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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Guest Gary C

I was really hoping when Bruce gets up out of bed in his bath robe when the doorbell rings it would be Bane coming to break him in the manor like in the comic book, unfortunately it was just another setup for how he's a rich boy who doesn't answer his own door

I can only continue to imagine the scene where Michael Caine cries out in horror as he discovers Bruce being thrown around the mansion like a ragdoll. It's so emotive in Knightfall, Alfred creates a grounded reality amongst all the comic-book violence which illustrates how brutal Bane is.


Nolan missed another trick.

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Guest Gary C

I suppose, at least, now that Bane has been reinvented in a major feature, they can produce an animated version of Knightfall like they've done with Year One and Dark Knight Returns.

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that was the only part in the movie that screamed wasted opportunity for me. Instead of the anti climax of Blake just intuitively guessing Wayne was batman as the first character outside the 'inner circle' to know.

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Guest Gary C

I guess Blake discovering Bruce/Batman was intended to portray his keen mind and skills, but equally his belief in Batman because he didn't want to extort it like that smarmy exec guy from TDK.


I've mentioned it before. But when Batman is unmasked in the sewers, you'd think that the mercenaries would have talked about it between themselves... and when they recruit all the criminals, they'd get word of it. By the time Batman comes back, everyone would know by then. Obviously I get that Batman is a symbol above all else, but they've pretty much ended on a similar lie (lack of transparency) that Harvey Dent had.


Oh, and for a conclusion to a trilogy, we got practically no resolution for Gordon. He's been the biggest supporting character for the first two films, but he just continues being a cop? What about his family that left him when he faked his own death. He doesn't earn them back somehow? No happy ending for Gordon. What does Lucius do now?

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  • Why not sacrifice Batman? It would have made the whole story more poignant and made the ending a true ending - having him run off with Anne Hathaway to live happily ever after did NOT fit the tone of this movie, or the entire franchise.


Makes me wonder if execs got their way after all. With Bruce still alive they could still possibly wrangle Bale into a JLA movie with big-bucks. Imagine the press they'd get if they got Bale's seal of approval after constantly saying that he wouldn't?


  • If Selena KyleMiranda loved Bane so much, why'd she go and knock boots with Wayne? There's loyalty for you. Why'd she wait until the last minute to save Bane after it was clear Batman was kicking his ass.


Because Nolan still can't write women.


  • How'd the BatCopter™ (and the old hideout from the second movie) escape from being found by Bane, even though he knew of the secret weapons stash Fox had kept from Wayne Enterprises?


Similarly, why didn't Bane destroy Wayne Manor (and so everything underneath it) whilst Bruce was out of town? Breaks his back, throws him in a dungeon as torture, loots all the rich people in Gotham, but doesn't go to the biggest mansion just out-of-town. Miranda had even been there, she could have done reconnaisance.



Miranda loved Bane in terms of a deep friendship. There is little evidence to suggest that Bane was fucking a twelve year old in jail.

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Below is a post from the empireonline review thread for the film. Thought this would indeed be an amusing addition to the film:



ORIGINAL: waltham1979





ORIGINAL: waltham1979

Personally the only thing that could have made me happier with this film is when Batman is pounding the shit out of Bane if all of a sudden Bale's Terminator Salvation rant had been dubbed over the top [:D]

*Batman damages Bane's mask, Bane stumbles about helplessly*

Batman - "What the FUCK are you doing??"


Batman - "I'm gonna fuckin kick your fuckin ass!"

*Batman kicks Bane through door*


Bane - "I broke you."

Batman - "Yeah well it's useless now!"

Bane - "I broke-"

Batman - "Shut up! Shut the Fuck up!"

*Bane looks dazed*

Batman - "Where's the trigger!"


Bane - pause

Batman - pause

Bane (Bronson) - "Stick it up your fucking arse!"



Alfred - "What if she had? What if, before she died, she wrote a letter saying she chose Harvey Dent over you? And what if, to spare your pain, I burnt that letter?"


Bruce - "Are you fucking professional or not?"


Alfred - "It means your hatred... and it also means losing someone that I have cared for since I first heard his cries echo through this house. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more important."


Bruce - "You're a nice guy but that doesn't cut it. We're fucking done professionally you and me man...fuckin' ass"



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Guest RadarJammer

Finally went and saw this and most memorable thing about it was the terrible midrange honk on Bane's voice in some parts. In that first scene on the airplane when he started talking the resonance felt like it was assaulting at my head. wtf.

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I completely missed the bit where Bane gets toppled. My GF had to remind me that he got shot with a rocket launcher by catwoman. Was that it? I was half expecting something after the credits that shows him with scarecrow running off down the sewers or something.


