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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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One thing that messed with me...


... did everyone know Batman was Bruce Wayne in this movie?


It seemed so.

Am I crazy?


Everyone but the Commish, apparently. And the gotham hoi polloi.


Speaking of dialog intelligibility problems: what did JG-L say to Wayne as explanation for figuring that out? I feel like I missed a line, because it seemed to reduce to recognizing a look in Wayne's eyes at visits to the youth home, which look outed Wayne as a discontented orphan type... and that's all I got.

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One thing that messed with me...


... did everyone know Batman was Bruce Wayne in this movie?


It seemed so.

Am I crazy?


Everyone but the Commish, apparently. And the gotham hoi polloi.


Speaking of dialog intelligibility problems: what did JG-L say to Wayne as explanation for figuring that out? I feel like I missed a line, because it seemed to reduce to recognizing a look in Wayne's eyes at visits to the youth home, which look outed Wayne as a discontented orphan type... and that's all I got.


I don't know, but I couldn't understand half of the shit Bane said. I think they over-did it with his face mask sound. I also thought his voice was a bit to goofy sounding at times. I think it would have been better if it was more like Darth Vader, but my guess is that maybe they were trying to steer clear of that. Would have been better if he sounded meaner and clearer.

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Guest Gary C
GQ: What!? You haven't seen the movie yet?

Lindy Hemming: It's not out in England yet, but the other thing that you should have seen during that sequence is him being injured in his youth. So one of the fundamental things about his costume is that he has this scar from the back injury. Even if he hasn't got the bulletproof vest on, he still has to wear the waist belt and the braces. In that scene in the prison, where he's learning to fight the same way Batman learned to fight, he's wearing an early version of his waist belt. It's showing support, but it's not the finished one he eventually wears. He's also wearing an early version of his gas mask, all glued together.


GQ: I remember one scene where we see his face covered in bandages, is this what you're referring to?

Lindy Hemming: Well, if you look at the film, unless they've cut it—and I'm sure they haven't—there's a whole early section for Tom Hardy where he's fighting and being taunted by people. He's got chains on him, and he's standing on a wooden thing while people are attacking him. And in that scene, he's wearing a much more ragged, primitive version of the mask.


GQ: I think that Bane scene must've been cut...

Lindy Hemming: Well that's an awful shame, but I suppose you have to cut things. I won't elaborate on it too much, because it isn't in the film, but there was another section that showed you why he had the mask and where it came from.


So apparently some pretty cool scenes have been cut.

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Guest stolenlogic

Well I messed up by reading this. I haven't seen the Dark Knight yet. I don't care about spoilers, I'll see it either way, it's just hilarious about robin because the guy that plays batman at one point, said he wouldn't do it if they introduced a robin sidekick.

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Guest Gary C

Well I messed up by reading this. I haven't seen the Dark Knight yet. I don't care about spoilers, I'll see it either way, it's just hilarious about robin because the guy that plays batman at one point, said he wouldn't do it if they introduced a robin sidekick.

Yeah, but he's not really Robin until Bale is already done as Batman in-film.



He's set-up as a sidekick, but not given a costume, a name, or made to do anything particularly comic-book-like. He's a spirited force for good.


Still, calling him Robin in the last couple of scenes really pissed me off. It's just fucking pointless. He was fine as John Blake (with tinges of a Batman sidekick)... and he would have been fine as Robin (but never wearing a costume and just being a cop).



Trying to keep it as some sort of twist or surprise was just fucking ludicrous. Everyone in the cinema either groaned or laughed.

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Guest Roksen Creek

Well I messed up by reading this. I haven't seen the Dark Knight yet. I don't care about spoilers, I'll see it either way, it's just hilarious about robin because the guy that plays batman at one point, said he wouldn't do it if they introduced a robin sidekick.

Yeah, but he's not really Robin until Bale is already done as Batman in-film.



He's set-up as a sidekick, but not given a costume, a name, or made to do anything particularly comic-book-like. He's a spirited force for good.


Still, calling him Robin in the last couple of scenes really pissed me off. It's just fucking pointless. He was fine as John Blake (with tinges of a Batman sidekick)... and he would have been fine as Robin (but never wearing a costume and just being a cop).



