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Enter the Void


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i hated the shit out of this movie. watching a shaky camera fall into holes while people whine and scream about bullshit is not good cinema.

wow, thats what you got out of it? I'd dare ask what you think is a good movie that came out this year

Indeed, I got more from it than that and have only seen the trailer :lol:

yeah yeah yeah so they were playing with some big ideas, but the whole thing was a jumbled mess and the cinematography bugged me so much that it's all i found worth commenting on. what exactly am i supposed to get from this movie that's so mind-blowing?


A headache.

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I finally managed to get round to seeing this last night and was completely blown away. Yes at times it was a little style over substance and there were a couple of scenes that I felt didn't really add anything, but definitely one of the best films I've seen in years.


I'm surprised (especially this being a music forum) not much has been mentioned about the sound direction of the film, it was by far one of the detailed audio compositions I think I have ever heard in a movie. If you lost some of the more dialogue heavy scenes you could easily release just the audio as an incredible dub-techno/ambient/drone mix set. The way that the sound flows from one scene to the other in an even more seamless way than the visuals was just incredible. Even though so much of the film took place in club areas, the way that it had been filtered you really got the sense of being a disconnected observer and rather being a scene of intensity the whole thing took on a subdued passive feel. I also really liked the frequent use of the 'Air On The G String' filtered in different guises in key scenes between Oscar and his sister. So yeah, I really loved and got completely lost in that aspect of the film.


Really looking forward to picking this up on ol' Blu Ray (coincidentally released on my birthday)

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  • 1 month later...

i found this film absolutely terrible, it looked fantastic but it was so unbelievably dull. i watched it in three sittings. id like to use it as a set of visual for a night out or something, but to watch in its own right? absolutely not. its a shame, irreversable was one of the most moving films ive ever seen, ran through my mind for days afterwards.


i did enjoy the aesthetic of this film though, i found it to be a pretty realistic interpretation of the way busy cities appear on a good acid trip. next time though, give the thing a fuckin plot.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I also took three sittings to get through this drawn out glowstick yawn. oscar is a dull prick and following him around wasn't my idea of fun, the relationships are boring and hollow, I thought the abortion and sex scenes were silly and just there to shock you into thinking you've seen a story unfold when in fact you've watched the back of an infuriating tosser's head while he spirals into various light fittings and mutters about 'tripping' for two and a half hours. Yeah it does have a cool look and nice noises but that's about all I can say about it.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm finally watching the movie right now on Netflix streaming.

The beginning of the movie is cool. Once it goes into all the flashbacks it gets boring as fuck.

The story is really lame and the acting is ATROCIOUS.

Visually, it is cool, but I wish there were more psychedelic visuals. Those were the best part.

I think the movie's major flaw was trying to have a cohesive story.

If they just cut the majority of the dialogue and had it be even more of a first person experience, it would have been much better.




Ok. I turned it off.



I couldn't handle the abortion shit. Pointless shock bullshit.


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I like it - really want to get this on ol' BluRay but alas it doesn't appear to have any release date yet in the UK...


Get the French ultimate edition Blu Ray. Comes with a gorgeous art booklet, it's blu ray, has a cool poster with it. Only draw back is that the French subtitles are burned in.

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I'm finally watching the movie right now on Netflix streaming.

The beginning of the movie is cool. Once it goes into all the flashbacks it gets boring as fuck.

The story is really lame and the acting is ATROCIOUS.

Visually, it is cool, but I wish there were more psychedelic visuals. Those were the best part.

I think the movie's major flaw was trying to have a cohesive story.

If they just cut the majority of the dialogue and had it be even more of a first person experience, it would have been much better.




Ok. I turned it off.



I couldn't handle the abortion shit. Pointless shock bullshit.




yeah man, a kid taking a fat hit of dmt then getting killed and experiencing his afterlife is just SOOO LAME OMG PUT IN MORE VISUALS FAGS LOL

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Guest tht tne

i only have to like a little bit of something for it to be an eternal favorite: in this film, it was the credits... the rest is ok, but i won't be watching it again

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i liked it but sometimes the acting is poor (not a huge deal) but the thing that bugs me the most is when its going through the pole dancing parts and you can actually see the camera and crane reflected on the mirrors ... like extremely clearly, its impossible to miss ..


youd think with all the work they put into the visuals they would have noticed "HM THE CAMERA IS FILMING ITSELF FOR ABOUT 2 WHOLE MINUTES PERHAPS WE SHOULD NOT USE THAT ANGLE"

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Get the French ultimate edition Blu Ray. Comes with a gorgeous art booklet, it's blu ray, has a cool poster with it. Only draw back is that the French subtitles are burned in.

Yeah I heard about the burnt-in subtitles, what were they thinking :facepalm:

But yeah, I was tempted - I'll give it a few months and see if there'll be UK release

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This movie just blew up my mind. I completely got into it from the beginning to the end and didn't get bored at any moment. I understand the criticism it received and think you can't get anything positive from it if you don't get implied in it. Because this movie is more about a "real life" experience than a told story.


