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i'm overweight, mostly due to a plethora of meds that i won't get into... but that won't stop me for trying to lose weight..

i've heard some people swear that push-ups work well. so i was thinking is this a good method to lose weight around yer gut? i can only do 10 at the moment, therefore i can't really do reps. if i did ten, or eventually more about three times a day, i mean, what should i do ?... just do as many as i can and do it through out the day; will that work?

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Sit ups (crunches) work best if you have stubborn belly fat. Walking, not running, is best for you knees long-term.

for real? i've heard that situps aren't effective. can you back that up?

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ive lost 30 pounds in 4 months. Running, ellpitical, diet and weight training. I think cardio,high protein, fruit and whey drinks is the way.

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don't do what i did when i started exercising again and jump in too quickly. you can seriously pull muscles and not even feel it until the next day, then you are hobbling for a week and randomly twitching all over the place (and back to square one).


i forget what the safety rule is for exercising but i think the idea is to build it up a tiny bit week by week, rather than all at once.

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Sit ups (crunches) work best if you have stubborn belly fat. Walking, not running, is best for you knees long-term.





Also, swimming and biking are better workouts and easier on your knees. Youre going to spend hours of your day walking around to burn off the same amount of calories you can lose in 20 minutes of sprints and jogging.

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Running, ellpitical, diet and weight training. I think cardio,high protein, fruit and whey drinks is the way.


yea this. ellipticals are great because they are low impact on your knees and back. cut back dramatically on booze and sugar. probably the most important thing is eating right. dont ever skip breakfast. have 2 or 3 healthy snacks a day and make sure your dinner is a smaller portion. its not going to happen overnight so you need to stick to a routine.

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Sit ups (crunches) work best if you have stubborn belly fat. Walking, not running, is best for you knees long-term.




Its not possible to spot reduce fat, just as it's not possible to specify which bit of petrol in your car it's going to use. You will lose it from all over generally, some areas more than others, but from where will depend on genetics, not what exercises you do.


If you try and get rid of your belly fat by doing loads of crunches you'll just end up with big abs covered by fat, which will make your belly look even bigger.

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do whatever it is that you can do for more than 50 minutes


What if nobody wants to do that with you anymore because you're already fat?

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Guest the anonymous forumite

reducing belly fat is mostly done in the kitchen. That means, watch what you eat. Exercise alone won't do much. You can do as many crunches as you like,fat is gonna stay there if you don't watch what you eat.

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Sit ups (crunches) work best if you have stubborn belly fat. Walking, not running, is best for you knees long-term.

for real? i've heard that situps aren't effective. can you back that up?


I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that - I meant to say that crunches are a good way to burn calories, which with portion control, will eliminate stubborn belly fat (and fat in general). Sorry!


reducing belly fat is mostly done in the kitchen. That means, watch what you eat. Exercise alone won't do much. You can do as many crunches as you like,fat is gonna stay there if you don't watch what you eat.


See above :facepalm:


I will say that when I lost 30lbs back in 2005, I mostly walked, did loads of crunches (got to the point where I could do 100 in one go), but most importantly, cut my portions (basically I ate normally, but no sugary drinks, and if I ate out, I ate half of what I got, and saved the rest for a few hours later when I became hungry again, essentially getting a two-fer on my meals) and got proper sleep.


I need to start doing that again (looks down at gut)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

"Fat in the abdominal area functions differently than fat elsewhere in the body. It has a greater blood supply as well as more receptors for cortisol, a stress hormone. Cortisol levels rise and fall throughout the day, but when you're under constant stress, the amount of the hormone you produce remains elevated. With high stress and, consequently, high cortisol levels, more fat is deposited in the abdominal area since there are more cortisol receptors there."


"Alcohol also tends to raise cortisol levels, sending fat to your belly"


Drink lots of water, eat lots of fiber, muscle training, cardio, stop drinking, dont get stressed about shit, cut out refined sugars, audition to be a male dancer as many times until you can get the job

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I never lost fat from walking. I like it for my mind though. I watched my mom loose 60 lbs and keep it off. Ive read a bunch of books. the Abs diet, runners books. Here's what I do on a daily basis.

(lost 30 pounds, and I have muscles so I think I did it healthy)


I started running laps around a parking lot to get the hang of it. I bought a good runners outfit. Bought 150 dollar running shoes, read a book about it. Bought a nike sports band. I run 5 miles a day. Its amazing. I only run on dirt or blacktop. Never sidewalks My knees can't take it. Injuries are going to happen. I get runners knee. Just educate yourself. Ice, stretch etc.. I think my knees are fine. Elliptical gives me back problems, but that is my cross training when Im not running. Hour on Elliptical.I try and do heavy lifting of weights once or twice a week. Its made a huge diff. I look veiny and built from it.