Trying to keep it as some sort of twist or surprise was just fucking ludicrous. Everyone in the cinema either groaned or laughed.


To be honest I thought the whole of the second half of the film was filled with cliches and cheese-filled moments, especially with all the twists and corny foreshadowing, so the Robin thing wasn't really that conspicuous to me in that regard.

Seriously, did Nolan run out of ideas that he had to resort to so many action/blockbuster hollywood cliches. I really enjoyed the first half of the film.

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Guest Gary C

The nuclear explosion wasn't even that impressive. The more I think about this film, the more it stinks.


My opinion might change when I watch it again in a few months (I'll buy the boxset), but until then... it's a let-down.

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I must say the explosion scene had the most plot holes, assuming Bruce had some rebreather stashed in his utility belt, he then ejects from a fast moving ship, survives a nuclear blast, AND the shockwave (which never came) AND the resultIng EMP, then swims 6 miles in radioactive ice water with a gaping chest wound?


Only the escape from prison made less sense.

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i thought bane was being voiced by patrick stewart...maybe he is...




LOL, no, Bane was clearly channeling Sean Connery "Now I give you permisshun to die"


I finally went and saw this (on a Sunday no less, very odd going to the movies on a Sunday night), and while overall I liked it, this movie had it's "oh, come on" moments that diluted an otherwise good film. Bane was an excellent villain (although his voice was laughable and kept making me think of Sean Connery), and really raised the terror stakes compared to what the Joker did in the previous film in terms of his impact on Gotham. Since it's WATMM tradition to bitch about what was wrong with a film, here's my list of gripes:

  • It was said the bomb had a blast radius of over 6 miles - there is NO WAY the BatCopter™ got out to sea that far that even the people watching weren't blown off their feet, let alone not being affected by the resulting shockwave somewhat
  • Why did Bruce Wayne still talk like Batman even after everybody basically knew he was Batman? That raspy voice is fine for one-liners, but entire monologues? I think not.
  • How (and more importantly when) did Batman eject from the BatCopter™ after setting the autopilot so it would carry the bomb out to sea?
  • Robin, really? They had to take a legitimately good character and find out his proper name is "Robin" and find Wayne's hideout in some weak attempt to point towards a sequel or continuation of the storyline?
  • It was too long - they could have cut down the prison elements and the "Gotham in chaos" scenes as they really didn't do much to propel the plot other than illustrate was a bad guy Bane was.
  • Why not sacrifice Batman? It would have made the whole story more poignant and made the ending a true ending - having him run off with Anne Hathaway to live happily ever after did NOT fit the tone of this movie, or the entire franchise.
  • If Selena Kyle loved Bane so much, why'd she go and knock boots with Wayne? There's loyalty for you. Why'd she wait until the last minute to save Bane after it was clear Batman was kicking his ass.
  • Why not remove Bane's mask if Batman knows it would weaken him greatly?
  • How'd the BatCopter™ (and the old hideout from the second movie) escape from being found by Bane, even though he knew of the secret weapons stash Fox had kept from Wayne Enterprises?
  • Where in the hell did Alfred go after Wayne kicked him to the curb?

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Guest Roksen Creek
  • Why did Bruce Wayne still talk like Batman even after everybody basically knew he was Batman?



He talked like that even when no one was on screen with him. When catwoman disappeared he said "so, that's what it feels like" in his batman voice. I thought that was hilarious.


I guess it's like a method actor, you've got to stay in character. Once the suit is on, that's it, he is batman.

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I must say the explosion scene had the most plot holes, assuming Bruce had some rebreather stashed in his utility belt, he then ejects from a fast moving ship, survives a nuclear blast, AND the shockwave (which never came) AND the resultIng EMP, then swims 6 miles in radioactive ice water with a gaping chest wound?


Only the escape from prison made less sense.


wat? i must've seen a different movie. was there any additional stuff after the credits?

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I must say the explosion scene had the most plot holes, assuming Bruce had some rebreather stashed in his utility belt, he then ejects from a fast moving ship, survives a nuclear blast, AND the shockwave (which never came) AND the resultIng EMP, then swims 6 miles in radioactive ice water with a gaping chest wound?


Only the escape from prison made less sense.


wat? i must've seen a different movie. was there any additional stuff after the credits?


well ok wikipedia cleared it up. i thought that was alfred's dream sequence when i watched the movie.


