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Revenge of the Introvert


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I'm quite a quiet person but I wouldn't consider myself an Introvert. Seems like rather a strong word which I doubt many people, if any, are on here.



I mean, three broads are good and all, but a good book? That's like mind sex, which is way better than regular sex.


I just can't get my head around that comment. What books do you read?

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I am sure I come of as aloof to most people and they think I hate them or something, wtf. But it's not that I wouldn't be interested in other people, it's just that in my mind I don't find myself interesting, I don't seem to have anything in common with most people and they find me strange, so why bother in boring them with myself.


I like nerdy stuff, computers, games and sci-fi, I listen to weird music no one has heard of, I like to think about "deep stuff", it's not exactly going to attract any interest from people. And the times people see me in another social setting than attending classes, I am most likely a loud obnoxious drunk. I am also familiar with what fiznuthian said, I also had people that I barely know come up to me and say I am a cool dude, wtf is going on?


I don't like idle small-talk and I will keep quiet unless I have something important to say, which is very rare as I usually manage to think that it's not that important or worth sharing anyways. The largest problem I have is I have no self-esteem.

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I fucking loved the article, and it's great to see others of this persuasion speak their mind.


I always feel really clumsy socially but am constantly told how great I am with people. Its like having a certain presence that you can't formulate in words. Then again, I really think most people are too blunt and clumsy in social contexts, always interrupting, making noise. What the fuck are they trying to prove?


I should probably say alot more on this topic because this is one of the things I think about almost all of the time, but I don't put my thoughts into coherent wordings and I'm pretty hungover right now.

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I'd guess that half of WATMM's self-described 'introverts' are not introverts at all, but are using the classification to comfort themselves about being shy and socially awkward.


I know because I used to be one of them.



I find that the older I get the more I tend to bounce between both ends of the spectrum. When I am hanging around strong extroverts, I do get mistaken for shy sometimes. Likewise I interpret their nonstop chatter as rudeness and thoughtlessness.


My head is always busy, and I do prefer to think before I speak, especially when it comes to certain topics that require a bit of know-how, as opposed to random social banter. I prefer to know what the other person is thinking rather than assume to know. And I constantly find that people after they have a 1-1 conversation with me start outing their personal shit then saying "why am I saying this to you??", because they discover I'm actually listening and thinking as opposed to just yapping.


Strangely enough whenever I take the Myers Briggs now I wind up as an ENFJ. When I am confident and knowledgeable about a subject, or get a bit of alcohol in me, I can't shut up.

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Guest fiznuthian

The real question should be: how old are you virgin?



yeah, you're right bro.

thanks for being an dick and suggesting we fabricate our problems and blame it on being introverted when we really can't score.

it's part of what makes me awkward, i can't speak for others. just not the full story.

i'll probably get shit on by the sexually successful watmm club, but fuck it all. i know i'm not alone.

and it does drive me ever further into my extreme introverted lifestyle,

maybe i do use introversion for an excuse to shy away.



it's one of many reasons most days i come ever so closer to shooting myself in the skull

only to realize that by its the sadness that keeps me a virgin anyways, a total cyclic nightmare.

no girl would come close, even i wouldn't. and im not even a terrible looking guy at all.

really hits a nerve deep, you feel like you're an abnormal human.. its destructive.


let me ask you this though?

you really think getting laid would suddenly solve all of my problems?

suddenly like magic, i'm happy again!

i'm a social butterfly, i don't give a fuck!

this can not be true, it can not be.

i know too many people who fuck their girlfriend's asshole daily,

yet still feel like awkward fuckups or go on meds so they don't kill themselves.


help me out here.

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It's so easy to read into the article describing introverted people as socially inept...


I'm not sure if I can tag myself an introvert, but a lot of it covers my personality. Mainly how I'd rather deliver a well thought out.. uh.. thought than something off the cuff. An example of this is the time me and a colleague had a meeting to win us some new business. It was a blinding success, the client commented to my boss how I didn't say as much but what I did say was exactly what she needed to hear. That was a great compliment to me, made me feel like Mr Han in Oldboy.


