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Inception - Chris Nolan + Leo DiCaprio = best movie of the summer?

Rubin Farr

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lol i've been telling people that too based on what i read here.


surely it will become an urban legend or something.


fastforward 5 years, a group of teenagers just finished watching inception or their Holo-discUHD player. after their mind is blown by that cheesy cut to black one of them says: "Did you know that when they played this at theatres, there was the sound of the totem dropping at the end of the credits?"

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Even funnier now that I'm remembering is that my GF asked me "who told you that " ----> "I read it on the internet".She then gave me that glare...


Edit: Obel, you've been warned. This is excessive trolling really.

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LOL! Sorry man, I hope I haven't ruined my credibility, I don't really lie unless it's an obvious fabrication!



That is pretty funny, though :)

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Even funnier now that I'm remembering is that my GF asked me "who told you that " ----> "I read it on the internet".She then gave me that glare...


Edit: Obel, you've been warned. This is excessive trolling really.

serious guffaw


this is quality gold

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Finally saw it. I loved it. Amazing sound design and score. I wasn't lost or confused for most of the movie, I thought it was going to be confusing. I loved the cast and visuals. If it was too trippy it would have detracted from the convoluted plot I think. Glad I saw it, for free no less.


I do wish some parts, especially with Mal, were darker and scarier. Like her face transformed or something. Also the white van took so long to fall, it was almost comedic at one point for me. My favorite Nolan film.

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confusing?? this should be categorized in family\adventure movies



dream inside a dream?? since when LOL you only dream that you were dreaming, that whole idea was damn ridiculous and everyone who tought it was smart is definetly not S.M.R.T.

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...Yeah way to ruin a completely realistic plot, right?

is that the answer that every dumbfuck has on the tip of his tongue??


you could choose the one, "it's fiction dude", or, "just imagine", or, just like my friend said, "did matrix made any sense?"



so we should conclude that fiction movies are for dumb people cause they never make any logic...

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Well what other answer do you want you fucking bellend? Not every film has to be rooted in reality, it's a high concept action movie set mostly in the mind. If it represented most peoples dreams it would be an incoherent mess! If you want a film like that, go watch Inland Empire.


You picked one particular unrealistic part of a completely unrealistic film and cited that as the cause of it being shit. What a fucking shitty argument when it just boils down to the fact that you don't like the film. Unlucky! You can't like every film though.


And congratulations, accusing a large group of being stupid for liking a film you don't propels you right to the peak of douchebaggery. So take your weak criticisms elsewhere and stop clogging up the thread with arguments that don't make any logic.

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the all permiss of the movie is based on the dream inside a dream, if the movie was simply stoling dreams it wouldn't have been categorized as mindblowing. it is not mindblowin, it is excess of information wich really doens't make any sense or make you go along with the movie.


1st of all i did not ask anything, i do not know why you had to give me your answer!

this is an internet forum, i come here to express my opinion and if i have the opinion that you and the rest of the people who saw this movie are stupid for liking it then it simply proves that you'RE stupid, let it be, just move along , afterall, you're stupid, you don't even care...

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the premise of the movie is actually about spies in your dreams: stealing shit, planting shit. which is a cool premise i guess if it was made like a spy or thief film. it's not about dreams within dreams, that is just the gimmick, and i agree that it is the sole reason people think it is mindblowing in any way.


it brings out "deep" stuff like questioning the difference between reality and dreams something that's been done countless times and if you seriously never thought about it before then i don't know what you use your brain for.


I find the notion that to plant an idea you MUST go at least 3 levels deep in the subconscious pretty daft too.


in the end the only thing interesting about this movie are the special effects. i don't see anything else clever or ingenious about it.

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absolutely loved it. didn't found it confusing at all really... it all fits together perfectly. and nolan really knows how to make great films... sometimes i think he's really reaching perfection

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looks so convincing, i really don't understand why a filmmaker with a large budget would choose CGI over something like this. When you do it with bigatures, the guaranteed result is that it's going to look fucking good and realistic. with CGI you could end with something equally as good by the end, but probably not.

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