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Syrian TV Station Claim Barcelona Formations Are Coded Messages To Rebel Arms Smugglers


"It may come as quite a shock for you to learn that I am not, nor have I ever been, a pre-eminent commentator on the disputes and conflicts that have engulfed the Middle East over the years and, with that revelation in mind, I’m going to steer clear of the politics involved here and instead focus on the utter, undiluted lunacy.

A state-owned Syrian television channel are claiming, not for the first time, that Barcelona are assisting in the smuggling of weapons to Syrian rebels who are fighting against President Bashar Assad’s security forces by encoding smuggling routes within their formations during games.

Yep. Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep.

In a segment aired last December, Al Dunya TV showed a clip from an El Clasico game between Barca and Real Madrid to illustrate their point…



The narrator claimed that Barca’s formation was clearly depicting arms smuggling routes to Syrian rebels with the players representing the smugglers and the ball’s position representing the current location of the weapons. Apparently, according to the narrator, when Lionel Messi passes the ball, it indicates that the weapons have successfully reached the rebels in Dir al-Zur.

Which, you don’t need me to tell you, is absolute rot – though, if Pies is mysteriously taken offline as a result of this post, we’d just like to take the opportunity here and now to pledge undying allegiance to our new noble Syrian overlords."

Edited by YO303
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Hahaha I remember hearing about the lads in slums in dublin doing this.


They'd get a concrete ball and paint it like a football, then they'd roll it down the road and get some dope to kick it back to them


Pretty genius actually.

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Hahaha I remember hearing about the lads in slums in dublin doing this.


They'd get a concrete ball and paint it like a football, then they'd roll it down the road and get some dope to kick it back to them


Pretty genius actually.


That looks more like the kid hits the ground instead of the ball, than a concrete ball. And that Dublin thing sounds like you could break your damn leg.

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Hahaha I remember hearing about the lads in slums in dublin doing this.


They'd get a concrete ball and paint it like a football, then they'd roll it down the road and get some dope to kick it back to them


Pretty genius actually.


Ah yes, nothing like a broken foot for fun and games. The lads in the slums of dublin sound like feckin arseholes.



Full on lol at the Syrian smuggling routes.

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Hahaha I remember hearing about the lads in slums in dublin doing this.


They'd get a concrete ball and paint it like a football, then they'd roll it down the road and get some dope to kick it back to them


Pretty genius actually.


Ah yes, nothing like a broken foot for fun and games. The lads in the slums of dublin sound like feckin arseholes.

They probably are. I just thought it was pretty clever, even if its pretty twisted.


Different sort of education, I suppose.

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