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could you pick your neighbors out of a lineup?


do you know who your neighbors are?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. The people who live beside you?

    • I have no idea who they are or what they look like.
    • I know who they are, but we've never talked.
    • We're reasonably acquainted.
    • They're good friends of mine.

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one neighbor is a pretty nice 40 year old lady...the asshole mailman always fuckin mixes up our mail so i always gotta go up and give it to her.


the other neighbor is pretty quiet, about my age, works at best buy, he plays movies all the time.



then the other guy apparently just got out or prison and has a kid, who i dont see much of


however he likes to talk shit to some crippled lady that comes to visit now and then.



i need to get the hell out of here.

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Guest Conor74

I got in the elevator yesterday with some old lady. Turns out she's my neighbor. Never seen her before... common experience?


Yeah. I've never seen your neighbour before either!

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My dad actually had to do this. He was assaulted by the guy who lives a few houses down from us. The police quit the case because his wife claims she saw him and he didn't do it, which is apparently plenty more evidence than the marks on my dad's face.



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my gaff is semi-detached, so only have neighbours on one side. and considering it's an apartment which has a fairly high turnover of tenants, i barely know what they look like. all i know is they're quieter than the heroin dealers which lived there about a year ago til they got busted.

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Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

probably 70% of mine have already been picked out of a lineup at some stage in their despicable lives

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Guest ezkerraldean

not currently but i'm not living here permanently innit. my family used to be pretty pally with our whole street back before i left for uni

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i've lived here for 5+ years and has never seen my next door neighbor. about 2 years ago a cop came and rang my doorbell and asked me what he looks like, i said i've lived here for 3+ years and has never seen him, the cop goes "hmm? that's ODD" and gives me a suspicious stare before he fucks off.


*cool story bros himself*

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Guest uptown devil

only if we could both see each other so i could recognize the dirty looks they give me when i drive by. assholes.

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Guest Lube Saibot

My neighbors call the cops on me every fucking time i work on stuff with the subwoofer on. I do realize that is to be expected a little, but not so much after the same neighbors have kept one of those talking parrots on the balcony (the kids must've messed with it and it shrieked obscenities 24\7... kind of funny at first, but it's kind of hard to fall asleep to 50 decibels of "cock! COOOOOOOOOOOCK! SHIT!") and then kept a GREAT DANE of the balcony until it DIED of loneliness (and as it shriveled away for 3 months, it would howl mournfully at all hours of day and night). Additionally, my other next door neighbor is a small business, and they would use my yard access as an ad-hoc office parking lot until they finally and thankfully went bankrupt. Bless you recession. So fuck'em, at least my noise is mildly musical, relegated to daytime and not directly inhibitive to their daily goings-on.


So to answer the OP: if i did see them in a line-up, i would finger them instead whether they were the culprits or not.


Pun not deliberate, but retroactively intended.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i know them all relatively well. stop and chat with 2/5, hello and move on with 2/5, fake friendliness (barely) with 1/5. the odd thing is seeing them out of context. if i saw my neighbour not in or around our building i may struggle.

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Guest Glass Plate

not currently but i'm not living here permanently innit. my family used to be pretty pally with our whole street back before i left for uni

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Guest sine

I get on alright with the neighbours on each side of my house.On one side its a middle aged couple who always get me to water their garden when they go on holiday and on the other is a milkman and his son.The son is an aspiring graffiti artist and seems polite and thoughtful.HOWEVER...next door but one,not only could I pick the bitch out of a line up,I fully expect to do so any day now.

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after 3 years here...


i say hello to next door in passing... they usually reply.


i say hello to down stairs in passing... they usually don't reply, but they're fat smelly american weirdos.


couple of guys downstairs i talk to on first name basis and occasionally bump into them in the local.


guy who does next door garden i chat to when cutting the grass and we bitch about the amount of dogshit in the street and other important issues.

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Guest dilbthelame

my road has 17 houses on it, 2 empty houses so 14 neighbours, i know about 8 of them. not really to chat to but we'll say hi passing on the street. the rest of them i don't even know what they look like.


when i was at uni/living on my own, i used to live mostly on long-ass terraces, from which i'd usually just about know my left and right neighbours and maybe direct opposites. until one place where direct opposites were a trio of crack addicts with the police coming round every other night, kinda stopped acknowedging them after the slurred death threats got boring.

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I'm really good friends with the people that live below me. We leave our doors unlocked and just walk in to each other's apartments all the time. I made out with the girl that lives next door a few times, and there's an old Indian guy that sounds like death when he smokes. He doesn't say much...

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Guest A/D

one of those talking parrots on the balcony (the kids must've messed with it and it shrieked obscenities 24\7... kind of funny at first, but it's kind of hard to fall asleep to 50 decibels of "cock! COOOOOOOOOOOCK! SHIT!"

god damn . . that is hilarious, but yes, i totally understand why you are angry

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My neighbors are as follows (WALL OF TEXT):

- The Kosovo people whose younger daughter is my little sister's friend. The dad is a security guard, and the mom is a nurse. The one who is my sister's friend almost always calls our house just as someone gets home. She's a pain. They also make too much noise.

- The the second husband to a woman with 2 trouble-making kids, one younger one who is becoming a crumb, and a new one. Once the trouble making son took some plastic thing out of our garbage and smacked some girl in the head and made her bleed. Another time, his sister shot my sister with a BB gun. She also wears a fuckload of makeup and is only like 12.

- A fat woman who has a lot of fat friends and a young son who is friends with my sister.

- A muscular bald van dyked man who is protective of his truck. One time my mom went to have him open a jar and he was all like, "What do I get? A kiss?" Creeper.

- The big and tall bald van dyked ex-husband of a woman who used to live with him who would babysit me and my brother when we were young. He is the cop who stands there at court. He once shocked me with a taser lolol.

- A creepy motherfucker old bald glasses wearing mofo. He seems to watch kids. He would talk to my mom on occasion. My mom invited him to go to church with her and my sister, and when she went to get him, his daughter was yelling and said, "... What do you mean I'm going to have a new sister?" Which seemed to be him referring to my sister. My mom asked the cops about him, and they said they had been watching him in unmarked cars. :\ He also works at a great convenience store right by our homes.

-These Hispanic people who once wouldn't let me play with their son or whatever who is one year younger than me. The grandpa is a weird mofo. My sister said that she was in their garage playing with the younger kids who live/lived there, and the boy grabbed a shotgun and 'shot' his sister. (^The sister is the girl the trouble-maker hit^) My sister was young so maybe she was mistaken. But damn.




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Guest Lube Saibot

one of those talking parrots on the balcony (the kids must've messed with it and it shrieked obscenities 24\7... kind of funny at first, but it's kind of hard to fall asleep to 50 decibels of "cock! COOOOOOOOOOOCK! SHIT!"

god damn . . that is hilarious, but yes, i totally understand why you are angry


It really was hilarious at first. Especially considering i translated the curses from romanian and... lemme say this man: we've got pretty graphic inane shit for curses. Plus the phonetics of it all, it's a joy to swear in romanian.


But when the fucker started summoning penis demons at 4 o'clock in the morning it got a tad out of hand. I contemplated killing it several times. I'm glad I didn't have to and it died on its own, i would've felt like shit. Come to think of it... maybe the other neighbors were more cold-blooded.

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