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Guest hahathhat


50 members have voted

  1. 1. How Do You Handle The Mouse?

    • Trap And Release
    • Trap, Harass, And Release (get it high, spook it with vsnares)
    • Trap And Kill
    • Mousetraps
    • Poison
    • They Are My Friends And I Will Leave Out Food

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Guest hahathhat

i live in an oldish house in a reasonably wooded area, and we get mice. a couple months after moving in i heard chewy noises in the wall. i actually might have just left them alone but it drove me nuts -- i'd wham on the wall then they'd start up again about 2.4 seconds later. SHUT UP YOU STUPID FUCKS I'M TRYING TO WRITE THE NEW DISCO!


so i found out how to trap them.


the big question is: what to do once you catch them? or would you bother to trap them at all?


My answer:



The first three mice we trapped, drove a few miles off, and released. I harassed the third one a bit. Now we're onto five or six (depends on if you count the one I found dead with no help from me). They are kind of cute, but they also poop everywhere and microbes are not cool. I'm not sure sure how many times I/Roomie are going to feel like driving out to a picturesque field to release them before switching to a brick. Or traps.


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we have a mouse, hes cool - comes and cleans the crumbs from my carpet from time to time, he doesnt shit anywhere near my living space so its all good


i called him trevor

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We had mice a couple of years ago. We tried all the humane options, like that trap you got. Didn't work. Then we got the old traditional spring traps, thinking that killing them quickly would be the next best option. Didn't work. So we got the glue traps. They worked. I then had to put about three mice out of their misery with a fucking hammer. I still feel bad about it to this day!

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I once trapped a mouse in my room and sat up all night with a BB gun trained on the only exit. 4+ hours of intense sniping and I shot it clean through the eye.

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I hate mice.Love rats but hate mice.

When I worked on the farm there were hundreds of them and the resulting dust from their crap is really dangerous.Besides this they smell really bad and there seems to be no reason for their destuction of wires,paper,nets,sacks,tack and the polystyrene inserts we used for the boxes for cold newborn lambs.

They are bastards. :cat:


re;gary c's post-my mate,wilson,once skewered a mouse with a screwdriver.We were tripping on acid at the time but I swear that bit was real.

Edited by sine
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My cat deals with them for me :cat: . However, the cat flap is exit only now as I've had enough of cleaning up mice guts from the kitchen floor or having to chase them around to chuck them out.

Edited by spratters
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Guest Helper ET

once i bought my girlfriend 2 albino mice for her birthday. well that turned into 5 after not so long. my girlfriend thought there were too many and thought no one would take them, so she let one out to freeze to death for some reason. so we had 4 mice to take care of, then eventually the kids had kids, and there were like 12 of them, right around the time my girlfriend went out of town for a while. so they quicky learned that they could squeeze their bodies and get out of the cage, and so i had like 6 mice running around the apartment with me for like a month. it was fun at first, then they started to freak me out while i was writing and sleeping, so i tried catching them, and i couldnt do it. theyre just too elusive. it wasnt until i found the classic tube and trap method that i caught them. then this one, kept crawling out of its cage, it wouldnt listen. so then i went out of town for christmas, and realized in the middle of my trip that i didnt feed them before i left. i came back and 3 of them were dead and 2 were dying. it was really sad, because one mouse was just sitting beside one of the dead mice, like he was waiting for him to wake up. so the remaining two, i put in these little plastic sheets and put them in the bathtub with a little water in the bottom so they cold drink - i figured they were really dehydrated. so i went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to find that they had crawled off the plastic things, into the water, and drowned to death. it was awful. i had to take them away and throw them away in the dumpster. so we decided that we had caused enough carnage and death, so we gave them all away on kajiji

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Guest hahathhat

i have to say, they are pretty useless animals. once you've caught the mouse and it's in a bin, it's like:


you stare at mouse.


mouse cowers in the corner and defecates.


you poke container.


mouse cowers in the corner and defecates.


you're all bllaaahhblalbBART SIMPSON FACEblahlbah


mouse cowers in the corner and defecates.




mouse cowers in the corner and defecates.


then you start to get sorely tempted to do something like shake it around, just to get some sort of reaction!

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I don't like trap and release because I forget to check the traps, and then they starve to death.

I use "humane" traps. I also don't have to look at the dead mouse because it's a covered trap.

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Not pleasant to have in your home, we had some a while back, one jumped from a height in the kitchen and virtually flew past my housemates head, v amusing but not ideal in the home. Luckily they just seemed to disappear, we think they must of been someone's pets that were recaptured. A good thing as we were about to bring out the glue traps. The constant scratching sounds in the wall really weren't desirable

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I have used poison in the past; the only problem with that is they usually die behind something or under something, and unless you can access that space, you have to put up with a smell for a period of time.

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Feed them radioactive waste , wait for them to mutate into a very wise sensei.




Warning: They like coffee "way too much"

Wasn't Splinter a rat? :shuriken:

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rather than kill the mice you can always use this situation to try some experiments. Why not leave a tiny notepad and pencil lying around, or a miniature pair of mma gloves or a tiny rubix cube? These are the experiments that the average person in a lab is simply to afraid to try. You dont need the approval of your colleagues here, it's just you and the mice.

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rather than kill the mice you can always use this situation to try some experiments. Why not leave a tiny notepad and pencil lying around, or a miniature pair of mma gloves or a tiny rubix cube? These are the experiments that the average person in a lab is simply to afraid to try. You dont need the approval of your colleagues here, it's just you and the mice.

Or maybe a copy of the catholic mass,maybe a papal ring...


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Guest hahathhat

so the remaining two, i put in these little plastic sheets and put them in the bathtub with a little water in the bottom so they cold drink - i figured they were really dehydrated. so i went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to find that they had crawled off the plastic things, into the water, and drowned to death. it was awful. i had to take them away and throw them away in the dumpster. so we decided that we had caused enough carnage and death, so we gave them all away on kajiji


mice are pretty dumb animals.

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