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Driving while Stoned

Guest Hanratty

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Guest hahathhat

mellow u has it right...


as long as you're not REALLY HIGH, as long as the traffic is not vicious, it's fun. video game is a good analogy. first time i drove high, i started to drive _FAST_. i didn't even realize it, time had slowed down a bit. my friend in the car asked me to please slow down.


on the other hand, there's a freeway near here that's in poor repair and full of foul-tempered, aggressive drivers. this is not a road that's good to drive baked.

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Guest Franklin

DON'T DO IT you numskulls/pussies.


I make enough money as it is helping people recover from crashes.


Everybody should be thinking about DRIVING when they're driving, not drifting off thinking about supper, or the Nice Tits thread or cumming stupid hard after looking at a robot/sexy girl pic whilst in a cozy high or other inebriated state.

If you've never been in an accident you have no idea how badly it can fuck up your life.

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i'd drive whilst under the influence of what i can acquire here.

i WOULD NOT drive whilst under the influence of what i could acquire in the netherlands.


6am: the rave is over - some guy has this idea to drive to a club about 5km outside town, which is open til 9am. it's a fucking dodgy-ass club - full of gangsters and lowlives. it's december, and there's snow and ice FUCKING EVERYWHERE. so despite my better judgement i get into the car (in fairness dude was on a pile of other shit too, i reckon). about 3km outside town he loses control and goes into a full on U-ey. we're coming up to a junction, bizarrely the only place on the motorway with no barriers. we end up facing the wrong way on the wrong side of the motorway. if it wasn't 6:30am on a sunday, i'm sure i would be dead now.


not to mention the time i was the passenger in a car driving 20km back from a drum n bass rave in leiden with a driver full of ketamine and MDMA. man we even managed to pull up outside a coffeeshop in haarlem at 9am to get some comedown materials. no idea how i made it back from that one alive.

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True story: Years ago when I used to get baked and drive all the time, I was working at a pizza place, and I drove this one co-worker home one night. He offered to get me high when we got to his place so I took him up on it, and figured I'd be fine. Apparently the shit we smoked was so high grade and I didn't even know until moments after getting in my car. I was listening to the Tony Iommi solo album at the time (the one with all the guests) and the track with the girl from Skunk Anansie came on super loud. The riff was so epic and crushing that I lost focus and literally turned right into a muddy ditch. Being that stoned and out in some country road I had no idea where I was, and here was my car ass up, unable to be backed out of the ditch. I thumb around for a couple minutes but it's late at night so barely anyone drives by, until a white Cadillac pulls up behind me, with booty bass pumping loud as fuck. This Barry White looking guy gets out, dressed like a full on pimp, and lets me use his cell phone. I told him I had worked a double shift (true) and passed out driving. Not thinking straight at all, I dial my dad's house where I lived at the time, and get the machine. "Hey dad, I passed out at the wheel and drove into a ditch, and I have no idea where I am, but I need you to come and get me." Hilariously I didn't leave him the cell number either, talk about being fried. The guy decided to be cool and hang out with me until someone came to get me, and in talking about my job (this whole time I am still wearing my cook uniform) it was revealed that he ate at my pizza place earlier that night, oddly enough. After a couple more minutes, a truck pulls up behind his Cadillac, and seriously like 6 Mexican dudes get out, all speaking Spanish while looking over the details of my car and completely disregarding me or the pimp guy. Within 30 seconds they all pile back into the truck and drive off, leaving us to wonder what the fuck just happened. 5 minutes later, a second truck arrives, this time with all 6 Mexican guys in tow in the truck bed, and a very sleepy/drunk looking farmer guy driving. The guy gets out, does not say a word, and hands me a hook and chain from his pickup to attach to my car so he can pull it out. The whole time I am manically thanking him and explaining where I work so he can get free pizza anytime he comes in if he asks. The car gets pulled out and everyone drives off, and I somehow make it home in time to delete the voicemail message I left my dad (he was in bed already and apparently didn't wake up), hose off the front of my car, and enjoy the rest of my high with some twinkies and SAW II.


i found this story extremely entertaining, thanks

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i admit to driving several times stoned, but only after some hours had passed since i smoked the last time. and it's usually late in the night, so the roads are empty. not sure if i would venture out in rush hour. i drive like a pro tho, when a little stoned. smooth and according to speed limits. only slightly scary thing, is that i find myself spacing out and realizing that i've driven several miles and really don't have any recollection of it. but i guess driving is already so embedded in my system it's almost a subconscious thing.

i'd avoid driving on the influence of anything all together.

