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I'm afraid of flying


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I can not stand flying. More so, the anticipation of flying. I get so much anxiety thinking about the ride to the airport when my butterflies get out of control. Waiting to check my bag. Waiting at security. Waiting at the gate. Boarding and watching everyone get on wondering if I'm going down with these clueless strangers. Waiting to taxi. When we start to taxi my legs won't stop moving. I try to turn up my tunes but it doesn't help. The stewardess tells me no electronic devices during take off. The engines roar and everything shakes and there is no turning back. My palms are soaking through the cheap drool covering itchy pillow....


I've tried alcohol. Xanax. Alcohol and Xanax. Nothing seems to work. I try to read but I just read the same paragraph over and over because I can't concentrate. No watmm access at 7 miles over the earth in a tin can. The air is stale and I can't wait for it to end. Knowing the whole vacation I have to do it all again...

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

:shrug: I dunno what to say, I love the boner buzz weird feeling in your stomach when the plane takes off, I dont mind flying at all


if alcohol and xanax dont chill you out...

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Well they do but always seem to over do it. Xanax alone chills me out normally but if I triple what I normally take before I get on the plane it seems to have no effect. Then I worry so I pound a few drinks but that prevents me from sleeping. Argh.

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I've tried alcohol. Xanax. Alcohol and Xanax. Nothing seems to work.


take more.


yeah man, i don't understand. I'm the most anxious person i know, and that does the trick for me. Just don't veer into blackout territory and make an ass of yourself on the plane...

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I don't understand it either. It drives me nuts. During the flight if I realize I'm cool a wave of panic washes over me like I'm subconsciously punishing myself or something. Plus this flight is 8 am and I need to drive 2 hrs after I land so I can't over do it at all

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Guest abusivegeorge

I'm scared of lying, and I've always been afraid you're going to pop me the question, so I'll jsut come clean jules.


I fucked your mum.

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For some reason or another every single flight I have taken for the last six years or so has tobstart out with the kruder & dorfmeister k&d sessions.


I don't even know why I made this thread. Seems kind of silly now but the anticipatory anxiety cripples me sometimes

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Guest abusivegeorge

No one wants to be crippled dude.


Seriously though, if you know of anyone who takes anti-depressants, nick 30-50mg.


Take 3 hours before flight.

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Benadryl, dramamine, xanax and alcohol should work if taken together....


You will not have to worry about flying ever again...


ever......... :ohmy:

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Guest abusivegeorge

No one wants to be crippled dude.


Seriously though, if you know of anyone who takes anti-depressants, nick 30-50mg.


Take 3 hours before flight.


This was actually suggested to me before my very first experience of air travel. I was so relaxed it was awesome. My second experience of air travel I didn't do this and was sat scared shitless and shaking.


I've been totally drunk on flights ever since.

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Thanks. Yea I tried that. It's always about how driving is much more dangerous than flying. My thoughts are that I could survive a car crash though. Plus I don't even think it's a fear of death as much as lack of control and now with the added bonus of some wacky religous fanatic on board is worse.


Though I must say, it is odd to think theist dangerous part of a flight is your drive to the airport


I love taking huge dumps on planes.


hilarious. Asserting your power over the plane I suppose. I may have to try this.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I like how someone asks for advice regarding their anxiety and all watmm can suggest is to take drugs, and if that doesn't work, to take even more drugs :biggrin:



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I was just thinking a couple of days ago how I assumed or was told by an older brother or something that when you flushed the blue juice toilet on planes it just dumped outta all the shit in piss into the sky clouds

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Masturbating furiously is probably the best option. And if you take enough ambien, you'll do it automatically.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Masturbating furiously is probably the best option. And if you take enough ambien, you'll do it automatically.


and your arms will be numb so it will feel like somebody else is doing it for you.

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Ok so this what I have to do according to watmm:


pills>alcohol>pills>autechre>pills>alcohol>fight abusivegeorge>take a shit>fap>pills>fap furiously>smooth landing>smile and thank pilot and crew



Repeat for return flight

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