorky. Really well-known, but more interesting/enigmatic the more you look into him.

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Guest ruiagnelo

bigger, better pics of your work? i like it


maybe i will share some, soon.

this one is a detail from a bigger one, which i love more than the actual whole piece.


please do. i'm no art critic but i like the overall feel of that pic. hard to say really though because it's so small!


thank you.

i don't usually share my experiences (i don't really feel like calling them works) but i might open exceptions in a near future.

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