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Madlib Medicine Show Megathread

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Well I'm glad that ST is making them available digitally (like a lot of fans, I'll probably plunk down for em) although I can see how those choosing to get the vinyl explicitly because it had the exclusives and the CD/digital didn't would be right peeved. IMHO Warp is by far a more egregious perpetrator of such shenanigans (Exhibit A: Warp 20 Unheard).


Still looking for MMS 11 to hit the shop here, curious also to see what comes of 9, 12, and whether the MMS series will end there. I've also heard rumblings here, there, and elsewhere on a number of rumoured upcoming Madlib projects, all of which sound pretty damn awesome:


- Rock Konducta (2 of them?)

- Flying Lotus collab

- New Madvillain (eventually)

- New Quas

- Soundtrack to ATCQ Documentary

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Madlib is fantastic, of course, but after this MMS series, I hope he slows down a bit. People are so used to him releasing something every 4-6 months or so (myself included) and this series just increased that feeling for a lot of people. A lot of fans were downright angry when #9 was delayed. Come on, you have 8 releases to hold you until then!


I also hope he slows down for quality control purposes, because he seems to be losing that more and more as time goes on. But he might just not care, haha

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  • 3 months later...

Must admit I've been a bit Madlibbed out after all these records and taken a bit of time out. Got #9 though and it's still all good, every single album's been worth the money I'd say. Plus #12 has been mentioned in a few ST emails now, looking forward to seeing what he comes up with for that.

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Madlib is fantastic, of course, but after this MMS series, I hope he slows down a bit. People are so used to him releasing something every 4-6 months or so (myself included) and this series just increased that feeling for a lot of people. A lot of fans were downright angry when #9 was delayed. Come on, you have 8 releases to hold you until then!


I also hope he slows down for quality control purposes, because he seems to be losing that more and more as time goes on. But he might just not care, haha


Did you listen to Strong Arm Steady - In Search of Stoney Jackson? The production is freakin' amazing. It's the reason to hear it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got MMS #10 & #11, EXCELLENT RELEASES !!! Some of the dopest shit I've ever heard on #11, while #10 is funky as hell ! Very excited about the other volumes as well, will get all of them as soon as possible.

Also some big news :



Now is a good a time as any to hint that there will be one more Medicine Show. Just one more, CD+vinyl. Details when we got 'em.


(as seen on the ST website, here)


Plus #12 looks awesome...Hmm, me gusta.

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Now is a good a time as any to hint that there will be one more Medicine Show. Just one more, CD+vinyl. Details when we got 'em.


(as seen on the ST website, here)


Haha, why do they even call that a hint? Maybe we'll see some Lord Quas on the final installment?? :trashbear:

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Jeff Jank also hinted at a possible box set of this material in the near(?) future.




"guys, i'm not going to spill the beans here, but there is one more Medicine Show planned right now. We've talked about some kind of box, and some kind of extra #13 release, but doing something where you have to get the whole damn box in order to get the new disc is totally out of the question -- we think that would be cold to those who have supported the Medicine Show series from the start.


There's nothing set in place just yet, but if/when it happens, it will happen together with some shows Madlib is planning around the end of the year."

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  • 2 months later...

I guess this should make some people here really happy :




The Medicine Show was originally conceived as a 12-part music series, but we can now confirm there will be one more: the full-length CD edition of Madlib Medicine Show #13: Black Tape, to be released hopefully before year's end.


Total yay !!! :yeah:

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Hopefully after that, he can finish up the rest of Madvillainy 2.


Maybe this whole Medicine Show series was also a way of mining for the absolute sickest, baddest beats for another Madvillain.


That's what I would have done. If I were Madlib.

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  • 3 months later...

MMS #13 announced... :wang:



Guess it's basically a continuation of madlib remixes from #12, but with an 'adult' theme to it, which was/is awesome save for those beverly hills blues skits (easy enough to skip tho)

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The previews are great !




I'm really looking forward to it...Also purchased no.5, new (but without the side-strip) for 4€, so glad I found it, this album is a killer and I think of it as being even better than the Beat Konducta's albums !


If you're in the US there's a boxset called "The Brick" coming. I was hoping for a better artwork but it stills seem to be a good deal :



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The previews are great !




I'm really looking forward to it...Also purchased no.5, new (but without the side-strip) for 4€, so glad I found it, this album is a killer and I think of it as being even better than the Beat Konducta's albums !


If you're in the US there's a boxset called "The Brick" coming. I was hoping for a better artwork but it stills seem to be a good deal :



I think the brick is literally the cds packaged together—nothing really limited or special about it, just a bulk purchase. Could be wrong though?


*doesn't give a fuck/has all the silkscreened record volumes*

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Brick is also apparently going to be sold via Boomkat: http://boomkat.com/cds/502835-madlib-medicine-show-the-brick. Bit of a steal, but I've already bought them all.


Incidentally, what do we reckon to the actual cover of #13? A bit shocked, kind of Madlib meets Cunningham. Not shocked as in offended or owt, just not what I'd have expected from a Madlib cover.

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Incidentally, what do we reckon to the actual cover of #13? A bit shocked, kind of Madlib meets Cunningham. Not shocked as in offended or owt, just not what I'd have expected from a Madlib cover.


didn't really think much of it (cover or mix).

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