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i don't hate the film. i can't hate a film. i'm disappointed with the film.


I enjoy watching films, even bad ones, too much to hate them. So I think this is probably the only valuable contribution to this thread so far. Good job, Hoodie. ^5


Damn... 1,327 posts that you read and thats the only thing of value you found? Have you seen the film? I thought the discussion two pages back on the plot was more interesting than something that could be referencing any film ever.

Edited by compson
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Guest Mirezzi

I haven't seen it yet. One thing I pride myself in is having the ability to completely wipe from memory all form and manner of expectations when I go in on a film. Watching any film is an easily made investment for me, of both time and money, but I so badly want to enjoy everything I screen. That's why I like Hoodie's post more than anything else on this thread.


Meanwhile, all of the Lindelof-fueled dissections of Prometheus are only interesting insofar as they're identical to Lost discussions...the same Lost discussions found elsewhere on WATMM, and, for the most part, involving the same participants.

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The whole entire scene with David in the control/sleep chamber room is amazingly beautiful. One of the coolest things I have ever seen on film. In IMAX 3D, I felt like I was inside the coolest navigation system room that has been conceived to date. I also loved the flute. Why shouldn't sound be a component in high tech? I am now thinking that the last scene was indeed the queen from Aliens. I also love the Space Jockeys. So much Gnosticism. I love me some demiurge action. PKD would have loved this film.


And the idea of them using that black goo on the entire earth is fucking nuts to think about! Most animals would become xenomorphic. AHHHH!

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Guest Mirezzi

By the way, I'm still not reading many spoilers. All I see is "Space Jockey" *grumble grumble piss moan* and "Squid fucker abortion spectacle" etc. etc.


If that's a spoiler, then I'm ruined.

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I haven't seen it yet. One thing I pride myself in is having the ability to completely wipe from memory all form and manner of expectations when I go in on a film. Watching any film is an easily made investment for me, of both time and money, but I so badly want to enjoy everything I screen. That's why I like Hoodie's post more than anything else on this thread.


Meanwhile, all of the Lindelof-fueled dissections of Prometheus are only interesting insofar as they're identical to Lost discussions...the same Lost discussions found elsewhere on WATMM, and, for the most part, involving the same participants.


Thats good you are able to wipe the memory, still I don't understand why you would be reading the plot theories stuff if you haven't seen it.... can you seriously forget stuff by will?


The whole entire scene with David in the control/sleep chamber room is amazingly beautiful. One of the coolest things I have ever seen on film. In IMAX 3D, I felt like I was inside the coolest navigation system room that has been conceived to date. I also loved the flute. Why shouldn't sound be a component in high tech? I am now thinking that the last scene was indeed the queen from Aliens. I also love the Space Jockeys. So much Gnosticism. I love me some demiurge action. PKD would have loved this film.


And the idea of them using that black goo on the entire earth is fucking nuts to think about! Most animals would become xenomorphic. AHHHH!


Completely agree Atop. That scene with David in the beginning, with the little sci fi sounds and whatnot... it was more futuristic than anything I had seen on film. First Alien and 2001 vibes.

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The detail in the film is staggering. Did you notice the giant mound was an old H R Giger design from Dune or the original Alien, I believe?






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I give this movie an 8/10. Despite all my rage I'm still just ready to say this movie was actually very good. It wasn't really dumb at all, actually some of the ideas were pretty interesting.


I would go so far as to say it's one of the best science fiction movies I've ever seen.


That said there were major flaws, such as "random" scenes and rather corny acting at a few parts. A few parts were pretty "cringe-worthy." It was like, a few stops short of being an honest to god masterpiece. And by a few stops I mean terrible dialogue and random scenes coming out of nowhere that induced cringes and inner facepalms. But still, considerably more spiritually interesting and relevant than Tree of Life. Best space visuals I've ever seen.

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I'm honestly really glad I didn't decide not to go based on the negative buzz in this thread and elsewhere on the web. I stand by my and some other posts on the last page... mostly. Might be giving the Lost writer too much shit, the twists in this film were mostly pretty interesting... apart from some embarrassing moments that I can overlook.


There were too many great moment and just really futuristic images. Ridley Scott still has it. "Science fiction" in the way I like it...


so yeah.



I think a lot of the negative buzz is from people who expect movies to be perfectly streamlined for their enjoyment. For someone like me, I'm very much willing to overlook flaws if there is something original being presented. I thought this movie was highly original... it was a treat to see in 3D Imax, in every sense of the word "treat." I was almost in tears from the beauty of the landscapes in the beginning, and when that shadow comes over... my thoughts were just "filmmaking has come a long way since Alien." Those images were astounding.


So yeah, people might laugh at some parts that didn't come off well, the plot holes are rather severe, but the originality of the images, presentation, violence, and appealing characters (to me the characters were pitch perfect... I don't agree with posts on that subject, I liked the cast and they made the people pretty fun to watch... much better than Star Trek, that's just my take though).

Edited by vamos scorcho
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I'm honestly really glad I didn't decide not to go based on the negative buzz in this thread and elsewhere. I stand by my and some other posts on the last page... mostly. Might be giving the Lost writer too much shit, the twists in this film were mostly pretty interesting... apart from some embarrassing moments that I can overlook.


There were too many great moment and just really futuristic images. Ridley Scott still has it. "Science fiction" in the way I like it...


so yeah.


Exactly... this is better than Avatar and could have been a giant leap in the right direction for hollywood but was at least a step in that direction.

