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Best Video Game Of This Generation?


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i almost said braid, that would probably be my 2nd choice


does Nintendo DS count for this generation?


i also forgot the Warioware game for Wii is definitely in my top 5, as well as the new super mario bros game

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If Half Life 2 isn't current gen, I'm going to feel extra silly being able to play it for the first time tomorrow.

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Guest Adjective

i may have to change my vote to world of warcraft

because that's the only game i've had to quit and resolve to never play again.

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Guest Sprigg

Bioshock/Bioshock 2 hands down, for reasons which are probably obvious for anyone who played them.

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Guest Sprigg

not Bioshock/Bioshock 2, for reasons which are probably obvious for anyone who played System Shock 1 & 2


fixed :emotawesomepm9:



Well, naturally System Shock... but those games weren't this generation.

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Guest mafted

Bioshock and a lot of these games that have just stolen ideas from other games would not be here without Half Life 1 and 2.. the only reason it might feel dated is because of that. The storytelling, unbelievable gameplay and physics, acting, graphics, atmosphere and everything were light years beyond anything out at the time, but it's good to see some titles catching up (somewhat). :emotawesomepm9:


The fact that the first game was just as groundbreaking and unforgettable means both games as a whole own all games, ever.. but that's my opinion.

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Guest alky

World of Warcraft, no contest.


Excluding that as an option, I'd have to say portal or diablo 2. Oblivion as a personal favourite but I know many will disagree. Depends how far back we're talking...

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remove one letter and you got my first name


I couldn't decide on a complete list of my good games cause I'd be afraid to forget one. Whatever generation we're talking about now, I think you can never go wrong with Silent Hill 2.



I've never played Fallout 3, I'd like to cause the environmet and buildings look totally amazing, but the creatures and their movement as well as what I saw of the gameplay looks really lazy... :sad:

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Guest disparaissant

can someone explain that attraction to me? i am just perplexed as to why so many dudes i know think she is the epitome of sex. she looks vaguely like my mom, and she sells insurance in a white room that reminds me of limbo. why, then, the legions of people in love with her?

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I was mostly kidding. . . but it troubles me that I have to say "mostly."


The actress that plays her, beneath a few hundred layers of makeup, is genuinely pretty.



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