Pretty good film though. Slightly overlong but there was plenty to cram in.


Found Bane's voice to be slightly comedic.

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Just saw it at the Imax (a proper Imax). Got there nice and early and got a seat in the middle of the back row. Left a seat between me and the guy to my right, feeling smug because all the latecomers had to sit in the neck-breaking first row, while I was using the best seat in the cinema as an armrest and coathanger. :-)


Is by far the best of the three - less panto, more dark. The height of the screen really made the buildings seem tall. It's nice to have a break from pencil thin widescreen now and again. The movie let itself down with some poorly choreographed fight scenes though. Too many times a large group is fighting batman just standing around like morons pointing a gun and waiting to be punched. A scene that stuck out was when they jumped a guy that was holding a gun fixed to a vehicle; He never reacted by firing the gun, or flinching. He just stood there holding on to the gun going through the painfully robotic motions of getting taken down. I can let this lack of creativity slide though, since the rest of the film is so good.

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True that. Also I wondered if there was a continuity error around Catwoman knowing Batman's identity. When Bane is kicking his ass the first time round, he's calling him Bruce, and Mr Wayne (If I remember right). Later, when Bruce Wayne talks to Catwoman after escaping the prison, she's referring to Batman as his "powerful friend" again. My mate said she might have been saying it in a kind of sarcastic way. I guess because it was possible sarcasm you can never say for sure.

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I loved the the first Tim Burton film when it came out. Now I never want to see any of his or fucking Schumacher's Batman films ever again. Last time I saw it it struck me as smug and irritating, I hate all four of those films equally now.

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Guest Gary C

That's not cool.


It's camp, but Nicholson and Pfeiffer were good. In comparison to Kilmer and Clooney, Keaton is a fine Bruce Wayne too. The Burton and (more so) Schumacher films suffer in the shadow of the TV series as they retained too many campy elements. These elements were largely eradicated in the 80s and 90s 'graphic novels', which also took some cues from Burton anyway. Schumacher is the real villain amongst the franchise as he systematically took the franchise down into a place no-one, not even toy-buying kids, wanted.


Ha, and if you think the original four were smug and irritating then what fucking films are you watching instead of Nolan's? I'd class overarching lofty themes, in a movie that's essentially about a rich man wearing a costume, as smug.

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lol. Kevin Smith is a out and out hack that drums up beef with other semi-celebs for attention. That guy seriously lost all respect from me years ago.


edit: you know what, fuck it, he never had respect from me. Clerks is one of the most overrated PoS indie films ever made. There, I said it.

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I find the smugness now in Burton's films in the actual script-writing, almost as if there was a concerted attempt to make itself quotable while actually spouting inane bollocks. I'd agree with Kevin Smith there at least as well. At least Nolan had the grace to borrow from good sources (Son Of The Demon, DKR, the Loeb/Sale stories).


That said, overall I'm with SR4. For years Kevin Smith's struck me as believing he's far more famous, influential and talented than he is. And after the rather weak Guardian Devil and the presumably unfinished Daredevil Vs Bullseye (did that ever get past issue one?), I'd love to know who told him he could write comics. I suspect it was Joe Quesada.

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Guest Gary C

I find the smugness now in Burton's films in the actual script-writing, almost as if there was a concerted attempt to make itself quotable while actually spouting inane bollocks. I'd agree with Kevin Smith there at least as well. At least Nolan had the grace to borrow from good sources (Son Of The Demon, DKR, the Loeb/Sale stories).


That said, overall I'm with SR4. For years Kevin Smith's struck me as believing he's far more famous, influential and talented than he is. And after the rather weak Guardian Devil and the presumably unfinished Daredevil Vs Bullseye (did that ever get past issue one?), I'd love to know who told him he could write comics. I suspect it was Joe Quesada.


I think he wrote the Jay & Silent Bob comics, which while not very good, presumably sold in decent quantities thanks to the films.

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poorly choreographed fight scenes ... A scene that stuck out was when they jumped a guy that was holding a gun fixed to a vehicle; He never reacted by firing the gun, or flinching. He just stood there holding on to the gun going through the painfully robotic motions of getting taken down.


yeah, that was jarringly obvious. they should've done those right. but I forgave it.


one thing I can't get over though is the bomb... it was a nuclear weapon. what about the fallout? flying it out to sea in the Bat in the last 30 seconds before detonation would not have been a clean escape.



it's a nuclear weapon, but I think it was an Atomic Bomb as opposed to a hydrogen bomb... maybe there's a difference.


Kevin Smith and Burton both suck, Smith more so.

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