Protien is filling, carbs and glucose trigger more hunger.

I eat a whey mix drink of 2 scoops blue bonnet strawberry whey with some cut up fruit and raw oatmeal with almond milk and water in the morning. Hand blender it. Totally full until lunch. I usually have maybe a rotiserri chicken or a protein power bar and a couple fruit like an apple and peach for lunch. Dinner i splurge a little more and have real food. I like to get lean cuisines on sale and turkey or chicken meat on sale. Mince and boil some of the meat and then dump my cooked lean cuisine into the pan with ther meat. Cook a little more. Quick meal for dinner. I like sabra hummus. Thats my weakness. I never eat sweets. I take one day off a week and go nuts. I eat whatever and dont work out. Popcorn is a great low-calorie snack too. The little cheesy fish are nice. Also, share you food when you eat out. I like the 100 cal orville kettle corn. I also like pop chips. I look at labels and read the calories. I drink seltzer water including at restaurants. Your taste buds acclimate to a new diet. Trust me.

I try and burn about 600 calories with exercise 6 days a week. Thats about 40 minutes of running or an hour on the elliptical. I feel like it cuts out a standard meal. Thats enough to loose a lot of weight. Im going to get into ab work like bicycle crunch or using the swiss ball crucnh. The two best ab workouts. I think it might help sculpt a little more


I really love not having to suck in my gut when Im wearing a small t-shirt. The clothes you can buy are just better. Better Jean selections. Thats been the best part. Seeing your body and thinking wow. I can't believe it.

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Guest Rabid

Join a gym. Go to stronglifts.com and do their routine for a few months. Do some kind of cardio on your offdays that isn't a waste of time (i.e. jumping rope or swimming, not walking or running). Fix your diet.

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its a bunch of crap that running is bad for the knees. Sorry. Everyone has a knew theory, Maybe Ill get proved wrong. You just have to take it easy and treat your injuries and educate yourself.

Running is addictive and easy to do. Two things that make it a winner. You have to like working out or you are doomed. Find something you could do everyday. Something u look forward to.

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If you seriously want to lose fat, you have to do something aerobic (run, walk, jog, whatever) for at least 20 minutes. only after 20 minutes will the liver signal adipocytes (fat cells) to break their triglyceride components into free fatty acids for energy. That and eating less than 1,500 calories a day--I don't care if you want it to be 4 bon bons, you just can't break that 1,500 and then, after pissing and moaning, you will choose bulkier whole foods with more nutrients and less junk just because you will be sooooooo fuuuuuuuucking hungry that you'll forgo the junk you used to love.







Now, understand that this regimen is not sustainable and only intended to get you started. At some point, once you've used anaerobic and aerobic exercise to build a more efficient "house", you can gradually increase your calories without seeing an impact on your weight. But, as you get older, you will always have to adjust.


I have been so sick of the expansion/contraction game that I am now heavier than ever with many health problems because I did not commit from 1997 until now.


LOL, I worked at Best Buy too (only for a month, in the winter) ages ago.


Also, that first pic is begging to be 'shopped with a huge dong.


I only run on dirt or blacktop. Never sidewalks My knees can't take it.

I get runners knee.

I think my knees are fine.


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Drink lots of water, eat lots of fiber, muscle training, cardio, stop drinking, dont get stressed about shit, cut out refined sugars, audition to be a male dancer as many times until you can get the job


So all I have to do to look perfect is be perfect? IT'S SO EASY!

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lol, runner's knee is not the same as damaged knees or old man knees..Its a warning that your quadriceps aren't strong enough. Go do quad exercises. Its a mechanical issue

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Guest tysen

I wouldn't try to drastically alter your diet within a short period of time. Small changes which you won't notice too much every so often will add up, and you won't just quit and relapse like you will on a diet. Doing some weight lifting will help as well - not only because you'll look better, but because I believe muscle has a higher rate of energy consumption than fat does so you'll be burning more calories in general, even while sitting down.


Also, you might try joining a class which is exercise as a matter of course, rather than exercise for the sake of exercise. For example, I take a jiu jitsu class, which is great exercise, and I have a sense of progression and success as my skills improve. It's never too late to start a martial art, and if you do join one, don't fret that you suck at the beginning because everyone sucks.

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