I was so deeply implied when watching it that I remember feeling an awful and intense feeling at the moment the protagonist slowly dies.


Also, I remember talking about it late in the night in a concert (:aphexsign: in Caen, last fall !) with a girl I met there and she hated it in the way it shows women. She gave me a lot of complex arguments based on all Gaspar Noe's films and tried to convince me that he is an ass hole. I only saw Enter The Void from him and didn't really understood the big deal about this view on women as it didn't shocked me especially.


I felt stupid that night because I didn't know what to answer back and this girl was impressive ; she was good looking and obviously intelligent.

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This movie just blew up my mind. I completely got into it from the beginning to the end and didn't get bored at any moment. I understand the criticism it received and think you can't get anything positive from it if you don't get implied in it. Because this movie is more about a "real life" experience than a told story.


I was so deeply implied when watching it that I remember feeling an awful and intense feeling at the moment the protagonist slowly dies.


Also, I remember talking about it late in the night in a concert (:aphexsign: in Caen, last fall !) with a girl I met there and she hated it in the way it shows women. She gave me a lot of complex arguments based on all Gaspar Noe's films and tried to convince me that he is an ass hole. I only saw Enter The Void from him and didn't really understood the big deal about this view on women as it didn't shocked me especially.


I felt stupid that night because I didn't know what to answer back and this girl was impressive ; she was good looking and obviously intelligent.


And probably very into feminist theory and would have been too tedious when calling out your every sexist tendency. I think you saved yourself a lot of grief.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

This movie just blew up my mind. I completely got into it from the beginning to the end and didn't get bored at any moment. I understand the criticism it received and think you can't get anything positive from it if you don't get implied in it. Because this movie is more about a "real life" experience than a told story.


I was so deeply implied when watching it that I remember feeling an awful and intense feeling at the moment the protagonist slowly dies.


Also, I remember talking about it late in the night in a concert (:aphexsign: in Caen, last fall !) with a girl I met there and she hated it in the way it shows women. She gave me a lot of complex arguments based on all Gaspar Noe's films and tried to convince me that he is an ass hole. I only saw Enter The Void from him and didn't really understood the big deal about this view on women as it didn't shocked me especially.


I felt stupid that night because I didn't know what to answer back and this girl was impressive ; she was good looking and obviously intelligent.

I know that other film of his has a notorious rape scene but I don't know much else. I don't know whether I would go so far as to say this film is sexist because I don't see that the sister is necessarily supposed to represent her entire gender, but she is terrifically slutty and stupid and she's the only female in it.


PS not trying to be a grammar dick but just to let you know, I think you mean 'involved' rather than 'implied'

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This movie just blew up my mind. I completely got into it from the beginning to the end and didn't get bored at any moment. I understand the criticism it received and think you can't get anything positive from it if you don't get implied in it. Because this movie is more about a "real life" experience than a told story.


I was so deeply implied when watching it that I remember feeling an awful and intense feeling at the moment the protagonist slowly dies.


Also, I remember talking about it late in the night in a concert (:aphexsign: in Caen, last fall !) with a girl I met there and she hated it in the way it shows women. She gave me a lot of complex arguments based on all Gaspar Noe's films and tried to convince me that he is an ass hole. I only saw Enter The Void from him and didn't really understood the big deal about this view on women as it didn't shocked me especially.


I felt stupid that night because I didn't know what to answer back and this girl was impressive ; she was good looking and obviously intelligent.

I know that other film of his has a notorious rape scene but I don't know much else. I don't know whether I would go so far as to say this film is sexist because I don't see that the sister is necessarily supposed to represent her entire gender, but she is terrifically slutty and stupid and she's the only female in it.


PS not trying to be a grammar dick but just to let you know, I think you mean 'involved' rather than 'implied'



To be fair, the men aren't exactly shown in glowing light in any of his films. Even the teacher in Irreversible, seemingly the nicest guy has an incredibly dark turn.


I think your feminist friend isn't worth wasting time on. I kind of hate arguments like that anyway, a film could be depicting the evils of men and if it featured a scene where a woman was being attacked the filmmaker would be instantly accused of misoginy (sp?).

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thats really stupid though because its just what happens in the movie.. the main character is a drugged out junkie, does that mean the director thinks all humans are like that?


people get affected by these movies because intense stuff happens and hten they get hostile towards it and the director for showing htem things they didnt feel comfortable seeing .. thats my theory , because the same thing happened with irreversible.. women said it was against women because theres a rape scene, men said it was against men because men mistreated women, gays said it was against gays because the main violence happened with a gay guy in a club...


just because 'something bad' happens in a movie that has to do with a person with specific traits (junky, gay , hates women, etc) doesnt mean the director feels the same way as that character and it doesnt mean the movie is trying to say something to you like ALL WOMEN ARE EVIL or some dumb thing like that ..

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