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Ha, Aerosmith's lead singer...

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74

...Steven Tyler is this season's judge on American Idol.


This has cheered me up no end. I don't know why. Maybe it's because everything you ever suspected about Aerosmith ie. that they were really just a crap band well marketed with big hair and expensive videos but were no more about rock music than...Bon Jovi...has been spectacularly confirmed. Of course being a judge on a pop show doesn't make one a bad singer, but it's all just so horribly...commercial... I hope he remembers to keep the Diet Coke glass facing the camera.

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don't listen to them Conor74, they're just joshing you. i think it IS useful information - although i'm surprised you needed steven tyler's shithead credentials confirmed!


also, there's nothing wrong with being commercial dawg, if you've got a job you're commercial too, also look at kanye he does alright

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Guest Conor74

I am slightly embittered by Aerosmith as here, in rural Ireland, had to grow up when fans of Aerosmith outnumbered all fans of electronic music put together by what seemed like an...oh...say ten to one ratio. And as they all rushed out to buy Pump in 1989, noone listened to me saying 'no no, but they are REALLY shit'. Or if they did they ignored me. And now I have to find each one of my old classmates scattered around the world, knock on their doors, point and shout 'ha ha' and run away.

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