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and the xeno wasnt technically full size yet



yeah but it was a full xeno. it starts out small in alien too. again, a fully developed being. i'm not convinced the whole xeno/facehugger species comes from humans, some details are vague now but it seems like they were already around on the planet and david just infected Holloway with what he found there.



*sorry fixed name

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and the xeno wasnt technically full size yet



yeah but it was a full xeno. it starts out small in alien too. again, a fully developed being. i'm not convinced the whole xeno/facehugger species comes from humans, some details are vague now but it seems like they were already around on the planet and david just infected shaw with what he found there.




the face hugger was at least 10x as large, the fact that it birthed something large makes sense and its also reasonable to assume the xeno will continue to get larger, perhaps the queen?


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not sure that really matters - lots of ways you could explain this. there are lots of other ships on LV-223, looked like there might be a couple more engineers too so alien could potentially have got off-world that way.


or it could be as simple as they renamed LV-223 to LV-426 for whatever reason (probably something to do with al the shit that happened and covering it up).


or LV-426 could be where Shaw and David end up at when they head-off at the end.


Or it could be another installation like LV-223 where the same thing happened and there are already aliens on it in the same timeframe we just haven't encountered them yet...


I dunno, loads of possibilities, like I say don't think it's actually that important about the LV-223/LV-426 discrepancy.


I wouldn't agree with the whole renaming LV-223 to LV-426, since in the Weyland Timeline they make specific mention of discovering Acheron LV-426.


Either way, I still like your theory that humans themselves were the genesis of the xenomorph we know from the Alien series. It's a pretty interesting take on it all :beer:

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also I think the engineers are being used by something "higher" than them - whoever was driving the flying saucer at the beginning. note the engineer's ships are not flying saucers, rather flying horseshoes. so I think the engineers are just doing a job for a yet-to-be revealed higher lifeform and were just following orders when going to destroy earth etc. they might be analogous to angels rather than gods - the gods burned off in the flying saucer at the start.

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and the first scene?


It was an engineer committing suicide because of the their failed attempt at creating a genetic distortion weapon right?




I thought what we saw was the creation of life on Earth. Didn't that scene end up with strings of DNA flowing around in the water




That could be it. Then again it is a bit weird that one of them would sacrifice itself to create life. They seemed not very selfless. They are superior to us though, androgynous, and an "all one" type of race. Who knows how they would work out their feelings on life and death? They seemed like pure scientists, experimenting being their main goal.




Yeah, it seemed really weird. I bet it's tough as fuck to flesh out and explain everything about a whole new race of beings in little over two hours, but their behaviour didn't make any sense. They created mankind (as far as I could tell), and when mankind woke them up from whatever hyper sleep they were in they fucked them up. It would be the same if I planted a seed in the ground, watered it, watched it grow, and as soon as it was about to bloom I would bite its head off.




they were making explosives or whatever to kill humans because they had found a superior dna (xenos). Then an outbreak happened before they could destroy Earth, the dude who's head fell off was a suicide. The few survivors go into hypersleep or what not, to await maybe a rescue engineer ship, but no one comes and 2,000 years later, we get far enough along to figure out their plans/location, we wake one of them up, the engineer either is insulted by david (unclear what he says) or realizes the extent of humanity's progress. he attempts to continue with original plan to destroy earth despite risks involved with leaving the main bridge, ie safe pod or whatever, contrast with charliez safety home place lol. anyway the engineer fucks up etc etc, and the black stuff that had infected those insects worms things had evolved super fast, just as xenos in original alien grew to full size in the matter of hours... and then that thing gets big and plants the new species egg inside the engineer, where it becomes a version of alien, but not the one we know from the originals






One theory I've heard was the chap at the beginning on the waterfall was Prometheus who was a renegade engineer who created humans and also created the weapon 'alien' DNA that got out of control hence all the holograms running around. The engineer at the end saw humans and David as an abomination who then set off to wipe out the earth and fortunately came a cropper, I think some translation on that scene would have made a huge difference. I'm not sure if the Prometheus engineer was committing suicide at the beginning (hence the waterfall) because of his sins and/or was unleashing the alien DNA into the water system to destroy his people and save humans from being wiped out or was maybe trying to advance himself into a god in some way which went wrong. As for all the alienish stuff at the end I'm assuming the lifeforce evolved and mutated into what was found on LV426 which again looks like and some kind of accident. Don't forget that Alien's take DNA from their host which is why they are always a little different depending on their surroundings and what they popped out of. Hopefully more will get answered in the next two sequels and I hope they get a decent script writer, editor and score composer too.


