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Avatar wins Best Picture and Cameron takes Best Director at the Golden Globes


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i didn't see it in 3D and it wasn't very impressive. does this 3D thing really work? i might go watch it again just for the 3D


wtf dude, go and see it in 3D this goddam minute, its the whole point


the iMax in London is booked out till the end of Feb pretty much, unless you wanna sit right at the front, so good luck


And dont worry about getting a headache, real men dont get no damn headaches in a 3D movie



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fern gully w/ smurfs.


this has been pointed out so many times, its really not ... oh forget it


now, this, this is funny:





RED-SHIRT: Dude, do you have time for me to spout some exposition? It's really the only time my character will contribute anything meaningful.


JUGHEAD: Knock yourself out.


RED-SHIRT: Okay, so these over here are the bodies we call "Avatars". They're artificially created versions of the native Smurf creatures that inhabit this planet. While you sit in a modified tanning bed, you mentally hook up with the body that has been genetically matched to you. Well, to your brother, but that's good enough. Or something. Anyway, being in Smurf-mode takes a lot of training to be able to handle, but we're pretty much going to just throw you in because for some reason, we're in a super rush to get you into the program. Despite the fact that, precisely because you have no training, our lead scientist is going to regulate you to vague security duties you can't even perform because of the overwhelming difficulties of the hostile environment we're in. You won't even know how to handle the first creature you encounter while we do scientific studies you can't help us with.


OTHER SCIENTIST: I guess I won't have much to contribute to this scene.


RED-SHIRT: Yeah, get used to that.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

being a mediocre film is one thing, but it's seriously on its way to becoming the largest-grossing film in history. how in the fuck are you guys thinking it'll be forgotten about?


when you adjust for inflation, is that still true?




idk if that's accurate. we should measure these things in amount of tickets sold instead of how much money films make.


Zhivago is a great film.

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Hating on haters is the lowest form of hating.



Haters hate because they personally feel threatened by whatever and have to tear it apart out of insecurity. Hater haters are merely calling a spade.


Haters hating haters only hate, because the haters make them insecure.


there's a difference.. it's all about the motive. the hater mentality is about criticism for criticism's sake.. not because of an honest, valid argument. they aren't called that for nothing, so to be peeved by them makes perfect sense.

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so she's a fake ginger. that's gross.


i was a little disappointed to find she's a fake ginge, but i certainly don't think it's gross.

it just made me wonder if she dyed her pubes. with the pale skin it works for her innit.

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I actually agree with lulle and lump on this. I don't think 3D will stick this time as it can only be used in action and kids films.


what about for something like an epic drama like Lawrence of Arabia or even the modern half-assed affairs like Australia? I could easily see a market for doing a genres beyond action or kids movies.

if 3d sticks, and i think it will, looking back on debates about if 3d is worthwhile will mirror debates in the past of color VS black and white

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fern gully w/ smurfs.


this has been pointed out so many times, its really not ... oh forget it


now, this, this is funny:





RED-SHIRT: Dude, do you have time for me to spout some exposition? It's really the only time my character will contribute anything meaningful.


JUGHEAD: Knock yourself out.


RED-SHIRT: Okay, so these over here are the bodies we call "Avatars". They're artificially created versions of the native Smurf creatures that inhabit this planet. While you sit in a modified tanning bed, you mentally hook up with the body that has been genetically matched to you. Well, to your brother, but that's good enough. Or something. Anyway, being in Smurf-mode takes a lot of training to be able to handle, but we're pretty much going to just throw you in because for some reason, we're in a super rush to get you into the program. Despite the fact that, precisely because you have no training, our lead scientist is going to regulate you to vague security duties you can't even perform because of the overwhelming difficulties of the hostile environment we're in. You won't even know how to handle the first creature you encounter while we do scientific studies you can't help us with.


OTHER SCIENTIST: I guess I won't have much to contribute to this scene.


RED-SHIRT: Yeah, get used to that.


this was hilarious.

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Guest Adjective
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Anyway, I guess that's still huge. The flimsy plot makes this incredibly accessible for foreign markets. Another clever move.


Yeah all those foreigners with their simple minds will surely love this show about white men coming in to save the natives.



ah nevermind, in that case it'd only be in the top five grossing films of all time—definitely a throwaway in that case.

I always forget about that direct correlation between popularity and quality.

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Guest Backson

Avatar reminds me of Lady Gaga


not fantastic, not bad enough to despise, just very simple and very middle of the road.


and yet everyone is either screaming its praises from the mountaintops, or formulating plans to torture and kill it.


get a grip people.

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Avatar excites me because it was the most fun I had in the theater since No Country, There Will Be Blood, and Children of Men. Perhaps it is the amazing 3D that accounts for that, but why does that not matter? Without the work of Cameron, special effects would not be where they are now. Avatar represents honesty and truth. This decade has been filled with crap, to see a man come back after 14 years and work his ass off creating his dream project makes every other big blockbuster producer/director look like a fat greedy asshole. This film is far from perfect, especially if you examine without getting lost in it. It's science fiction / fantasy , yes it's a tad cartoonish and silly, but it's core message is brutally honest and is filled with emotion. China is now banning the film starting Jan 23rd because they fear it's affecting peoples' views on them [China Government]

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China is now banning the film starting Jan 23rd because they fear it's affecting peoples' views on them [China Government]


Where did you hear that? I was just talking with my assistant and he said they are only blocking the 2D version starting on the 23rd. Apparently the reason has nothing to do with censorship, they are concerned that it is booking up all the theaters and preventing domestic movies from being seen (as you may know China lets in a limited number of foreign films per year as a protectionist move to protect the local industry). My assistant guesses that the Chinese movie industry complained to the Ministry of Culture that Avatar was pushing their films out of the theater. I think that sounds like a more reasonable explanation than that Cameron's radical film was agitating the peons.

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I'd put a lot more stock in the protectionist film industry angle than as a reaction to Google. Korea did the exact same thing for a long time, and were forced to lower their "screen quota" percentages in the KORUS FTA. As for retribution for Google, the Chinese government was pushing Baidu as the "people's search engine", and probably couldn't be happier that the only serious competitor exited the market.

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oh my lord. those are amazing special effects, I can only imagine how good they look in 3D.

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fern gully w/ smurfs.


this has been pointed out so many times, its really not ... oh forget it


now, this, this is funny:





RED-SHIRT: Dude, do you have time for me to spout some exposition? It's really the only time my character will contribute anything meaningful.


JUGHEAD: Knock yourself out.


RED-SHIRT: Okay, so these over here are the bodies we call "Avatars". They're artificially created versions of the native Smurf creatures that inhabit this planet. While you sit in a modified tanning bed, you mentally hook up with the body that has been genetically matched to you. Well, to your brother, but that's good enough. Or something. Anyway, being in Smurf-mode takes a lot of training to be able to handle, but we're pretty much going to just throw you in because for some reason, we're in a super rush to get you into the program. Despite the fact that, precisely because you have no training, our lead scientist is going to regulate you to vague security duties you can't even perform because of the overwhelming difficulties of the hostile environment we're in. You won't even know how to handle the first creature you encounter while we do scientific studies you can't help us with.


OTHER SCIENTIST: I guess I won't have much to contribute to this scene.


RED-SHIRT: Yeah, get used to that.


Really brilliant link here.

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Avatar reminds me of Lady Gaga


not fantastic, not bad enough to despise, just very simple and very middle of the road.




Simple? are you serious?


Is anyone here over the age of 18? lol.

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