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Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest abusivegeorge

Who of you here is old enough to have owned, or had parents that were rich enough to own cars with "8 tracks"?


I remember my mates grandad owned a 1969 Jaguar E-type with an 8 track, of course I was a kid when I was introduced to this, and when I was a kid was the early 90's, I mean I was born in 87, so I was all about your "normal" cassette tapes. I thought that 8 tracks were a thing of the future and I remember thinking wow they must hold loads because they are so big. It wasn't until a few years later I realised that 8 tracks were really old, and that the E-type wasn't a car from the future.


Doesn't have to be just cars with 8 track players of course, I'm just intrigued as to who here is old enough to have owned/remembers the 8 track players.


I've always been super interested in shit like that.


On a side note, I have about 9 games consoles, 1 of them is a brand new xbox. Out of all of these consoles, the only ones left working the is the xbox and the snes, and the snes is the best fucking thing I've ever owned.


Bit of a random thread I know.

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i inherited my mom's three dog night 8tracks and honestly have never listened to them (never got an 8track player to call my own). i think she used to rock their music in her Gremlin while rolling around Dallas, but i don't have any documentation to prove it.


i love cassettes though, i sample audio books on tape and "tips on juicing" and old baptist Salvation Cassette Series stuff pretty often. I even found some Scooby Doo grammar lessons on tape.


the SNES was/is such a great console. as a genesis kid, it took me a while to come around to nintendo, but i have realized the errors of my early sega-worshipping ways.

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Guest Rambo

my grandad used to have a car that we called the knight rider car because it had loads of buttons. I bet if i saw it now it wouldn't be as impressive. Cant remember what make of car it was though.


think it might have been the Ford Karate

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Guest abusivegeorge

i inherited my mom's three dog night 8tracks and honestly have never listened to them (never got an 8track player to call my own). i think she used to rock their music in her Gremlin while rolling around Dallas, but i don't have any documentation to prove it.


i love cassettes though, i sample audio books on tape and "tips on juicing" and old baptist Salvation Cassette Series stuff pretty often. I even found some Scooby Doo grammar lessons on tape.


the SNES was/is such a great console. as a genesis kid, it took me a while to come around to nintendo, but i have realized the errors of my early sega-worshipping ways.



Three Dog Night are actually still going, like 40 something years now it's nuts. I've always been an audio tape listener myself, was brought up on them as a kid, anything from Tony Robinsons "midsummer nights tales" to Terry Pratchett novels. I had Mr Men ones when I was really teeny.


my grandad used to have a car that we called the knight rider car because it had loads of buttons. I bet if i saw it now it wouldn't be as impressive. Cant remember what make of car it was though.


think it might have been the Ford Karate


Lol, I have never heard of a Ford Karate!



I gave my most cherished 8-track cassette to a friend as a wedding gift.


You're an idiot!

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Who of you here is old enough to have owned, or had parents that were rich enough to own cars with "8 tracks"?


I remember my mates grandad owned a 1969 Jaguar E-type with an 8 track


One of my childhood best buddy's parents also owned a nifty vehicle with an 8-track. I believe it was a T-bird with suicide doors..


As for consoles, I still break out my SNES (and my NES) from time to time... as well as the old dreamcast.

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I definitely remember we had one in the first house we lived in, so up to when I was about 8 and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere near it. The only tape I remember us having was a sound effects tape and when hooked up to our quadrophonic speaker it was awesome to hear as a kid. I think we might have killed our budgie when we played the sound of an airplane taking off at full volume....

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Guest abusivegeorge

someone watched top gear last night.


Last two episodes of Top gear have brought back so many memories, my mates grandads car, the day Ayrton Senna died, I was just 7 and F1 was my favourite thing in the world. British sports cars, an industry of which I am in now. Loved this series.



I definitely remember we had one in the first house we lived in, so up to when I was about 8 and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere near it. The only tape I remember us having was a sound effects tape and when hooked up to our quadrophonic speaker it was awesome to hear as a kid. I think we might have killed our budgie when we played the sound of an airplane taking off at full volume....



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Guest abusivegeorge

friends of mine used to dj with televisions, vhs, 8-trac and cassette tape - was good for a laugh






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When I was really young my parents had a brown Mustang II with an 8-track player in it. I think my dad's old Ford truck had one too. They still have all of their 8 Tracks in the garage, but most, if not all of them are Christian folk albums. Quite un- :braindance:





OLD SCHOOL CONSOLES YESSSSSS - I still regularly play my NES. The SNES doesn't get as much action anymore because I don't have that many games, but I do have Mario Paint (music composer), and a Super Gameboy so I can play Gameboy games on the TV! I also have an Atari 2600 and loads of games but they are getting pretty dusty. Mom made me give away my Vic-20 when I was growing out of it, but damn, now I wish I'd kept it. Both the Playstation (original) and PS One + a few games have gone untouched for years, and I should see if anyone on Craigslist would be interested or donate them to the Goodwill.


HANDHELDS are my weakness. :emotawesomepm9: I have accumulated multiple dmg Gameboys, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro, Gameboy DS Lite, Donkey Kong Jr. Game & Watch Gallery, Tron mini tabletop, "Thundering Turbo" (a Tomytronics 3D thing that looks kind of like binoculars), the plug n play Intellivision and Pac-Man things that were big for a minute, and a few other random things. I think out of all of the things I've collected over the years, I love these the most! *embarrasment*


Pics of a few of the above mentioned handhelds:






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Guest abusivegeorge

Woah, wait a minute, there was a Donkey Kong handheld? Like exclusive to donkey kong? That is awesome, Donkey Kong Country is probably my most fave game ever. Cool Spot on the SNES, do you have that? So fucking good, and StarFox oh God.


My father has a working Atari 2600, I think the first game I ever played was what is now known as Pong, but it was just tennis right? The two bars and the ball, so much fun as a kid.


I have a Gameboy Advance SP, there were some great games on that, like Metal Gear Solid and Marvel vs Capcom, great handheld, but never quite had the same affect on me as the "original" gameboys, I remember the last game I played on a gameboy before getting the advance was "pokemon". My gameboy enthusiasm went downhill after that.


Tron mini tabletop? Awesome.


My PS ones and N64 have broken which sucks, my N64 only broke VERY recently, but damn they got played so fucking much, they broke through overuse and nothing more, died doing what they do best.

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I think the first game I ever played was what is now known as Pong, but it was just tennis right? The two bars and the ball, so much fun as a kid.

And if you were one of those fancy pants types you'd get one of the machines that came with a light gun where you could shoot the square whizzing around the screen in one of the other built in games. Cue much delight the day I found out you could use the gun whilst other people were playing the pong game making the ball vanish and therefore making the match unfinishable (is that a word?) ...

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Guest abusivegeorge

I think the first game I ever played was what is now known as Pong, but it was just tennis right? The two bars and the ball, so much fun as a kid.

And if you were one of those fancy pants types you'd get one of the machines that came with a light gun where you could shoot the square whizzing around the screen in one of the other built in games. Cue much delight the day I found out you could use the gun whilst other people were playing the pong game making the ball vanish and therefore making the match unfinishable (is that a word?) ...


Lol, never experienced that, my Dad had all sorts of shit, but most if it he wouldn't me near. Pong on the Atari, and a few games on the Amiga 1200 (under his uspervision), was all I got. Now that I look back my Dad was just a big kid at the age of like 30.


I don't think it's a word, neither is unendable, but I've seen both used.

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