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Mother of the Year


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Guest disparaissant

lol at the lill kid trying to put a piece of paper inside her belly button.


This reminds me of how my good friend's Bachelor party ended.


We were so fucked up on various whatnots and had been hitting strip clubs like the owners do the employees (ugh, I could barely do that one without hating myself...yep, still dislike myself for that one)


Well, it was approaching 3:00 am and this club was particularly gynecological; you belly up to the table, you'll have vagina within inches of your face, speculum not included.


My friend, cross-eyed from so much "substance", decided to "tip" her by tucking a dollar into her vaginal vestibule as she was up in the invisible stirrups in his face. She got pissed off, we got scared (rough part of town, what was next??), we fled the scene.


Now that I told that story, I feel really badly about myself--am I on any "higher ground" than this "five star ho" of a mother?


I'm just not sure anymore.


while this made me nearly throw up in my mouth a little, it wasn't you and she wasn't your offspring, so i think you're still above board.

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