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First U.S. marijuana cafe opens in Portland

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

something which pretty much goes unpunished anyway and is available everywhere.


I'd like to know what fairy tale world you're living in where this is true. I know I'd definitely be fired if I was arrested for pot possession.

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something which pretty much goes unpunished anyway and is available everywhere.


I'd like to know what fairy tale world you're living in where this is true. I know I'd definitely be fired if I was arrested for pot possession.


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On a related note, Massachusetts decriminalized bud so that if you are caught with under an ounce it is confiscated and you get a $100 fine. It's more like getting a parking ticket. The cool thing is, most cities in the state haven't figured out how to implement the laws when it comes to the paperwork, so if you get caught, you lose your weed and most likely won't get fined. Basically just a wake up call to be more careful next time. Slow and steady progress. :cool:

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

That's awesome from a legal perspective.


I'm just saying that most companies will can your ass if they find out, either through testing or a criminal charge. Even word of mouth sometimes.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

everywhere i ever lived was pretty sensible about pot


i also don't smoke it anymore due to mushy brain syndrome

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Pot is not everywhere, nor easy to get... Love seeing my friendly desperate black-marketeer... Good prices, good quality control and great vibes... :facepalm: fucking legalize it

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yeah there'll always be epic religious fundamentalists stopping it somehow, as with everything else fun in life.


It's more likely the drug companies would stop it. They don't want you to be able to grow a medically useful plant in your back yard when you can pay out the ass for legal pain killers.

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I'm high right now. Hail mary, respect to the tokers.


You can't patent a plant, man. Not enough money in it for the medical industry. The main, if not only, reasonable income will be in form of taxation and dispensary businesses.

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"I don't know who I find more irritating, the extremo anti-pot fucktards, or the praise-jah-bud-will-save-the-planet wackos."


eaisally the antipot fucktards -- their ignorance and fear enables a law which disables the freedom of others who wouldn't make a fuss if we could just enjoy the bud freely as we should.

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Oh yeah, I should probably point out that I don't smoke, and never have, but I don't see any reason to keep it illegal.


I dislike the stoners at my school enough as is already.


Also, Oregon has really high property taxes but no sales tax.


New Hampshire is the same way.

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Oh yeah, I should probably point out that I don't smoke, and never have, but I don't see any reason to keep it illegal.


I dislike the stoners at my school enough as is already.


Also, Oregon has really high property taxes but no sales tax.


New Hampshire is the same way.


I rather pot be legal and have cigarettes be illegal, I just hate the community of pot smokers.


Also, neat.

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