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True story: Years ago when I used to get baked and drive all the time, I was working at a pizza place, and I drove this one co-worker home one night. He offered to get me high when we got to his place so I took him up on it, and figured I'd be fine. Apparently the shit we smoked was so high grade and I didn't even know until moments after getting in my car. I was listening to the Tony Iommi solo album at the time (the one with all the guests) and the track with the girl from Skunk Anansie came on super loud. The riff was so epic and crushing that I lost focus and literally turned right into a muddy ditch. Being that stoned and out in some country road I had no idea where I was, and here was my car ass up, unable to be backed out of the ditch. I thumb around for a couple minutes but it's late at night so barely anyone drives by, until a white Cadillac pulls up behind me, with booty bass pumping loud as fuck. This Barry White looking guy gets out, dressed like a full on pimp, and lets me use his cell phone. I told him I had worked a double shift (true) and passed out driving. Not thinking straight at all, I dial my dad's house where I lived at the time, and get the machine. "Hey dad, I passed out at the wheel and drove into a ditch, and I have no idea where I am, but I need you to come and get me." Hilariously I didn't leave him the cell number either, talk about being fried. The guy decided to be cool and hang out with me until someone came to get me, and in talking about my job (this whole time I am still wearing my cook uniform) it was revealed that he ate at my pizza place earlier that night, oddly enough. After a couple more minutes, a truck pulls up behind his Cadillac, and seriously like 6 Mexican dudes get out, all speaking Spanish while looking over the details of my car and completely disregarding me or the pimp guy. Within 30 seconds they all pile back into the truck and drive off, leaving us to wonder what the fuck just happened. 5 minutes later, a second truck arrives, this time with all 6 Mexican guys in tow in the truck bed, and a very sleepy/drunk looking farmer guy driving. The guy gets out, does not say a word, and hands me a hook and chain from his pickup to attach to my car so he can pull it out. The whole time I am manically thanking him and explaining where I work so he can get free pizza anytime he comes in if he asks. The car gets pulled out and everyone drives off, and I somehow make it home in time to delete the voicemail message I left my dad (he was in bed already and apparently didn't wake up), hose off the front of my car, and enjoy the rest of my high with some twinkies and SAW II.


i found this story extremely entertaining, thanks



Haha yeah, every time I tell that one someone tells me it would be a good bit in a stand up comedy routine. I have a ton of weird/funny party stories but I figure everyone does so I never really think to post. There was the one other time I was so baked that I drove my car full on into someone's front yard and through their garden, just because I forgot to turn my headlights on. It was just like the movies, with the pink plastic flamingo on my hood and everything. Ever the ego-conscious stoner, I reassured my screaming friends that I was merely "testing" them to make sure they were paying attention to the road too.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Everybody should be thinking about DRIVING when they're driving, not drifting off thinking about supper, or the Nice Tits thread or cumming stupid hard after looking at a robot/sexy girl pic whilst in a cozy high or other inebriated state.

If you've never been in an accident you have no idea how badly it can fuck up your life.


thing is unless your an idiot drive whilst so stoned you can barely walk:being stoned driving makes you more concerned, careful, attentive of the road.


most people let there mind drift a lot more whilst driving sober than driving roasted.


but then theres some people who just let their mind drift either way and ruin things for the rest of us smart people

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driving 20km back from a drum n bass rave in leiden with a driver full of ketamine and MDMA.

A bit OT but everytime I've left a Dnb night, I still hear "boom cak, boom-cak, boom cak, boom-cak" in my head until I go to sleep and it has been known to drive me insane.


That said I've driven stoned loads of times. makes me a better driver b/c I'm so afraid of everything. Speed limit 45 mph you say? Man I'm flying (really going about 37 mph).


However there have been times where I had just smoked and was useless to do anything for the next 15-20 mins till I came down a lil and (most) every time I have pulled over or made someone else drive.


Sitting in a car, having weed and a pipe, waiting to come down a lil in a public place is one of the most paranoia inducing things in the world. Don't recommend that. Especially if it's daytime. "Theyy knowwwwwww man, they knowwww".

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driving 20km back from a drum n bass rave in leiden with a driver full of ketamine and MDMA.

A bit OT but everytime I've left a Dnb night, I still hear "boom cak, boom-cak, boom cak, boom-cak" in my head until I go to sleep and it has been known to drive me insane.


i remember hearing the best gabba in the world from street-cleaning trucks after a night of hard, evil music.

