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failed car bomb in times square


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My best mate and his wife are in New York this weekend on a 5 day break. I wouldn't be too happy if they came home in peices.



Don't worry. the scary brown people aren't gonna get them...yet! But they will. Oh they will. unless you trust your government so please let them observe everything you ever do so then everyone will be safe.


papers please citizen.

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My best mate and his wife are in New York this weekend on a 5 day break. I wouldn't be too happy if they came home in peices.



Don't worry. the scary brown people aren't gonna get them...yet! But they will. Oh they will. unless you trust your government so please let them observe everything you ever do so then everyone will be safe.


papers please citizen.



I have no idea what you're on about.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i don't think most people realise that over 50% of the world's cctv cameras are in the uk. there's one camera for every 12 people in the country here.

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My best mate and his wife are in New York this weekend on a 5 day break. I wouldn't be too happy if they came home in peices.



Don't worry. the scary brown people aren't gonna get them...yet! But they will. Oh they will. unless you trust your government so please let them observe everything you ever do so then everyone will be safe.


papers please citizen.



I have no idea what you're on about.





it's only a matter of time.



Yeah baby. 243 days, 13 hours, 33 minutes UTC until New Year's Eve and they reanimate Dick Clarke!!

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My best mate and his wife are in New York this weekend on a 5 day break. I wouldn't be too happy if they came home in peices.



Don't worry. the scary brown people aren't gonna get them...yet! But they will. Oh they will. unless you trust your government so please let them observe everything you ever do so then everyone will be safe.


papers please citizen.



I have no idea what you're on about.





Nope, still none the clearer.


I make a comment about hoping my friends wouldn't get killed in a car bomb. I also make a comment about not really liking burqas. Both reasonable thoughts, nothing out of the ordinary. Or so I thought.....


Could you explain in plain English what you are going on about?

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It makes most sense if he was going on about all the shit in Arizona where Mexican-Americans are getting stopped and arrested for not having their birth certificates on them.

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Oh i'm sorry, are you not implying that if you got rid of all the Muslims in the country that the country would be "better"?

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Oh i'm sorry, are you not implying that if you got rid of all the Muslims in the country that the country would be "better"?



And when the fuck did I say that? You are getting on my tits my friend.


Okay okay, you wised up, I am a nazi and you are a fuckwit.

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Guest Dirty Protest

I've watched 2 massive bombs go of in my life, they're exciting. I think there was a car bomb in northern ireland last night, they barely make the news. 1 in america, its like the world is going to end

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