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Guest fiznuthian

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after exploring underground for hours and collecting tons of loot, I decided to head back to my underground HQ, and to my surprise found a shaft going downward that would land me almost directly on to of it. "what good fortune" I thought, and carefully built a staircase going downward. When i got to the bottom, mere steps from my HQ's underground storage/crafting station, i stepped backwards to add a few more blocks to the bottom of my staircase, right into a lava river. All the goods I had spent hours collecting burned to a crisp, along with my unfortunate body.


i just removed a block on only the first floor of a huge mine and fell in lava underneath (lava here? wtf?)

about 150 redstone, gone :facepalm:

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I keep running into zombies in caverns I uncover. This is really annoying, totally ruins the game I think. It's about creativity right? I'm not interested in avoiding death and hearing a zombie groan in a cavern and getting scared. I just want to explore and mine. kinda lame.

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and one more;


watching the sun set over the sea from up high is really nice.

the graphics produce surprising beauty sometimes despite the primitive - notch's lighting model is really good.

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Guest Pennywise

and one more;


watching the sun set over the sea from up high is really nice.

the graphics produce surprising beauty sometimes despite the primitive - notch's lighting model is really good.

you've lost it

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I keep running into zombies in caverns I uncover. This is really annoying, totally ruins the game I think. It's about creativity right? I'm not interested in avoiding death and hearing a zombie groan in a cavern and getting scared. I just want to explore and mine. kinda lame.


sometimes it frustrates me too but I think it makes the game more exciting. It reminds me a lot of Thief 1 and 2, in fact I think he may have stolen the zombie groan from that (love the "plucked bow" sound the skeletons make too). Also, you need to use their groans to find new passages. If the game is just about construction to you, you should use a hack. I refuse to run any scripts as I think it ruins the suspense. I love finding stuff on my own. About the only thing I'd change is being able to relocate my spawn point...he should have you be able to construct a "spawn shifting device" that is materials-costly. That way you won't overuse it.


(and yes I reinstalled the game, shieeeeeet)

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Also I think the thing the game is best at is the randomly created environments that actually work. Think of how many games have tried random or modular environments and failed. But his system creates believable caverns that are fun to explore, and cliffs that actually look for the most part like cliffs. It doesn't feel too random. I love the little touches like snow building up and grass growing on rocks.

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I keep running into zombies in caverns I uncover. This is really annoying, totally ruins the game I think. It's about creativity right? I'm not interested in avoiding death and hearing a zombie groan in a cavern and getting scared. I just want to explore and mine. kinda lame.


sometimes it frustrates me too but I think it makes the game more exciting. It reminds me a lot of Thief 1 and 2, in fact I think he may have stolen the zombie groan from that (love the "plucked bow" sound the skeletons make too). Also, you need to use their groans to find new passages. If the game is just about construction to you, you should use a hack. I refuse to run any scripts as I think it ruins the suspense. I love finding stuff on my own. About the only thing I'd change is being able to relocate my spawn point...he should have you be able to construct a "spawn shifting device" that is materials-costly. That way you won't overuse it.


(and yes I reinstalled the game, shieeeeeet)


there are portals of some description on the way. this will be incredibly handy if they work like i think

if they do imma make a portal room, with a portal to each floor of my mine.

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It's been a while since a game gave me the fear of being trapped underground forever, being lost, running out of pickaxes, and ending up having to drown myself or jump into lava out of desperation. Last time I felt scared of the underground vastness of a game was Thief 1.

I wish signs were cheaper to make.

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Guest futuregirlfriend
I keep running into zombies in caverns I uncover. This is really annoying, totally ruins the game I think. It's about creativity right? I'm not interested in avoiding death and hearing a zombie groan in a cavern and getting scared. I just want to explore and mine. kinda lame.
sometimes it frustrates me too but I think it makes the game more exciting. It reminds me a lot of Thief 1 and 2, in fact I think he may have stolen the zombie groan from that (love the "plucked bow" sound the skeletons make too). Also, you need to use their groans to find new passages. If the game is just about construction to you, you should use a hack. I refuse to run any scripts as I think it ruins the suspense. I love finding stuff on my own. About the only thing I'd change is being able to relocate my spawn point...he should have you be able to construct a "spawn shifting device" that is materials-costly. That way you won't overuse it. (and yes I reinstalled the game, shieeeeeet)


yeah, I like the monsters and leaping out of my skin when I hear footsteps behind me outside at night and it's just a retarded pig. For now you can change your spawn with this editor http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=15522


I just put it close to my main building, which is in a nice spot but I don't use it for much more than storing lots of things and crafting. I've been travelling for days by boat, shooting island natives as i zip by, creating little shacks when I need to for stashing supplies and crafting and then moving on. I just light trees up to show myself the direction I've come from.


I'm hoping that you'll be able to saddle a more useful animals in the future.

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here are 26 shots of my place, hard to get a feel for it as for the most part I tried to make it harmonious with the environment, and worked on connectivity, which you can't convey in an image. Anyway, check out my aqueduct and mountaintop glass meditation chamber...

post-61-076036000 1286334526_thumb.jpg

post-61-058217700 1286334857_thumb.jpg

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hard to get a feel for it as for the most part


i think this is a common thing. a video is kinda needed once your place gets extensive. easy to get lost too once it gets really big. there's a hacked client that can export maps available on worldofminecraft, but i haven't tried it.

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here are 26 shots of my place, hard to get a feel for it as for the most part I tried to make it harmonious with the environment, and worked on connectivity, which you can't convey in an image. Anyway, check out my aqueduct and mountaintop glass meditation chamber...



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Weirdly enough the bit I'm looking forward to most is the watch!


One day I'll contribute on here with a video of my mine. It's fucking ridiculous the size of it now, I was lucky enough to find a huge set of caverns underneath my house and have been gradually hollowing it out.

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since I had a bunch of blocks lying around from underground excavations, I decided to build a new tower. It straddles two mountaintops and ended up looking a bit like a guy taking a shit. It goes all the way to the height limit of the game. I know the design is plain but the thing I like about it is I made the staircase entirely external, so it is very easy to fall to your doom if you're not careful. However the inside is nice and cozy...

post-61-062045000 1286360323_thumb.jpg

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I'd hesitate to rate it because it's so unfinished, but it's up there in my top games at the moment anyway. 8 or 9 out of 10.


My all time favourites are as follows:


Ninja Gaiden 1/2 (Xbox)

Transport Tycoon



Rome: Total War


All of those are 10/10 for me.

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