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:facepalm: some people make stoned drivers look really bad... thx


lol yeah


to be fair tho, I probably learned to drive high, and certainly went through drivers ed high, so I was payed attention and did good and stuff. I've been in 2 accidents in 11 years of driving, and both were stone cold sober. I'm not ADVOCATING driving while high, but it was such a commonplace thing in my teen years. A lot of my "learning to drive years" drive hours were on bud cruises, as we all lived with our folks and couldnt smoke at home. I'm certainly not bragging, just saying. I've only felt scared driving 2 times. In 1999-2000, a buddy and I would get off of work together at midnight or so, go to wal-mart, steal dxm, take it, then drive around the country till dawn, trippin balls, jamming afx and drum n bass, and smoking herb in good amounts. Now THAT was like a video game. Ridiculous. Anyhow, I was probably 17, and it was my weekend to drive. We had gotten off about 3 hours earlier than usual, so we had started tripping earlier than usual, meaning we started coming down earlier. We re-dosed about a 1/2 dose, and forgot about it. We didn't know about "plateaus". You could imagine our surprise when 3rd plateau whomped us out of nowhere 45 min later. I'm having a REALLY hard time driving. Couldn't focus, and to top it off, I was lost, and in practically my own back yard. Everything was alien to me. We were on country roads, so cars weren't much of an issue, but whenever one passed by it scared the piss out of me. Luckily after 15-20 min of hell I found a safe house... a beacon in the night. It was mid december, and this house was lit up to the gills. It was the home of SAFE friends of ours, who were cool as shit. I remember opening the car door and getting out, staggering to their front door with a nonsensical LURCH as my brain struggled to control my body. We went in, smoked some herb with them, then sat in my car waiting for the sun and sanity.


A time driving on acid was one of the most awesome/mind blowingly retarded/irresponsible experiences of my life.



rough list (there are exceptions here and this is just my opinion BASED ON EXPERIENCE)

Alcohol/benzos/salvia/dmt are the worst to drive on (lol i haven't done the last 2 whilst driving)

then opiates

then tripping

then speed

then weed


These days I wont drive on anything except weed and maybe 2-3 beers.

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These days I wont drive on anything except weed and maybe 2-3 beers.


good post except fo this bit. i wouldn't drive after a single beer.

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Guest catacombus

When I was a teenager I used to drive high almost every time I drove, because I used to be high all the time. I thought it was incredibly easy. Then when I turned 21 I drove drunk basically every friday and saturday for about 3 years until I got busted. A few times I drove while completely blackout drunk. I have no idea how I managed that.


Man, but if there is one thing I would not ever drive on, it's DXM.

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Guest Backson

my friend has done it, and claims that he was a better driver while high because "everything slowed down"


he's a fucking idiot, btw

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i did once drive a couple of hundred meters on acid and it was both the most intensely horrofying and awesomest thing. all the lights from the dashbord lighted up and sparked in my face and it felt like i was in some kind of spaceship flying in the death star trench. having safely parked my car was really satisfying.

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Mischa Barton does it so I approve it.




Well, no... it all depends on the kind of stoner you are. Give it a try. If you crash your car then don't do it again. Good luck.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

it depends on how stupid you are: you could drink too much water too fast, go drive, realize you've got hyponatremia, have a seizure behind the wheel and cause a violently murderous 11 car pile.


You have to use judgment, you have to know yourself, you have to know the substance a bit and you have to not be an idiot as not to ruin things for smart people

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Guest munch

I say , be safe - i would rather smoke pot in my flat, than died in a car crash because i was smoking pot.

I don't think anyone in the history of human life would rather die in a car crash.

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When I got into a major car accident a few years back, I was stoned as shit and worried the cops would smell it at the crash site, luckily it was raining and the bitch who hit me was more baked than I was! Of course she ran a red light, was also drunk, and had no insurance so I felt justified in my stupor. Got a nifty $25k out of it from my insurace, plus I can drive stoned perfectly well.

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I drove at 125mph on acid once. I felt like a was playing a computer game.

YES! But no. I don't ever ever ever recommend driving on acid. Especially 125. I didn't want to, however, the one time i was basically forced to (on a dead country road at night) it was intense. I probably only went 35 mph (lol) but the flat road (i went back and made sure a week later) was the most hilly road I had ever driven on, and the hills wouldn't stop moving underneath me. But yes, it felt EXACTLY like I was playing a video game, but irl video game.

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