"Fox discovers that Bruce programmed the autopilot on the aircraft six months ago. Alfred witnesses Bruce and Selina alive together at a café in Italy, while Blake inherits the Batcave."

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Guest Roksen Creek

I must say the explosion scene had the most plot holes, assuming Bruce had some rebreather stashed in his utility belt, he then ejects from a fast moving ship, survives a nuclear blast, AND the shockwave (which never came) AND the resultIng EMP, then swims 6 miles in radioactive ice water with a gaping chest wound?


Only the escape from prison made less sense.


wat? i must've seen a different movie. was there any additional stuff after the credits?


well ok wikipedia cleared it up. i thought that was alfred's dream sequence when i watched the movie.



Maybe it was...

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

this movie highlights how few decent IMAX cinemas there are in the world.


as the master will highlight how few cinema scan handle 70mm

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  • If Selena Kyle loved Bane so much, why'd she go and knock boots with Wayne? There's loyalty for you. Why'd she wait until the last minute to save Bane after it was clear Batman was kicking his ass



You mean the other chick i think Selina Kyle is catwoman.


And to answer. because she is tapped in the head just like Raj al gul was.

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On IGN's movie podcast, they surmise that the fight scene w/ Blake alongside Bruce was Nolan's tribute to the Dynamic Duo.


also, don't most people realize Blake becomes the new Batman, right? His name being Robin was incidental and the most inconsequential way to work that into the movie. Shit, he opens up the weapons stash complete with a ready to use Batsuit. Of course all the cool vehicles got trashed before he got there...


and there's no way Levitt will sell out for a sequel or even JLA movie, if he ever wants to be cast by Nolan again, possibly as a leading man.


I still think Watchmen was better.

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Guest Ricky Downtown
  • Why did Bruce Wayne still talk like Batman even after everybody basically knew he was Batman?



He talked like that even when no one was on screen with him. When catwoman disappeared he said "so, that's what it feels like" in his batman voice. I thought that was hilarious.


I guess it's like a method actor, you've got to stay in character. Once the suit is on, that's it, he is batman.


i remember reading that the bat suit has a voice modifier in the throat. that way people can't recognize the voice.

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this movie highlights how few decent IMAX cinemas there are in the world.


as the master will highlight how few cinema scan handle 70mm


not sure if i saw this on 'proper' imax, it was at a Regal cinema in Pleasanton, CA but i really didn't get the 70mm amazement everybody talks about. In parts it felt 'larger' than a normal framed movie, but i wasn't blown away or seriously impressed. Slight enhancement no doubt though

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Guest Gary C

On IGN's movie podcast, they surmise that the fight scene w/ Blake alongside Bruce was Nolan's tribute to the Dynamic Duo.

Absolutely. Blake is surrounded by goons and focuses on one whilst Batman drops in to take them out around him.

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Guest Gary C
  • Why not sacrifice Batman? It would have made the whole story more poignant and made the ending a true ending - having him run off with Anne Hathaway to live happily ever after did NOT fit the tone of this movie, or the entire franchise.


Makes me wonder if execs got their way after all. With Bruce still alive they could still possibly wrangle Bale into a JLA movie with big-bucks. Imagine the press they'd get if they got Bale's seal of approval after constantly saying that he wouldn't?


  • If Selena KyleMiranda loved Bane so much, why'd she go and knock boots with Wayne? There's loyalty for you. Why'd she wait until the last minute to save Bane after it was clear Batman was kicking his ass.


Because Nolan still can't write women.


  • How'd the BatCopter™ (and the old hideout from the second movie) escape from being found by Bane, even though he knew of the secret weapons stash Fox had kept from Wayne Enterprises?


Similarly, why didn't Bane destroy Wayne Manor (and so everything underneath it) whilst Bruce was out of town? Breaks his back, throws him in a dungeon as torture, loots all the rich people in Gotham, but doesn't go to the biggest mansion just out-of-town. Miranda had even been there, she could have done reconnaisance.

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I was really hoping when Bruce gets up out of bed in his bath robe when the doorbell rings it would be Bane coming to break him in the manor like in the comic book, unfortunately it was just another setup for how he's a rich boy who doesn't answer his own door

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