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Stuck at work thread


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Guest Deep Fried Everything

This is my first day back at work after an 8 day vacation (my first real vacation in 3 years).


Obviously not happy to be back. All of the perspective and time to think that I had on vacation is gone, and in back in the routine of work.


I am now 100% committed to finding a new job. I'm not going to continue this shit.


a-fucking-men to all this. :squarepusher: (though i have had real vacations, but everything aside..)

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At fucking work again.

Listening to Radio 2 again.

Looking forward to lunch again.


Prawn salad today hurrah.


On the upside I am gonna be out of my box for around 18 hours later :crazy:

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What's on Radio 2 today? Oh, some BeeGee's, fuck yeah.


Today I've mostly printed some famous Hollywood Oscar winners on A4, and tried desperately to find something interesting to read news-wise.

The news slows to a horrific halt around this time. I don't want a re-cap of the year, I paid attention.

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I'm working today 7am-3pm.


bigfatLOL, it was almost 70 degrees here yesterday, this morning I woke up to ice covering everything :ohmy: A cold front came through and caused thunderstorms that rained ice/sleet.... Lightning, thunder, and ICE.

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wish i could still surf watmm at work.


instead i'm driving or getting bitched at or plugging in computers.


yay bachelors degree

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yeah, I'm feeling this today.


where you work? i'm in the west loop, just a few blocks west of the sears tower.


i am

and its my birthday to boot


boooooo all over that! :unsure:




200 Adams, Adams/Wells. Let's hit the Starbucks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's dead as fuck at our store today, luckily we have a demo netbook that I occasionally use for msn and watmm on days where it's dead enough to allow for it.


Then I get used to not having to deal with customers and I get all pissed off when we start getting busy.

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i've had NO work today (i work for a print company). i shouldn't have even turned up. just been listening to music, talking to workmates and printing personal jobs all day. i think i hate dead days even more than flat out busy days. especially in my current state which is hungover and anxious. i get too thinky when i don't have anything to distract myself with!

and constantly refreshing watmm is kinda wearing thin.


aaargh fuck it i might just go home. there's nobody else here anyway.

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5 days a week I read watmm to entertain myself while wasting my life away for money. Stuck at work 4 lyfe.

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I don't have an awful amount to do at the best of times, but my manager is on holiday for a week and I finished everything she left me on Tuesday.

I've got a book to read and I generally internet for about 4 hours a day, lol.


And I've just realised that I should probably turn sigs and avatars off whilst at work. It would also help phone-watmm too, so bye, guys.

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I've counted that I've drunk just over 4 litres of water this morning to pass the time. Tuna salad to come in around 10 minutes. Those watermelon sweets made my mouth water so I may have to go to the shop at lunch and get something similar.


Made a rubbish amount of profit last month. Hopefully I'll do better this month otherwise I can picture a P45 coming my way soon.


Right I'm gonna go to lunch and spend the rest of the afternoon playing this

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Taking a lot of (prescribed) dihydrocodeine at work today, it certainly passes the time.



Haha it certainly does. I had one of my best days at work ever after 180mg in the space of about two hours. To be patronising for a moment, don't do it for more than a couple of days or so though. It's not just that it's addictive, it's easy to induce a spiral of rebound headaches and will give you really bad constipation. You end up drinking loads of orange juice and trying to manage the comedown with other painkillers, makes you feel like a low rent smackhead.

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