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The Box


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I kind of like seeing a terrible movie and stewing in my own hatred throughout it. Makes the conversation afterward much more colorful.

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I loved this film and am going to kepp loving each time I watch it....


If you have a hard time paying attention to stuff, this film isn't for you...


This is his best film and the best adaptation of a Richard Matheson story yet...


Stupid people should not be allowed to review anything....


I could write out why I love this film but why waste my fucking time....


all I have to say is FRANK LANGELLA!


Best film I have seen him in other than the Ninth Gate....


that's right, I said the Ninth Gate....


Fuck you if you hate the Ninth Gate, Southland Tales, Donnie Darko, The Fountain, 2001 or any other film that actually has substance....


there is no way one viewing of The Box can allow you to 'get' everything in the film....


People hate what they don't understand....


People learn to love, many years later, what is brilliant in this life....


Most everything amazing is not instantly gratifying....


except for sex, food, farting, sleep and pissing/shitting...


and this is all that most people relate everything to...


Dumb fucks!



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I loved this film and am going to kepp loving each time I watch it....


If you have a hard time paying attention to stuff, this film isn't for you...


This is his best film and the best adaptation of a Richard Matheson story yet...


Stupid people should not be allowed to review anything....


I could write out why I love this film but why waste my fucking time....


all I have to say is FRANK LANGELLA!


Best film I have seen him in other than the Ninth Gate....


that's right, I said the Ninth Gate....


Fuck you if you hate the Ninth Gate, Southland Tales, Donnie Darko, The Fountain, 2001 or any other film that actually has substance....


there is no way one viewing of The Box can allow you to 'get' everything in the film....


People hate what they don't understand....


People learn to love, many years later, what is brilliant in this life....


Most everything amazing is not instantly gratifying....


except for sex, food, farting, sleep and pissing/shitting...


and this is all that most people relate everything to...


Dumb fucks!




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Guest Calx Sherbet

I loved this film and am going to kepp loving each time I watch it....


If you have a hard time paying attention to stuff, this film isn't for you...


This is his best film and the best adaptation of a Richard Matheson story yet...


Stupid people should not be allowed to review anything....


I could write out why I love this film but why waste my fucking time....


all I have to say is FRANK LANGELLA!


Best film I have seen him in other than the Ninth Gate....


that's right, I said the Ninth Gate....


Fuck you if you hate the Ninth Gate, Southland Tales, Donnie Darko, The Fountain, 2001 or any other film that actually has substance....


there is no way one viewing of The Box can allow you to 'get' everything in the film....


People hate what they don't understand....


People learn to love, many years later, what is brilliant in this life....


Most everything amazing is not instantly gratifying....


except for sex, food, farting, sleep and pissing/shitting...


and this is all that most people relate everything to...


Dumb fucks!





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What the fuck?


I think you were just trying to score on me in some backwards way...


everyone thinks I love everything...


what the fuck?


You love Philip K Dick, so does Richard Kelly, most people don't get the depth of PKD's writing and this film has a ton of esoteric symbolism and ideas all throughout it......




why don't you make up your own mind about seeing a real film


There are a lot of things I don't like.....


I don't like Stephen King very much, I hate 30Rock, Flashbulb sucks, I hate Hemingway, I don't like On The Road, Gladiator sucks my cock, Paranormal Activity sucks my cock, Whip It would be awesome if it would suck my cock but it won't so it sucks, my cock....


Wolverine, suck....


Ghost Rider, suck...


Deadmaus, suck....


Crystal Castles, suck....


My Morning Jacket, suck....


Justice, pretty much suck....


most people, suck


So I guess the bulk of what I don't like are a lot of people, and I vocalize this on here...


but as for art, I only want to talk about and defend the things I do like...




I love great things...


and the shit I don't like, I try not whine about them on here...


waste of fucking time...






Jeferoo and Calx, you both suck!



FUCK THE BEAR! :pedobear:


FUCK THE BEAR! :pedobear:


FUCK THE BEAR! :pedobear:










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Richard Kelly is an inarticulate mimbo. That said, his shit isn't really so-bad-it's-good but more so-bad-it's-mindblowing-in-its-retardation. I'll probably end up downloading this.

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Richard Kelly is an inarticulate mimbo. That said, his shit isn't really so-bad-it's-good but more so-bad-it's-mindblowing-in-its-retardation. I'll probably end up downloading this.


Read the rules assfuck!


that was gorgeous Atop, can i publish that?


You're 17 :pedobear:


I hate Hemingway, I don't like On The Road,


Woah. WTF?


Just my taste man....


can't stand boring detail about the reality that we should all know and hate by now...


Most 'classic' literature bores the fuck out of me....


Bukowski is brilliant at it...


Hemingway tried too hard....


Kerouac just bores me....



What the fuck?


I think you were just trying to score on me in some backwards way...


everyone thinks I love everything...


what the fuck?


You love Philip K Dick, so does Richard Kelly, most people don't get the depth of PKD's writing and this film has a ton of esoteric symbolism and ideas all throughout it......




why don't you make up your own mind about seeing a real film


There are a lot of things I don't like.....


I don't like Stephen King very much, I hate 30Rock, Flashbulb sucks, I hate Hemingway, I don't like On The Road, Gladiator sucks my cock, Paranormal Activity sucks my cock, Whip It would be awesome if it would suck my cock but it won't so it sucks, my cock....


on the road sucks? :wtf:



You're 18 :pedobear:

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The only movie I remember walking out of was "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones".

I fell asleep in "Wild Wild West". That movie blew.

This movie was bad, but wasn't as bad as those two.


Also, "The Invention of Lying" was pretty terrible.

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ive never seen a single episode of the 1980s Twlight zone, is it any good?


I quite liked it (80's twilight zone) - the title sequence and music was really good as well.


Question about the movie: Did they ever explain why that guy in the commercials is missing his cheek? I'm always curious about stuff like that.

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yes they did Rex...


and I am not the only one enjoying this film Braintree...


or Southland Tales or Domino....


and once again Jeferoo, you are wrong!


Russia House sucked


Ishtar sucked


Titanic sucked


but you probably liked Slumdog and it sucks as well....


there will be those that love this film, you don't like it, leave it at that... :ok:

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thats the only movie youve ever walked out of?

off the top of my head i've walked out of: Sin City, What Dreams May Come, Mission Impossible 2, and Return of the King


lol, you walked out of return of the king? it isn't that good of a movie but lol, i actually can't comprehend your opinions in this thread. southland tales was horrible, like, objectively. just pure fucking garbage.

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good, i hope donnie darko guy never makes another movie



for shits. a one hit wonder for sure. i hope he's not, but it looks that he is...

'south land tail's' was a fucking chore.


i did not see the box.

it looks as though i may not need to see this film.

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