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Either way, I still like your theory that humans themselves were the genesis of the xenomorph we know from the Alien series. It's a pretty interesting take on it all :beer:


At first I thought the same as you. I liked the idea of man being the father of the xenomorph but then I had one of those Ren & Stimpy burp/fart realisations where I suddenly realised how lame that is. I don't want to sound like just another internet troll who hates on everything coming his way, but it's so cliché I can't even find words for it. It's like saying, 'man is the most dangerous animal of all'.

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and the first scene?


It was an engineer committing suicide because of the their failed attempt at creating a genetic distortion weapon right?




I thought what we saw was the creation of life on Earth. Didn't that scene end up with strings of DNA flowing around in the water




That could be it. Then again it is a bit weird that one of them would sacrifice itself to create life. They seemed not very selfless. They are superior to us though, androgynous, and an "all one" type of race. Who knows how they would work out their feelings on life and death? They seemed like pure scientists, experimenting being their main goal.




Yeah, it seemed really weird. I bet it's tough as fuck to flesh out and explain everything about a whole new race of beings in little over two hours, but their behaviour didn't make any sense. They created mankind (as far as I could tell), and when mankind woke them up from whatever hyper sleep they were in they fucked them up. It would be the same if I planted a seed in the ground, watered it, watched it grow, and as soon as it was about to bloom I would bite its head off.




they were making explosives or whatever to kill humans because they had found a superior dna (xenos). Then an outbreak happened before they could destroy Earth, the dude who's head fell off was a suicide. The few survivors go into hypersleep or what not, to await maybe a rescue engineer ship, but no one comes and 2,000 years later, we get far enough along to figure out their plans/location, we wake one of them up, the engineer either is insulted by david (unclear what he says) or realizes the extent of humanity's progress. he attempts to continue with original plan to destroy earth despite risks involved with leaving the main bridge, ie safe pod or whatever, contrast with charliez safety home place lol. anyway the engineer fucks up etc etc, and the black stuff that had infected those insects worms things had evolved super fast, just as xenos in original alien grew to full size in the matter of hours... and then that thing gets big and plants the new species egg inside the engineer, where it becomes a version of alien, but not the one we know from the originals





I've just realized looking at this that the facehuggers on LV-426 were certainly designed for humans sized heads.

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Seeing the amount of discussion this story gets, I'm seriously wondering wether it is as bad as people claim. The discussion speaks volumes, so the speak. Even more than the sentiments perhaps.


*continues to hug my face*

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Either way, I still like your theory that humans themselves were the genesis of the xenomorph we know from the Alien series. It's a pretty interesting take on it all :beer:


At first I thought the same as you. I liked the idea of man being the father of the xenomorph but then I had one of those Ren & Stimpy burp/fart realisations where I suddenly realised how lame that is. I don't want to sound like just another internet troll who hates on everything coming his way, but it's so cliché I can't even find words for it. It's like saying, 'man is the most dangerous animal of all'.


Everything is a cliche, if you think too much about it.


Also, clearly, man isn't the most dangerous animal of all - the xenomorphs are :cisfor:

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the face hugger was at least 10x as large, the fact that it birthed something large makes sense and its also reasonable to assume the xeno will continue to get larger, perhaps the queen?


Could be yeah.

Either way, I still like your theory that humans themselves were the genesis of the xenomorph we know from the Alien series. It's a pretty interesting take on it all :beer:


At first I thought the same as you. I liked the idea of man being the father of the xenomorph but then I had one of those Ren & Stimpy burp/fart realisations where I suddenly realised how lame that is. I don't want to sound like just another internet troll who hates on everything coming his way, but it's so cliché I can't even find words for it. It's like saying, 'man is the most dangerous animal of all'.


