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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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Guest Bramsworth

considering they keep trying to imply that the world goes poof or something with smokey set loose, either the alt must be something else, or smokey isn't evil after all :D

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I know, I was hoping for her to get it...


but no....


Desmond's gonna put a stop to this crazy flash sideways business!


This episode did seem like 5 minutes...


and word up to the crazy Tesla coil time machine whatever thingie....


but fuck a bunch of Sayid, soulless dick!


Bad Sayid! Baaaad Sayid!

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i'm rooting for team locke and him getting desmond is going to be awesome.


im also rooting for team locke because i still believe them to be the good guys. i think my main problem with this show is i used to find all the easter eggs fun, like 2 or 3 seasons ago if i saw this episode, i would have been excited about the scale with black and white rocks in widmores side timeline office, or how the desmond/penny meeting scene mirrored jacks/desonds see you in another life scene, etc. but now that i realize it all is just meaningless, it doesnt carry any weight.


last nights episode was far from crap, but it wasnt good either. i think ive lost interest and i really really just want this to be over. i think in earlier seasons, smokey was "correcting" things that went wrong in certain timelines? what happens if smokey gets on the wrong timeline? who is the the great timeline keeper and why does there have to be 1 correct timeline? they keep trying to play with destiny vs choice but they seem like they just keep contradicting themselves

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Desmond used to be my favorite character back when he was a loner, and he ties a lot of the characters together. Richard has since become my fav mostly bc of the mystery and his awesome backstory episode. This one wasn't quite as good, but better than the usual. Why did the season take soo long to get going? All that shit with the temple seems completely pointless now, Sayid could have been infected anywhere like Claire. We didn't need 6 weeks of drag out to explain that.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

All that shit with the temple seems completely pointless now, Sayid could have been infected anywhere like Claire. We didn't need 6 weeks of drag out to explain that.


was thinking about that last night. was remembering when they discovered the underwater station and how interesting it was. then this season they discover a temple and its not. you just think well why didnt they see that before? so you think ok new location, fine. then they kill everyone and leave. completely pointless safehouse.


last nights episode i didnt really follow. my brain is refusing to think about what it means. BUT OMG MORE OLD CHARACTERS BOING BOING BOING ZOMFG

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Eloise is pointless, she keeps hinting at stuff Des shouldn't know, yet that only makes him even more aware that something's up. No sane person would do that if they really did want to make sure that he doesn't start getting more curious.


I guess that was probably my only big wtf why moment in the episode, it wasn't bad otherwise and yeh I hope they speed up the flashback shit and or just bounce between actual intense intensity in ten cities on the island more often.

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my brain is refusing to think about what it means.



i think this is exactly whats happening with me.


wow, desmond met penny again in the sideways timeline and now he is on a mission like charlie to get everyone back to the correct timeline because originally, they crashed on the island and couldn't wait to get off and then once they were off, they couldn't wait to get back so they got back and they really needed to escape the island so they blew a new timeline that they all need to try to get out of so they can get back to the right one which was where they crashed on the island?




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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I don't think they are trying to get back to island, I think they are trying to live the lives they were supposed to live with their "loves" (the island aside) I think

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but if the altered timeline is wrong, according to faraday, then the correct one is the one in which they crashed on the island.


the thing thats really gotten silly for me is the whole "what if we werent supposed to let that nuke go off" and now they are in the wrong timeline. they are hinting at if smokey gets off the island, he will kill everyone in the world (even though he cant fly over water. i guess he would wipe out continents at a time and then take a nice leisurely boat ride to the next one) but if they stop smokey, who is to say they didnt alter that timeline incorrectly?



why does the same show that gets into theoretical time warps and alternate infinite realities also have a character called the smoke monster? fuck.


I don't think they are trying to get back to island, I think they are trying to live the lives they were supposed to live with their "loves" (the island aside) I think



plus, thats crap because sawyer only met juliet on the island. if he meets her off the island and realizes he once loved her, its because they were on the island.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse


I don't think they are trying to get back to island, I think they are trying to live the lives they were supposed to live with their "loves" (the island aside) I think



plus, thats crap because sawyer only met juliet on the island. if he meets her off the island and realizes he once loved her, its because they were on the island.


lol I really don't get your point stating how that's any different or a deal breaker on the idea of what they are trying to do.

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All that shit with the temple seems completely pointless now, Sayid could have been infected anywhere like Claire. We didn't need 6 weeks of drag out to explain that.


was thinking about that last night. was remembering when they discovered the underwater station and how interesting it was. then this season they discover a temple and its not. you just think well why didnt they see that before? so you think ok new location, fine. then they kill everyone and leave. completely pointless safehouse.



Unless of course the temple plays an important role in later episodes? It is after all, a temple.

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I think the temple is a leftover of something they wanted to do previously but didn't get the chance to include. I think they mentioned it in season 3 and i remember reading about the temple set being built around that time.

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I think the temple is a leftover of something they wanted to do previously but didn't get the chance to include. I think they mentioned it in season 3 and i remember reading about the temple set being built around that time.



see shit like this is what drives me nuts about this show.


Whether you loved or hated the X-Files, that was a show well-written for at least 6 or 7 seasons (the last two or whatever were horrible), but they revealed practically everything that needed to be revealed, used, etc....i cant wrap my head around a serious team of writers that believe they can "make it up as they go along", and then proceed not only to explain practically NOTHING in the larger scheme of things, instead, they eschew certain parts as if they meant nothing and CREATE EVEN MORE questions which will most likely not be resolved and further dilute the plot.


this series i was skeptical about, then i remember i watched seasons 1 and 2 in korea and i said to myself, "wow, i havent been this interested in a tv show since the x-files"...so many similarities...but the similarities ended there


i dunno, again, im bitching, but it needed to be vented out of my mind lol

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I don't think they are trying to get back to island, I think they are trying to live the lives they were supposed to live with their "loves" (the island aside) I think



plus, thats crap because sawyer only met juliet on the island. if he meets her off the island and realizes he once loved her, its because they were on the island.


lol I really don't get your point stating how that's any different or a deal breaker on the idea of what they are trying to do.



what exactly is it they are trying to do?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

what I saying, I don't think they could possibly suggest in such ridiculousness that the peeps in the alternate time line need to get back to the island. I think they are just gonna try and make sure they love the ones they were supposed to or something gay(cheesecake heterosexual love story faggot shit)((pussy ass love story crap))(((not making a derogatory low hierarchy suggestion put down on homosexuals))) like that.

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