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Free Apple product placement...


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I'm a little torn on this since i am a mac book owner. However it's really beginning to get under my skin that i see at least one giant glowing apple logo on stage per electronic show. Sometimes when there is an intended atmosphere on stage, the glowing apple logo kind of ruins it. What my question is to you is has the overwhelming eagerness of it's owners to advertise for Apple on a regular basis irritated you in any way?



I feel like i want to get everyone i know to coverup their apple logos when they perform, but i doubt anyone will listen.

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I'm a little torn on this since i am a mac book owner. However it's really beginning to get under my skin that i see at least one giant glowing apple logo on stage per electronic show. Sometimes when there is an intended atmosphere on stage, the glowing apple logo kind of ruins it. What my question is to you is has the overwhelming eagerness of it's owners to advertise for Apple on a regular basis irritated you in any way?



I feel like i want to get everyone i know to coverup their apple logos when they perform, but i doubt anyone will listen.


good question. Its basically the same with some kind of expensive keyboard. Would you buy it but hide it away while performing to not disturb the audience with its presence / logo? Sure its not glowing (well some have even more glowing & blinking stuff on them than the apple logo) but thats basically why people are ok with it

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Yeah, I've felt that way for a long time. Maybe not irritated, more bemused. I've also found that when playing shows with other guys that you occasionally get a sort of Mac-smugness. Like somehow using a Mac makes you a "real electronic musician". Then I guess those sort of fellas would be the one's rocking the vintage pedals and amps in indie bands with the latest cool stylings. I've only ever played a couple of gigs with a laptop so it's not something I've bothered with one way or the other.


My one pet peeve about live gigs is when they don't follow protocol and close their laptop lid at the end of the set. It should be the universal indicator of end of set.

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I am a bit disappointed recently if I see people performing exclusively with ableton live on their macbooks. I don't know why something in me says "oh its just ableton" and I loose a bit of respect even so live is great as a software.

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I use a Mac. I'm not going to cover up what I use. That's almost as bad as bragging about what you use. If you are ashamed of using something, then dont use it.


Now if you are talking solely about it ruining your lighting setup, ok then sure do what you need to do. But otherwise, I really don't care.

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An "eagerness" to advertise for apple would require going out of ones way to do so... Like putting the free apple sticker on your car's bumper. Using a product with a built in logo, means nothing beyond the willingness to use said product.

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I use a Mac. I'm not going to cover up what I use. That's almost as bad as bragging about what you use. If you are ashamed of using something, then dont use it.


Now if you are talking solely about it ruining your lighting setup, ok then sure do what you need to do. But otherwise, I really don't care.


i just think since most electronic shows these days are relatively dark, the intense apple logo glow can not be ignored. if you can 'tune it out' good for you, but i can no longer do this. just as a public service i'm going to cover mine up, not because of any sort of 'i'm embarrassed to be using this brand' kind of feeling. I feel like the apple logo inevitably ruins everyone's lighting setup (Who hasn't put any effort into an otherwise lighting setup) because guess what? if you are playing in relative darkness, the apple logo becomes prominently your 'lighting setup' by default whether you consciously are aware of it or not.


what's the most interesting to me about this, is that i think almost everybody has already 'tuned it out' in a sense. Apple is very good at making 2nd hand marketing branding an unconscious decision. The lighting ambience for most electronic shows i go to unintentionally is headlined by a bright Apple logo, which at this point to me has become unsettling. I'm not criticizing or judging anyone who does not find this unsettling, im just wondering... does anybody else find this odd?


and all i mean by an apple user's 'eagerness' to advertise it is because, let's face it Apple is a status symbol among laptop computer users. It is known to be more expensive, it's meant to look visually sleek. I think if for instance Dell Laptops had a bright glowing giant DELL logo staring you in the face on the book, a good number of performers would cover them up. For some reason apple somehow manages to go 'above' this phenomenon, skate by unaffected.

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Reminds me of a Plaid gig when they had technical difficulties and the whole place went quite. The some one from the back shouts "Ah, ya see. Fucking Macs". Everyone laughed, including Ed and Andy.

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*high-fives luke vibert*


and i'm not trying to hate on Apple here, there are FAR worse things you can cover your apple logo with...


see this recent flying lotus picture



the picture isnt showing up for some reason



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hahahaha that's hilarious.


I think if for instance Dell Laptops had a bright glowing giant DELL logo staring you in the face on the book, a good number of performers would cover them up.


This is also because the Dell logo is ugly as fuck. People like and respond to well designed things man. That's just a fact. Macs are not only designed to be visually sleek, but also functionally sleek. People use them because they are well designed and (for the most part) well functioning machines, not only because they are a status thing.


Of course there are those tools though. Here (Prague) some people are obsessed with this showy consumerism, so there are a lot of toolbags with super expensive macbook pros and shit, as well as a bunch of iPhone users that probably have a $200 piece of shit PC at home, since no one can see that.


Case in point: Some people are fucks. Some are not. Who cares.

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