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Koran Burning


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but my point about other people getting offended is not just limited to use of the N word. indeed, as said by chassis - it's getting to the point where you can't ask for black coffee without someone in the queue squirming their face up like they're chewing on a fucking wasp


I guess I'm fortunate enough not to have run into that level of absurdity..


The most absurd thing I've run across here is a friend holding the door open for a woman whose arms were full and she took offense that he was oppressing her or demeaning her abilities somehow.. like big time offense. He literally had to escape to get away from her verbal abuse. I personally continue to hold the door open for anyone whose arms are full if it's a simple and convenient and decent thing to do, and ignore the people who are clearly batshit insane.

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but my point about other people getting offended is not just limited to use of the N word. indeed, as said by chassis - it's getting to the point where you can't ask for black coffee without someone in the queue squirming their face up like they're chewing on a fucking wasp


I guess I'm fortunate enough not to have run into that level of absurdity..


The most absurd thing I've run across here is a friend holding the door open for a woman whose arms were full and she took offense that he was oppressing her or demeaning her abilities somehow.. like big time offense. He literally had to escape to get away from her verbal abuse. I personally continue to hold the door open for anyone whose arms are full if it's a simple and convenient and decent thing to do, and ignore the people who are clearly batshit insane.

yep, that's pretty fucking absurd and i would have no problem in getting right in her face and calling her a fucking insane cunt, and once she's done walking through the door that i opened for her that she can get me a beer and a fucking sandwich.


and wash the fucking dishes, i didn't marry you for nuffin

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it is exactly the same flavor of flawed logic as 'we shouldn't protest the war because it puts our troops in danger'

Not at all. Burning a Koran is a direct expression of hate towards those who practice Islam, which can be taken as provocation without much of a stretch. Protesting a war is not only not anti-Islamic, but is directed toward the American government (and those others whose armies are fighting), not toward any practitioners of Islam. The acts express two completely different messages, with two sorts of consequences that need to be distinguished.


i agree it's important to see them as two different messages sure, but saying we shouldn't do something because our troops might be in danger for any reason has been used as a form of propaganda through out time. thats all i was saying.

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it is exactly the same flavor of flawed logic as 'we shouldn't protest the war because it puts our troops in danger'

Not at all. Burning a Koran is a direct expression of hate towards those who practice Islam, which can be taken as provocation without much of a stretch. Protesting a war is not only not anti-Islamic, but is directed toward the American government (and those others whose armies are fighting), not toward any practitioners of Islam. The acts express two completely different messages, with two sorts of consequences that need to be distinguished.


i agree it's important to see them as two different messages sure, but saying we shouldn't do something because our troops might be in danger for any reason has been used as a form of propaganda through out time. thats all i was saying.

I kind of thought of it as the only reason they could think of that would stop the church from going through with the burnings. Sure, there are better reasons for not going through with it, but this church probably isn't going to care about any of those.

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Quran burning cancelled



The Florida pastor who had planned to burn copies of the Quran on Saturday has called off the controversial event.


The Rev. Terry Jones of the Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Center also announced Thursday that the imam who planned a mosque and Islamic center near ground zero in New York has agreed to move it to another location.

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i'm staying out of this - so much misunderstanding and ignorance on both sides that it's pointless to even bother with words or wisdom - i know what i know and it's not the same as

the fucks who call them selves 'religious' know - so there - my patience is waring thin - the world is gone - it's just about search and rescue and protecting our own now


the brothers and sisters of truth



fucking hell fuck fuck fuck fricking fuck fuuuuuuuuuck!


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Guest Fishtank

Quran burning cancelled



The Florida pastor who had planned to burn copies of the Quran on Saturday has called off the controversial event.


The Rev. Terry Jones of the Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Center also announced Thursday that the imam who planned a mosque and Islamic center near ground zero in New York has agreed to move it to another location.

Pastor Jones was lied to and they are still building the "cultural center" as planned.


"I am glad that Pastor Jones has decided not to burn any Qurans. However, I have not spoken to Pastor Jones or Imam Musri. I am surprised by their announcement. We are not going to toy with our religion or any other. Nor are we going to barter. We are here to extend our hands to build peace and harmony."
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Guest Fishtank

What really bothers me about this is that burning anything is part of our fundamental freedom of speech (the same way building thier mosque is part of their freedom of religion) so why can't the Muslims accept that and simply ignore this? and why is our government getting involved? Are we rolling over again?

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I like this guy, he is pure Americana. He could have been an actor in some old cowboy film, I say big up to him and burn those dam Korans.

If the muslims are so sure in their faith, they'll know it doesn't make a difference anyway.

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Guest disparaissant

oh my god there's a business idea. it'd be a horrific way to make money but shredding qurans and making home-made rough-paper bible quotes would sell like hotcakes to ignorant old fuckwits in the deep south. "hey myrna! see that thar bible quote on mah wall? made outta shredded qurans! take that, towelheads!"


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Guest disparaissant

What really bothers me about this is that burning anything is part of our fundamental freedom of speech (the same way building thier mosque is part of their freedom of religion) so why can't the Muslims accept that and simply ignore this? and why is our government getting involved? Are we rolling over again?

wait i missed this. how is the government getting involved?

and last i checked, freedom of speech also meant being able to say "hey fuckwit, you're being a fuckwit. thought you should know." no one's doing anything to stop them, they're just pointing out how it's idiotic and hateful and really won't do anything good for them or anyone else. and hey, look, it apparently worked! freedom of speech works!

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What really bothers me about this is that burning anything is part of our fundamental freedom of speech (the same way building thier mosque is part of their freedom of religion) so why can't the Muslims accept that and simply ignore this? and why is our government getting involved? Are we rolling over again?



i completely agree but i have a theory that some people may call a 'conspiracy' that our leaders in charge, even the non republican ones get a lot of mileage and political capitial out of continually trumping up the idea that islamic terrorists pose a threat to our national security.

this is just another one of those things 'dont burn it we might get attacked' . Everytime Obama wants to talk about the threat of terrorism it gives him more of an excuse to continue in Bush's footsteps (to his followers and opponents)

another version of this is: don't release photos of us torturing people 'the muslims might get so mad theyll attack us'

and then my personal favorite, the white-guilt new yorker/economist slant 'well this will obviously create more recruitments for al qaeda, the more we do this the more powerful al qaeda will get'

It pains me to see both the left and the right relatively bouncing back in forth in a vacuum of war on terror propaganda. It's colored the debate so badly that it's practically impossible for a normal person to filter it out.

i can't tell you how sick and furious it makes me that almost 10 years out from 9/11 we're still riding on this wave of political fear mongering. Even if you believe that fundamentalist muslims alone attacked us on 9/11 the risk of actually dying in a terrorist attack is statistically less than being killed by a deer, dying by slipping in the shower or being struck by lightning.


during the red scare and mcarthy era it was filled with 'hate your enemy' propaganda too, but at least Russia actually had nukes pointed at the united states. There was some form of a concrete threat even if it was exaggerated and used to further US agendas, with al qaeda the 'threat' is minuscule in comparison. It makes absolutely no sense to me that we are still letting it define us, unless you take the position that even the people in charge know it's complete bullshit.

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