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watmm on android or iPhone


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ok, i had a look through the original thread, and according to that, it should just automatically detect and show me the mobile version. but it doesn't. i have to change the theme, which ends up changing it to the mobile version even on my desktop.


anyone know how i can sort this shit out?

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ok, i had a look through the original thread, and according to that, it should just automatically detect and show me the mobile version. but it doesn't. i have to change the theme, which ends up changing it to the mobile version even on my desktop.


anyone know how i can sort this shit out?






otherwise i use opera (for iphone). It's my default browser. And I think it's free.

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lol, it's like $2 osci



lol at people who spend $$$ on a phone and then won't buy an app for $2

lol at people who don't understand that i had to sell various items just to be able to get this phone, and people who don't realise that being unemployed for over 18 months makes a person thrifty.


yeah, you gotta pay for that app though :-/


oh well, i'll just stick with the normal site. thanks


IBP has an app for iPhone as well, and it's free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ip-board-communities/id372597645?mt=8

i'm on Android :-/


it's ok, i'll just use the normal website. it's cool.

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Not to turn this into a "bitch at oscillik thread", but if you're unemployed, did you really need that phone? What's wrong with a straight up cell phone that makes and receives calls, text messages and has no customizable ring tones? I understand that you've already bought the thing, but I'm just curious about the thought process that went into - "I'm unemployed, I know, I'll go buy a flash phone".

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yeah, you gotta pay for that app though :-/


oh well, i'll just stick with the normal site. thanks


are you sure ? My friend who bought an iphone and had it stolen (besides, the thief didn't show up on gmail) downloaded it for free.

Anyway it's a must have app : when you send a request to a website, the datas go through opera's servers which compress them : thus internet is way faster (given that it's fucking slow on my 2G iphone over wifi).

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Not to turn this into a "bitch at oscillik thread", but if you're unemployed, did you really need that phone? What's wrong with a straight up cell phone that makes and receives calls, text messages and has no customizable ring tones? I understand that you've already bought the thing, but I'm just curious about the thought process that went into - "I'm unemployed, I know, I'll go buy a flash phone".

you're right, it's totally none of your business the circumstances that led to me having enough money to buy (what i thought was) a decent phone in December and then slowly realising that it is complete and utter shit, and then deciding to go for a different phone, by selling the shit phone and a few other things to be able to buy a second hand phone that actually works the way i think a smartphone should.


yes you're correct. absolutely none of your business. good day sir.


yeah, you gotta pay for that app though :-/


oh well, i'll just stick with the normal site. thanks


are you sure ? My friend who bought an iphone and had it stolen (besides, the thief didn't show up on gmail) downloaded it for free.

Anyway it's a must have app : when you send a request to a website, the datas go through opera's servers which compress them : thus internet is way faster (given that it's fucking slow on my 2G iphone over wifi).

i'm not on an iphone, i'm on an Android handset

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i'm on astroblackberry myself... there are times when i feel i need a watmm experience when i'm away from my computer. direct me to something that i can use. thanks!

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if you're broke as fuck, why would you want a smartphone? Seems like it should be pretty low on the list of priorities...no need to be a cunt about things by the way, I'm merely asking a question.


and tapatalk is free - but the free version is read only http://www.androlib.com/android.application.com-quoord-tapatalk-activity-xtni.aspx

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Actually i have a question.


The internet in my college works perfect on my laptop but wont work at all on my phone. It recognises a wifi address and connects to it, but nothing will load.



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if you're broke as fuck, why would you want a smartphone? Seems like it should be pretty low on the list of priorities...no need to be a cunt about things by the way, I'm merely asking a question.


and tapatalk is free - but the free version is read only http://www.androlib.com/android.application.com-quoord-tapatalk-activity-xtni.aspx

well i believe i kinda have a right to be a little cuntish in my replies, since it is absolutely none of your business why i like to have a smartphone, and indeed why i bought an expensive one in December but here goes:


in December, the Nokia N900 was released. you may or may not be aware that phone cost £500 at the time, and was the only mobile phone to have a proper full featured Skype client preinstalled on the handset (capable of IM, VoIP and Video calls). I bought the phone because I had done some temporary work and had enough to buy the phone. The reason I bought the phone was so I could primarily keep in touch with my partner at the time.


However, Nokia have continually let the users of the N900 down in various respects in terms of buggy firmware, lack of support, and completely ditching the software platform that it was based on months before the phone was released (unbeknownst to the general public at the time).


Since my fiancée fucked me over, I am no longer in need of a phone that is continually connected to Skype, but after using smartphones of various incarnations since 2003, I have become dependent on an "always-on" lifestyle. So I part exchanged a few items so I could get the phone that I should've got.


Whether it should be low on the priorities list is a matter of subjectivity, considering that I have few friends in real life that I can socialise with, my main method of communication and socialising is through the internet. sad as that may be, and possibly even maybe not a priority to you, it is to me.


does that answer your questions succinctly?


forgive my tone. i'm unwell, and not really in the mood to be answering questions that aren't pertinent.

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Actually i have a question.


The internet in my college works perfect on my laptop but wont work at all on my phone. It recognises a wifi address and connects to it, but nothing will load.



Probably have to register its MAC by filling out the little disclaimer that should pop up when you visit a website.

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if you're broke as fuck, why would you want a smartphone? Seems like it should be pretty low on the list of priorities...


I was broke as fuck and bought an iPhone because I couldn't afford to miss an email.

A year later, I'm busier and more well off financially than I've ever been in my life.

Just sayin.




I'm a freelancer btw

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Actually i have a question.


The internet in my college works perfect on my laptop but wont work at all on my phone. It recognises a wifi address and connects to it, but nothing will load.



Probably have to register its MAC by filling out the little disclaimer that should pop up when you visit a website.


Nope no pop up. And I was looking for aaaaaages for some proxy settings on my phone. There is none.

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I'm trying to figure out the same thing chassis. Uaually when you try to load your first page it requires you to log in. It just won't happen w/ my phone



There is no log in for my college internet. It has no security or anything. The only thing I had to do with my laptop was to input the proxy settings, or set it to get proxy automatically. Cant remember which one though.

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oscillik - can't you just like use the computer to connect with people on the net?

But anyways, hopefully the link I provided gave you something pertinent to go on. If not, just follow chaqosmachine's advice.

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oscillik - can't you just like use the computer to connect with people on the net?

But anyways, hopefully the link I provided gave you something pertinent to go on. If not, just follow chaqosmachine's advice.

not if i'm not at the computer, no. or if my computer is being a piece of shit and not working (which it does do from time to time).


sorry for being a cunt. i don't do too well when i'm ill.

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i'm on astroblackberry myself... there are times when i feel i need a watmm experience when i'm away from my computer. direct me to something that i can use. thanks!


I use Opera Mini on my work Blackberry... does websites great!



pirate the app if you can't afford it. it's not hard to find. there's this site called... well, i can't remember the name. "the pie rat bay" or something.


I am frankly shocked, Sir. Shocked. :emotawesomepm9:

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