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Anonymous and others start leaking


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I don't think Time did, I think people are linking to some other list or something...




yeah, i checked back and gordo linked to the "2010 TIME 100 Poll" and not the "TIME's 2010 Person of the Year" poll. doh!

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on a related note, for anyone who says that the cables didn't release anything important or interesting, check this one out: http://wikileaks.ch/cable/2009/06/09KABUL1651.html


apparently, the united states actively tried to cover up an incident where a us company, dyncorp, facilitated the purchase of young children for sex in afganistan. i had no idea that this happened, let alone that the united states tried to cover it up. dyncorp has done the same in other countries too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DynCorp#Involvement_in_child_sex_slave_traffic


fucked up, man.

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It's well known that the FBI monitors 4chan, especially the /b/ board.


of that I'm sure, but I mean, I bet they have spies deep inside anon. How would anon be able to background check all of their hackers anyway?

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Aren't they all anonymous though? Isn't that the point? It's not like a member registration thing... you are in it, if you say you are.




moot has handed over ip addresses in the past to law enforcement, so your identity isn't really protected.


however, i think the major implication of the fbi monitoring 4chan is that they know where all those pesky ddos attacks are coming from.

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on a related note, for anyone who says that the cables didn't release anything important or interesting, check this one out: http://wikileaks.ch/cable/2009/06/09KABUL1651.html


apparently, the united states actively tried to cover up an incident where a us company, dyncorp, facilitated the purchase of young children for sex in afganistan. i had no idea that this happened, let alone that the united states tried to cover it up. dyncorp has done the same in other countries too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DynCorp#Involvement_in_child_sex_slave_traffic


fucked up, man.

The FRONTLINE facebook page brought that to my attention :cerious: yesterday, they've done a episode on the practice before. Though it's not specific to this incident.

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It's well known that the FBI monitors 4chan, especially the /b/ board.


of that I'm sure, but I mean, I bet they have spies deep inside anon. How would anon be able to background check all of their hackers anyway?

Having a spy/spies deep inside anon wouldn't make a lick of difference, they make their goals pretty well known.



well one would assume that the hackers in anon, would be hiding their true IP, no?


when conducting a ddos attack? yes. to simply post on 4chan? i don't think so.


Lots of people post to /b using tor

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regardless, i find that story very worrying. this could be where the decentralised nature of the organisation comes back to bite them in the ass.


Specifically, midlevel WikiLeaks staffers have been mostly cut off from communicating with hundreds of volunteers whose contact information was stored in Assange’s private online-messaging accounts, and never shared with others.


On the contrary, it is the centralized model that is biting them in the ass now.

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Wikileaks Cable Shows US Involvement in Swedish Anti-Piracy Efforts


A yet to be released cable from the US Embassy in Stockholm will reveal that the United States Government was very concerned about file-sharing related issues in Sweden. The US Embassy actively worked with the Swedish authorities to reduce file-sharing related threats, which included The Pirate Bay which was raided in 2006 following US pressure.



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Wikileaks Cable Shows US Involvement in Swedish Anti-Piracy Efforts


A yet to be released cable from the US Embassy in Stockholm will reveal that the United States Government was very concerned about file-sharing related issues in Sweden. The US Embassy actively worked with the Swedish authorities to reduce file-sharing related threats, which included The Pirate Bay which was raided in 2006 following US pressure.



lol, how emberrassing for the swedes.

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