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Can you keep a secret?

Guest abusivegeorge

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So c'mon guys I'm genuinely interested here, who can keep secrets? When somebody tells you something and they ask you to please tell NO ONE else. Can you do it? Do you go off and tell your best mate, the secret that's just been told to you because you know DAMN WELL they won't tell that secret to anyone else? Even though they will probably go and tell somebody they trust equally as much?


How many of you simply just cannot keep something to yourself now matter who or what it is?


I never used to be able to, ever, especially if drunk. Now I can, but I went through years where no matter what somebody told me, no matter how much respect I had for them I would have to tell their secret to somebody else it just had to.


So come on guys, be honest, can you keep somebodys secrets?


At school when someone would say to me to keep something in confidence, I would. But then everyone else would find out about it somehow. The word had spread through the weakest lips, and then each link in the chain thereafter would be rewarded with a sort of gossip dividend in the process for spilling the news.


This always irked me. As I felt that through loyalty and a sense of personal honour, one should stand by their word and say nothing. But then it ended up that those least trustable became the most rewarded and in demand.


fucking bollock eaters ...

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i keep secrets very easily. i hardly ever tell anyone anything if i don't have to, no matter if it's supposed to be a secret or not.

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Heh, by my theory. It's like the value of your gossip was worth more than the negative impact of your lack of fidelity. Maybe it's because most people other than me aren't that inherently worried about their privacy. So I was applying an incorrect equation to the formula. Doesn't matter though cause as steven segal would say,


"I'm a zen buddhist mutha. So i act in the way i would like others around me to behave."


If i was down with jesus i would have understood and gone with a reading of the "Do as you would be done by." line. And ratted on everybody till I was king.

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tell me secrets i am the secret


You are definetly part of the secret.


The thing about talking about secrets is, if the person or persons who are "in" on the secret found out that you were dropping hints about the secret, they might be cross with you. Juss' sayin'.

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I only have one secret left. I got pissed and sad and blurted out the penultimate 2 over the last 24 hours. It was great.



Don't shag hot girls with boyfriends.

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Guest abusivegeorge

tell me secrets i am the secret


You are definetly part of the secret.


The thing about talking about secrets is, if the person or persons who are "in" on the secret found out that you were dropping hints about the secret, they might be cross with you. Juss' sayin'.




Oh wow. Not even a thanks.

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Guest abusivegeorge

What if the person who told you the secret started being a dick to you? Or if it was a group of people and some of them were dicks? What then?

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