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NASA to Hold News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery


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They're saying its a finding that will impact the search. E.g. they've run some models and life might be more likely to exist at a certain depth in soil or a certain temperature range, so they're going to look there. Something like that I reckon.


i.e. not something particularly exciting

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Maybe they will finally send a submarine to Europa. They think it might harvest life under its icey exterior.


If this happens in my lifetime, I will be so very, very happy.

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Guest analogue wings

I'm guessing they have found life-friendly conditions (eg liquid water) on a Jovian moon or an exoplanet. They've made announcements like this before, esp about Europa.


Just trying to keep the mainstream media interested with dumb oversimplifications so the govt can't spin doctor them as villains when it's time for budget cuts.

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the most intriguing idea that i've heard that pertains to extra-terrestrial life is that many scientists think that living beings simply need to be in a liquidy substance (and heat) to form. so the methane oceans of titan are just as likely to harbor life as the water oceans of europa.


obviously it's impossible to test this theory because we'd need to find a bunch of living beings and figure out what they grew up in (water, methane, etc), but it creates a lot of possibilities.

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Yeah, they found that organic compounds can be created in some atmospheres (ours, Titan's, etc.) where a sun can 'activate' it. At that point, all it would take are a few meteorites to bring it down to the planet to start some sort of microbial life.

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