That's what I thought as well. I originally thought that was the point but right now I'm convinced otherwise because of the genetic aspects. isn't it impossible?


A lot of interesting ideas in the thread though<D

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i,d really like to see how the xenemorph evolved from the new design into the more mechanical version we know from the 1st movie


could ANDROIDS be involved or corporations tampering with dna for use as a weapon,if there is to be a sequel i,d love to see them go down this road

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Either way, I still like your theory that humans themselves were the genesis of the xenomorph we know from the Alien series. It's a pretty interesting take on it all :beer:


At first I thought the same as you. I liked the idea of man being the father of the xenomorph but then I had one of those Ren & Stimpy burp/fart realisations where I suddenly realised how lame that is. I don't want to sound like just another internet troll who hates on everything coming his way, but it's so cliché I can't even find words for it. It's like saying, 'man is the most dangerous animal of all'.


Everything is a cliche, if you think too much about it.


Also, clearly, man isn't the most dangerous animal of all - the xenomorphs are :cisfor:


But we are to blame for the xenomorphs. Mankind came in a ship called Prometheus to an unexplored world to do something revolutionary. Prometheus, the titan, came to Earth to bring us something revolutionary (fire). Mankind got punished for for going to the unexplored world. Prometheus got punished by Zeus for bringing fire to Earth.


Mankind fucked up and brought the deadliest predator into the world.


This is a really terrible high school interpretation of the movie but it's what it brings to the table.


Are you guys sure you're not inadvertently discussing season one of Lost?


Haha, yeah, sounds like it.

I liked your short films btw. Watched them on the train ;)

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found this on reddit/films


beware =spoilers




yeah i saw that linked somewhere and read it last night. has some pretty level-headed interpretations and connections in it. unfortunately it doesn't 'answer' much, it just analyzes. but it's a pretty good analysis.

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Just saw it last night. I think the dialogue was kinda shit ("i guess thats because, your a robot, and im not"), and the character development didnt really go anywhere, but overall i found it very enjoyable. 7/10

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When i left the cinema there were two guys wearing Alien t-shirts that were angry and loud, fucking Ridley Scott off to hell.


-- --


I can't see Awe's facial expression but i assume his head is about to explode in anger because he is passionately criticizing a movie on a internet forum..you don't do that unless you are so angry that you need to blow off some steam.


i went to see a prequel to one of my favorite films, it was highly disappointing, end of story.

Giving the space jockey a free pass in Prometheus has probably created a ticking timebomb in a lot of peoples heads, i predict heads will explode once people come down from the Phantom Menace high. Remember when Phantom came out even when people saw it they still wanted to convince themselves they loved it?


flute scene anybody? wtf? Did damon think throwing in a zelda reference at the risk of killing suspension of disbelief and wonder was a good idea? i literally laughed out loud when that happened.


edit2: did anybody else find the score strangely jarring and overly 'triumphant' at the beginning and during other scenes?

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the musical score was really disctracting. for me it was the biggest flaw of the movie. it felt generic and overblown.


yeah, i didn't see your comment but especially the opening scene once they show mr jockey they try to do some sort of 80s referen



once again the various 'goos' in the movie, the dna bursting, the black undulating material on the type of the shells, far far more interesting than any creature on two legs or otherwise. Great use of cgi at the beginning (after we cut away from buff human jockey)

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sorry i have to keep going, did anybody else find it incredibly convenient that Idris Elba's character created all the exposition necessary to explain what the xenomorphs are. The fact that he also used the 2000's phrase 'weapons of mass destruction' was also extremely ridiculous, i mean for a movie shrouded in mystery they sure knew a lot about what was going on with absolutely no evidence.


Did Ridley just go so senile that he forgot that 95 year old man makeup looks really bad, it has never looked convincing in any movie, why didnt they just hire an older actor? I mean the TED talk video was cool, but i dont see the point of oldifying Guy Pierce arbitrarily.




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