The bits that galvanize my personality are the not interrupting because I won't repeat myself. I think I got this from having a momumentally self centered father, who constantly cuts you off mid sentence (even after listening to your response to "How are you") to talk about himself or some other crap. After so many years I got bored of repeating myself so I don't bother anymore.


The other bit is the mental downtime thing. I work in IT and am constantly going around the city, meeting new people, talking to clients, just generally being really social and while I genuinely enjoy it (client interaction is one of my favourite aspects of the job) I absolutely need the downtime. I've gotten proper grief from my dad this last year about how I never talk when I'm at home and when family come over at the weekend I tend to shut myself away and keep quiet - the section about weekend family visits really made me chuckle as it felt so familiar.


That was a great article, well worth a lunchtime read :)

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i guess i fall into the category, hitting on most of the points mentioned. i can't say i'm afraid of people though, or shy. people have always misperceived me as being so. at school i was somewhat of a loner, but that was my fault. i wasn't the weird, freaky kid that everyone wanted to avoid. i just didn't reach out enough.



from the article:

...we (introverts) thrive on reflection and solitude


i like this, and can relate. what it entails can be really specific, but it's usually thinking about me or the people i know. i don't know why.


Our psychic opposites, extraverts, prefer schmoozing and social life because such activities boost their mood. They get bored by too much solitude.


but then there's this. now it depends on the group of people, but i need that mood boost from this. unless something is really plaguing my mind, i'm outgoing, funny and spontaneous. not seeing anyone for more than a day seems painful.


the bit about 'lashing out' is always an interesting subject. these people can be like time bombs, and it seems like no one knows that.

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I am sure I come of as aloof to most people and they think I hate them or something, wtf. But it's not that I wouldn't be interested in other people, it's just that in my mind I don't find myself interesting, I don't seem to have anything in common with most people and they find me strange, so why bother in boring them with myself.


I like nerdy stuff, computers, games and sci-fi, I listen to weird music no one has heard of, I like to think about "deep stuff", it's not exactly going to attract any interest from people. And the times people see me in another social setting than attending classes, I am most likely a loud obnoxious drunk. I am also familiar with what fiznuthian said, I also had people that I barely know come up to me and say I am a cool dude, wtf is going on?


I don't like idle small-talk and I will keep quiet unless I have something important to say, which is very rare as I usually manage to think that it's not that important or worth sharing anyways. The largest problem I have is I have no self-esteem.


youd get laid with this profile on Okcupid

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i guess what i don't like about this article and threads like this is that it somehow entitles "introverts" to be socially awkward loners. like there's something magical and special about not wanting to go out. it reeks of being self obsessed, which is what i think most introverts really are. why not make an effort to be socially well adjusted. everyone has anxiety about other people. this whole "i just feel more, maaaan" sensitive thing is really a ploy to get attention, in the passive aggressive way that introverts are comfortable with.

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i guess what i don't like about this article and threads like this is that it somehow entitles "introverts" to be socially awkward loners. like there's something magical and special about not wanting to go out. it reeks of being self obsessed, which is what i think most introverts really are. why not make an effort to be socially well adjusted. everyone has anxiety about other people. this whole "i just feel more, maaaan" sensitive thing is really a ploy to get attention, in the passive aggressive way that introverts are comfortable with.


strike a chord?



i don't think that's the point


i'll say that the world is made up of extroverts and introverts, 50/50? i don't know but that's just the way it is.


people in this thread are simply admitting to having these problems... just like how everybody has their own problems. to think that people are bragging of being introverted, wat?!

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i guess what i don't like about this article and threads like this is that it somehow entitles "introverts" to be socially awkward loners. like there's something magical and special about not wanting to go out. it reeks of being self obsessed, which is what i think most introverts really are. why not make an effort to be socially well adjusted. everyone has anxiety about other people. this whole "i just feel more, maaaan" sensitive thing is really a ploy to get attention, in the passive aggressive way that introverts are comfortable with.


