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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

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Guest Coalbucket PI

What the fuck is this about a Banksy film? How can stencils of stuff happening with parts of it slightly changed be translated into a film?

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I'm really anxious about this film being crap, as I love Chris Morris and hated Nathan Barley. But that clip makes it look promising! Nice to finally see some footage at last.

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I'm really anxious about this film being crap, as I love Chris Morris and hated Nathan Barley. But that clip makes it look promising! Nice to finally see some footage at last.


really? i thought Nathan Barley was pretty fucking hilarious. not on a par with On The Hour / The Day Today, Brass Eye, or the legendary jam though.


back on topic, i can't fucking wait for this

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i think nathan barley was mainly written by charlie brooker though

nathan barley is brilliant any way



strange this clip should turn up today as i watched all 6 jams again last night



am excited about this film

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I'm really anxious about this film being crap, as I love Chris Morris and hated Nathan Barley. But that clip makes it look promising! Nice to finally see some footage at last.


really? i thought Nathan Barley was pretty fucking hilarious. not on a par with On The Hour / The Day Today, Brass Eye, or the legendary jam though.


back on topic, i can't fucking wait for this


I was late to Nathan Barley though, only tried watching it a year ago or something. I was surrounded by Nathan Barleys in college so his character wasn't all that surprising to me. I dunno, it just didn't tickle me.

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I'm really anxious about this film being crap, as I love Chris Morris and hated Nathan Barley. But that clip makes it look promising! Nice to finally see some footage at last.


really? i thought Nathan Barley was pretty fucking hilarious. not on a par with On The Hour / The Day Today, Brass Eye, or the legendary jam though.


back on topic, i can't fucking wait for this


I was late to Nathan Barley though, only tried watching it a year ago or something. I was surrounded by Nathan Barleys in college so his character wasn't all that surprising to me. I dunno, it just didn't tickle me.


can totally understand it if you've been surrounded by the little dickshits. must admit though, the character that Noel Fielding plays used to make me laugh a lot more back when i first saw it. probably because he reminded me of me :p

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Guest sero_13

I'd forgotten about this, I remember reading about him going to some seminars on cookd and bombed about 4 years ago. I'm looking forward to it.


I've just finished listening to all 3 series of Blue Jam recently and it was brilliant, so much I'd forgotten. I'm going to start On the Hour soon, me thinks.

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