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Guest sirch

i still haven't seen it yet... not that bothered to, either.. like i said before.. cinemas can suck my nuts,

..anyway, yeah.. haven't seen it.. think people are being twats 'n dicvks about it... tis only a film... it was bound to be pants anyway... cos, ridley scott... should... retire...

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Guest sirch

i'm gonna go see that new lucas film, tho... the one 'bout the plans 'n shit................ and if thaT's shit.... well........ fuck those old directors... who cares........... bollocks.................

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certainly one of the most immersive space films ever made, easily


I felt like I was on another planet with these people. I'm still reveling in that feeling.


I remember seeing Independence Day when I was a kid, and fucking loving it. Mars Attacks, Men in Black, etc. All these space movies... and just like reveling in the imagination and the atmosphere and the "buzz" or high you get when a movie has transported you into this crazy world with these characters you liked. I'm really getting that after watching this, I want to see it again right now.


Movies that haven't done that for me for the past 5 years:



Iron Man


The Dark Knight



District 9




There is something genuinely romantic about this film. It really does have soul, despite it's obvious flaws.

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When the biologist was freaking out and running to catch up with the geologist dude, was genuinely hilarious. I didn't mind that some of the characters behaved unintelligently, as stupid as it seemed in hindsight I think there was something to the idea that humans will do anything to appease their curiosity.

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Guest abracadabra

Just watched it, and it's pretty fucking gorgeous and I kept wanting to watch it. I agree with vamos pretty much through and through. Some corny acting, I thought was mostly done by Guy Pearce who ended up being virtually pointless. Charlize Theron too at times was a tad corny, but questionable to her character. I'm really glad that the love/sex/conception scene didn't drag into a long porno extravaganza although that's what I thought was gonna happen as I was watching. The opening scene with the landscapes was pretty fucking gorgeous. I vote Best Cinematography. The sets were supposedly "deconstructed" by H.R. Giger and it was apparent and just awesome. I'm SUPER FUCKING GLAD that minimal CGI was used and in accord with Ridley's philosophy on visual FX: If you can physically do it, then why not? Damn dude, that abortion scene was the fucking best too. This film seems to be generating polarized criticism. I think all the negative reviews are just as vamos scorcho said, people are expecting all the answers handed to them and streamlined in a manner that makes them passive viewers. I was engaged throughout, and the end was just the icing on the cake with the xenomorph.


Also, why didn't Vickers at the end, when about to get crushed by the spaceship, just run the other way? RUN HORIZONTALLY OR DIAGONALLY BITCH!

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hey check it, this guy nitpicks it with a positive spin, WTF??? How strange of him to not hate this film? http://cavalorn.live...135.html#cutid1


honestly, i feel like the script probably suffered from too many rewrites. the movie does a lot of things correctly in terms of philosophy and symbolism, but the actual storytelling is done poorly. in my mind, one of the few things that could explain that is someone working on the film for so long that they become "blind" to what they are actually creating. they craft these little plots that are brilliant but can't weave them together correctly to make a quality final product.


i don't hate the film. i can't hate a film. i'm disappointed with the film.


Hoodz! I completely agree with all of the plot buggery that you noticed and I am sure there is more to the confusion than you listed.


I hated the Holloway character as well and there was no character development on anyone cept for Dr Shaw's character and David, coincidence?


The scientists were crazy silly and stupidly written. The two fellows who were left behind totally got lost and were just asking to be attacked by creatures. Dumbest scientists I have seen in any film in a long time.


There should have been more explanation of the mission before hand.


The dust storm scene was confusing and not very clearly sequenced. I thought Shaw got knocked inside of Prometheus and not the outside.


I do however think David contaminated Holloway because Weyland was telling him to be more extreme in his experiments. *the scene with David and Vickers arguing*


Contamination protocols were severely ignored, cept by Vickers. Yes this was annoying. Holloway was a machismo dick though, so he might be dumb enough to see a worm coming out of his eyeball and still be dumb enough to man-up and go into the ship with his bros and his girl and rescue the dumbest scientists ever. lol


The last Engineer should not have had a personal vendetta against Shaw. It did seem silly except that it leads to the last scene, which I enjoyed a lot more the second time seeing.



SO my point is that I do agree with all of your gripes and some of Robbie's, the exception with Robbie's beef being the whole design of the film. It is my favourite aspect besides Fassbender being amazing as David.


The reason I enjoy this film more than most of you is because I have a flaw or a gift for seeing the bigger picture and while I was watching this film, both times, my imagination would take over in some parts. I was and am still thinking about all of the exploits of the engineers, who could have made them and why they would want to wipe us out. This intrigues me beyond most myth as it ties in with Gnostic beliefs, ancient myths, and the fact that perhaps the human race has fucked up our planet royally and need a reboot.


So with all of its flaws, the over arcing storyline and the look of the film fascinate me enough to look past plot holes.


The only thing I can think of as to why they left so many plot holes in, besides being written by several writers, was that Ridley wanted to make the team of scientists seem stupid and unworthy of being in the presence of the Engineers. If that was the point, he and the writers succeeded.


A film with this much dough spent on it should have had a scoured script assuring continuity and believability.


I think I could have just seen the opening sequence and been satisfied with that as a short film.


David made the rest of the film for me.

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Yes, he is a pretty man.


Giving his David by Michelangelo pose.


SO am I crazy for being a fan of a film with so many plot abysses?

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