I seriously hope you're trolling. Anyway, fuck you.


If extroverts were a little more understanding of our differences maybe we wouldn't be so bitchy about it. But no, you are so caught up in your frequency, that you're so comfortable with yet causes serious conflict for some - if not most - of those who are introvert/different/whatever the latest catchphrase is, that somehow it escapes human society how fucked up people's lives get from this disrepancy.


None of this is fun, it's part of coming to terms with how we interact with the world and is something many people struggle with all their lives, it affects every single thing we do.


I don't think any of us want attention. I just want to feel okay with being in my own skin.

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people in this thread are simply admitting to having these problems...




I think the article was highlighting how being introverted isn't a problem. I think preferring to not be all loud and super social is like preferring a certain type of music over another. You just do.


And Remy if you're not trolling that's a pretty ridiculous thing to say. There's definitely a difference to being social phobic and just preferring your own space.

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Guest fiznuthian

i guess what i don't like about this article and threads like this is that it somehow entitles "introverts" to be socially awkward loners. like there's something magical and special about not wanting to go out. it reeks of being self obsessed, which is what i think most introverts really are. why not make an effort to be socially well adjusted. everyone has anxiety about other people. this whole "i just feel more, maaaan" sensitive thing is really a ploy to get attention, in the passive aggressive way that introverts are comfortable with.


yeah, i made the choice to be this way, because i'm obviously fucking enjoying it

and i enjoy admitting the things that haunt me on watmm, because it feels good right?


NO ONE makes a deliberate choice to be a social fuck up or an introvert.

not all introverts struggle to socialize, but when you're really fucking a social life up

being introverted and awkward tends to go hand in hand.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i had a feeling a fire was gonna start. pretty one sided way of looking at things, 'self obsessed'? no. maybe more like self-improving. that's what personal reflection is all about

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i guess what i don't like about this article and threads like this is that it somehow entitles "introverts" to be socially awkward loners.

What the hell is this even supposed to mean? There is nothing wrong or objectively advantageous about being a loner or socially awkward...of course it's one thing to live off your parents while you jack off in their basement until you're 35 because you don't feel like talking to other human beings, but say if I want to be a hermit and this article makes me feel better about that decision, many people would prefer that lifestyle, where exactly is this a bad thing?


like there's something magical and special about not wanting to go out. it reeks of being self obsessed, which is what i think most introverts really are.

I know plenty of introverted kids and adults, and the most I can say about them is generally they don't talk all that much, are very observant and they'd rather read a book than say, attend a party full of annoying wasted dicks. I don't know who is implying that there's anything magical or special about anything, more that some people find more stimulation in solitude. Reading your post it seems you're more of an extrovert and you have too narrow of a perspective to understand that not everyone's interests meet yours exactly and not everyone has the same ability socially. I know plenty of introverted people who go out all the time because they want the same kind of gratification other people do from being social, and while they do make slight progresses they generally stay the same quiet, soft-spoken observers they've always been.


I wouldn't doubt that you've invaded a very introverted persons space (like I have plenty of times) and they freaked shit on you about it/even maybe had a mental breakdown of sorts, and I understand these kinds of people have a problem, as with the 35 year old's playing WoW in their parents basement etc. but I don't see what's so wrong with not wanting to talk to people so much (most of them are annoying idiots anyway for fuck sakes) and enjoying lots of alone time in general.


As my friend Karmakramer would say, "minds are complex."


Edit: damn i shouldn't make my posts so long, half of watmm already beat me to this one

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I don't like talking to strangers, and I'm mostly quiet around people I don't know, but I wouldn't call myself in introvert at all.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Edit: damn i shouldn't make my posts so long, half of watmm already beat me to this one


nothing wrong with putting care into your thoughts

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