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Would you wipe out your bad memories


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It seems that there is deep development into a new drug which erases bad memories, perhaps from bereavement, post-traumatic stress etc. They can apparently "can interfere with how the brain makes and remakes memories of frightening events."


Is it something that you would possibly delve into if it became widely availible? What do you think the outcome of use of these drugs may be in further life? Can they work without having some kind of adverse effect later in life?


I would like to hear peoples opinions on the matter as it's an interesting subject to me.


Further reading - Here

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It seems that there is deep development into a new drug which erases bad memories, perhaps from bereavement, post-traumatic stress etc. They can apparently "can interfere with how the brain makes and remakes memories of frightening events."


Is it something that you would possibly delve into if it became widely availible? What do you think the outcome of use of these drugs may be in further life? Can they work without having some kind of adverse effect later in life?


I would like to hear peoples opinions on the matter as it's an interesting subject to me.


Further reading - Here

Yeah, I read about this a few weeks back. I think its interesting but I think the real difficulty would be being able to draw up the bad memories without it interfering and nulifying the positive/good memories.


*takes pill*


*forgets about watmm*


*discovers xltronic*



*takes pill*

Ha ha - now that was funny!

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No, I like being depressed. This reminds me about that woman that remembers EVERY bad memory she has ever had. Just give her a date and she can tell you exactly what she did that day.

No, I think you'll find it isn't developed for that. This technology is being developed to get rid of crippling associations and traumatic memories. This isn't some quick fix 'cause you've had a bad day or are just on a downer lol.


Anyways I think more study needs to be done with this because there are dangers as I see it. One experiment on a short term association although quite interesting is definitely not enough. This would also need to be conducted with trained professionals who would have to guide a patient through the process very very carefully.

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My thinking is that seeing as Betablockers are pretty damn common anyhow and often given on prescription then surely this is already effecting 1000s if not 100000s of people already.


Surely for the association to be removed then the memory would have to be pretty persistently recalled and intense enough emotionally.


Not only that the half life of a Beta Blocker (Propranolol) can be as much as 12hrs which gives a person plenty of time to recall many memories and many associations.


Took this off Wikipedia for anyone whose interested .........


"Propranolol is rapidly and completely absorbed, with peak plasma levels achieved approximately 1–3 hours after ingestion. Co-administration with food appears to enhance bioavailability. Despite complete absorption, propranolol has a variable bioavailability due to extensive first-pass metabolism. Hepatic impairment will therefore increase its bioavailability. The main metabolite 4-hydroxypropranolol, with a longer half-life (5.2–7.5 hours) than the parent compound (3–4 hours), is also pharmacologically active.


Propranolol is a highly lipophilic drug achieving high concentrations in the brain. The duration of action of a single oral dose is longer than the half-life and may be up to 12 hours, if the single dose is high enough (e.g., 80 mg). Effective plasma concentrations are between 10–100 ng/mL."

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