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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

ohh yeah I almost forgot about that part, shit was like like wtf no ways.. and then nothing came of that?

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anybody remembers that Ben brought back Locke's fake dad to the island?



Yeah more loose ends.. It's ok... it's LOST!


that's not a loose end, the others could go in and out of the island as they pleased and knew everything about everyone.


After all that magic box talk and junk it seemed like they wanted to make us believe they magically got him to the island by reaching into it and pulling him out like a rabbit :p. I think he even said himself that one minute he was somewhere and the next he just got there.


Or some guys in suits got him, I forgot


ben was just bullshitting locke. he even told him that there was no magic box at some point.

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he's out in the real world but has a flashe forward to an apocalyptic future, then eloise tells him it's because something happens in the island and that it needs him, he's instantly convinced so he returns.

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what I wanna know is, when the fuck is Desmond coming back, brother?


His story is rather uninteresting, isn't it?


The Penny shit is, but the episode in season 4 where he's all fucked up in time I think is my favourite Lost episode.

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Guest JohnTqs

how weird was the ending though? i thought jacob and smokes quantity were supposed to be enemies, instead they're chillin out, "wassup jacob?" and shit, i thought they were going to drink that wine together.


also i don't feel bad at all for that retard richard. what kind of fucking moron asks to live forever?

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what kind of fucking moron asks to live forever?


Well, he didn't want to go to Hell.. So it makes sense really

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

how weird was the ending though? i thought jacob and smokes quantity were supposed to be enemies, instead they're chillin out, "wassup jacob?" and shit, i thought they were going to drink that wine together.


umm they have sat and talked a few times on the show. I think that's probably the most wicked part about the writing forr their story. They have completely opposing views on ethics, concerns etc. but they cant kill each other, at times they were maybe the only cats on the island so they are at a stand still sometimes and can sit back and talk shit with extreme annoyance for each other(complete hatred in MiB Smokes quantity's side of it)

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what I wanna know is, when the fuck is Desmond coming back, brother?


His story is rather uninteresting, isn't it?


The bit about him being a fucking time prophet was not uninteresting.

Plus he's connected to Whitmore through being married to his daughter. I wager we'll see him again.

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Guest David R James

what I wanna know is, when the fuck is Desmond coming back, brother?


His story is rather uninteresting, isn't it?


Indeed, plus Desmond was the first character to bring the whole time travelling thing to lost wasn't he? with is flashing into to future and past thing.


what gets me about lost is certain episodes seem to focus on a certain question that needs to be answered then completely forgets about it and does the same with something else. You've got the Dharma stuff that has some kind of scientific/studying/ kinda aspect (which is the best part I think), then the Widmore/warefare stuff then you have the more irrational religious, ethereal, surreal bullshit. There is no way all of it can be explained with just 7 episodes, surely? There will be dregs and dregs of grey matter that'll just be there to float around never of been resolved. Its gonna end like 'Invasion' but instead of ending it in 1 season it's 6.

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and small shit like the phsycic in series one insisting that claire has to raise the baby herself or there will be trouble.


or libby coming from the same mental hospital as hurley.

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Guest David R James

and small shit like the phsycic in series one insisting that claire has to raise the baby herself or there will be trouble.or libby coming from the same mental hospital as hurley.



or wtf's the deal with walt and why did the other want him.in fact the whole thing about the others doing scientific research makes no sense now.



Yea with the make up and fake beards. What was with that?



I guess at this point (hopefully proved wrong) we basically have to string that all together and say oh well it's all cos they are the chosen ones to takeover from the J-Man and it was all to make sure they do whatever they were spose to bla bla bla. It's almost like what seemed to be important such as things or characters are basically like an extra in the pub in eastenders.


If that was the case why the fuck did they have a writers strike if they weren't gona string the stuff together themselves, stupid cunts


This recent episode was alittle bit better than the shit b4 it but the whole Hell thing is :facepalm:

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Guest David R James

im making T-shirts right now that say 'Fuck LOST' for the hoards of disenfranchised fans soon to be unleashed, taking preorders now $15


i'll have one cheers. just send it by PM

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