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How To Destroy Angels


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I don't see how this is any different than NIN+Trent's wife at this point. I didn't think any of them were terrible until the last one. It's so obvious how clueless she is about playing, so at this point, I'm officially turned the fuck off. I wanted it to be good, I really did. I just wonder who's idea it was? Was trent like : pretty wife, synths, viral vids, ?????, Profit? OR was SHE like, "Trenty-Poo, I wanna be a rock star toooooo"?????????????????

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I don't see how this is any different than NIN+Trent's wife at this point.

Maybe it's not supposed to be anything other than that?


Meh, I won't pass judgment until I can hear some entire songs, or the entire EP.

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I don't see how this is any different than NIN+Trent's wife at this point.

Maybe it's not supposed to be anything other than that?


Well, if that is the case, lol @ him. Seriously.

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Guest Z_B_Z

yeah the last vid wasnt as good as the others but i didnt think it was horrible or anything..

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i don't want to be negative but this ep has total facepalm all over it. i know its wrong, but to be honest, i dont think i'll like it just because it has his wife on it. to me it seems like its more about them making music because they are a couple rather than because its a good idea. this seems very shallow of me.

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I'm leaning towards what you're saying as well jules... I'm very scared of this. But of course, I hope, pray and dream to be pleasantly surprised by the lack of vocals and quality of the songwriting.

Edited by colunga
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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse
:facepalm: Mariqueen's vocals/lyrics on this debut song are waaay fucking worse than trent at his WORST
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Hmm yeah I'd rather listen to Trent too. I'm generally not a fan of female vocals. And I hate to say it but especially in electronic music because it tends to sound cheesy versus in rock where it's just more honest/real.


Musically sounds alright, but that doesn't do much good if I don't like the vocals now does it.

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Guest A/D

it sounds a lot like like year zero with female vocals, which i think is an excellent idea. i shall most likely enjoy this EP. i would be surprised if trent's voice is totally absent, but i'll be content to wait and see!

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Guest mafted

that should be a sticker on the finished cd: "Trent Reznor's latest project with hunny bunny" , or the sub title.


irl lol

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She may be singing, but it sounds like Trent wrote the vocal melody. I like it, but it sounds exactly like what you'd expect. He's used that chord progression/melody idea combo sooooo many times over now.

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Guest Jacck

I think she has a nice voice. I agree with the above comment though: it's quite boring in the light of the most recent NIN material. Sounds very samey.

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Where's the Meathead Perspective when you need it?


Wait: and this track reminds me a lot of Zero Sum for some reason.

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yea after listening to this, its pretty much exactly as expected. maybe she whined enough to trent about fever ray being so successful and she wants to be a rock star too. she will have to try harder.

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Guest Greg Reason

:facepalm: Mariqueen's vocals/lyrics on this debut song are waaay fucking worse than trent at his WORST


Kinda I want to maybe just for tonight. We can pretend it's alright. What's the price I pay? I don't care what they say. I want to. (I'll take my chance tonight).

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I quite liked it! I've not really listened to NIN for years, but I thought that was pretty good. I don't really see the problem apart from easy pisstaking with them doing it, lots of couples jam and make music together


Also Pro One and Arp in that last vid, nice!

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Guest Greg Reason

Yeah I think it's a lot better than much of what TRs done since The Fragile. Way better than aWitha Teetha and The Slip. Good to hear a little more thought put into sound design and it's nice to not have him singing for a change. That was a really cool thing with the Saul Williams album as well and that still stands up nicely.

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