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I haven't had any in two years. ;-;

just make an account on OKcupid, man..



that was a joke


I realized right after I posted that my post was bait for this, but I'm okay with this.


I still fucking want snow though.

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Went out and played in real snow for the first time ever last night and went tobogganing this afternoon. Despite my initial worry, I think I could definitely live somewhere where it gets this cold. Now the only thing is whether or not I could live in Canada. That's a whole other ballgame.


Also, my relatives gave me some boots and a corduroy jacket. :biggrin:

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Fuckin' hell, I love snow except tomorrow is the one day of the year I actually have to drive anywhere (spoiled by the NY subway system) and it's gonna be a god damn blizzard. FML.

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Guest abusivegeorge

How old is the Micra? I know someone with one that stays toastie.


The snow's gone off the roads here now. I still continue to fall over though. Twice last night and once (so far) this morning. Gotta dress up in a donkey outfit and go on a pub crawl later so may brake one or two bones.


it's a '99 bright yellow, "Inspiration" lol. It's pretty good actually - very toasty as you say....little bit small though!


Lol, it'll do 110 foot welded to the carpet.

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Jesus Christ. Winter is cold. And I mean cold.


God damn. Imagine walking to highs chool/uni/whatever for 8 blocks in -35C plus windchill, in the snow.


Fuck you. Just fuck you. you don't toboggan in negative death temperatures.


hail frozen Satan.

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yeah, arrived back in glorious E15 last night to find all the snow and ice completely gone - thank fuck. now there's a slim chance i can walk down the street without falling into the bins behind sainsburys. slim but non-zero.

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