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NYC Smoking Ban


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Well the problem is people are too stupid enough not to smoke.




also, maybe we've decided we don't want to live to be 85. maybe we've decided we'd rather look cool while we're still young.


i'm serge gainsbourg. you will never be this cool.



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And you wonder why the gun lobby (or any other lobby for that matter) has zero tolerance for compromise... Give these fuckers an inch, and they'll take every last liberty away from you.


+ a million.


People don't realize this until it starts to happen to something they partake in.


I've never smoked a cig in my life yet I strongly oppose these smoking regulations. It's not about smoking in the big picture.

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Well the problem is people are too stupid not to smoke. They put huge stickers on them saying SMOKING KILLS. They put disgusting pictures of rotting innards on the packets. They have ad campaigns and quitlines.




The truth of the matter is, there probably will always be a large enough proportion of the government who will try and keep smoking alive as long as possible to rake in the taxes. But think about what would happen if cigarette smoking was outright banned, no more cigs sold in stores, without gradually weaning people off it? It would be chaos, so I genuinely think that most of the world's governments have been doing just that: gradually weaning people off smoking.


I can't understand how people in a forum that constantly complains about Christians who don't believe in evolution and all things sane and logical, are trying to somehow justify their fucking filthy, self-harming, environmentally damaging habit.


you calling me stupid?




sanctimony is bad for your health.

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i'd be quite happy to see smoking banned in public. there's a grocery store i go to where all the employees hang around the bike rack, because there's a bench there, and smoke. i don't want to breath that shit while i'm trying to lock my bike up.


i'm also for banning vehicles that output noxious fumes, but i realize that could take a few decades for various reasons. smoking can die now, though, thanks. it's 100% unnecessary.

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Guest bitroast

i'd be quite happy to see smoking banned in public. there's a grocery store i go to where all the employees hang around the bike rack, because there's a bench there, and smoke. i don't want to breath that shit while i'm trying to lock my bike up.


i'm also for banning vehicles that output noxious fumes, but i realize that could take a few decades for various reasons. smoking can die now, though, thanks. it's 100% unnecessary.


while we're at it, i'd like to ban inappropriate talking at gigs and concerts.



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I dunno, I can't argue against this cause I think it would be good to keep the parks and beaches clean, but it sucks cause I do enjoy having a cigarette in the park every once in a while. I think they will gradually startin getting stricter and stricter with this shit though, so it's only going to get worse. Might as well suck it up.

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I think it would be good to keep the parks and beaches clean

Pretty simple rule to follow... "leave it better than you found it". Would be nice if more people followed that.

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I'm currently doing some consulting work for British American Tobacco. I just started smoking again for the first time in a few years.


It's all good in moderation - just don't be weak willed enough to do it all the time. Same as burgers.




Also most of their R&D budget goes on 'nicotine delivery' products - smoking as it is today will not be the future. Continued addiction to nicotine will be

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Might as well suck it up.


I love this attitude! THESE ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE WE NEED VOTING GODDAMNIT! Imagine all the shit we would get done!


oh wait

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i'm also for banning vehicles that output noxious fumes


No fucking way!!!!



When smoking was banned inside in the UK I thought the pub would smell of builders BO and stale beer soaking through the worn carpet. For a while I was right but now it doesn't tell so much. I didn't smoke when the ban was put into place but still was against it.


But now I come home from the pub and don't stink of fucking dead smoke. That is a definate plus for me. Now I smoke a bit when I drink and am quite happy to venture outside and take a look at the totty on show.


I have no worries about the problems associated with smoking. If it's gonna happen then so be it. I'd prefer to be know that I'm going so I can knock myself off than live with dementia and become a pain on the rest of my family. Not a nice way of thinking I know, but fuck it. After the abuse I've put myself through I know it's not gonna be a pretty late life existence. Fuck the pension. I'm not gonna need one!

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Guest hahathhat

I have no worries about the problems associated with smoking. If it's gonna happen then so be it. I'd prefer to be know that I'm going so I can knock myself off than live with dementia and become a pain on the rest of my family. Not a nice way of thinking I know, but fuck it. After the abuse I've put myself through I know it's not gonna be a pretty late life existence. Fuck the pension. I'm not gonna need one!


this attitude, the bill hicks philosophy... i quite agree. however, it's a harder philosophy to live by once the problems start catching up with you! i think the REAL answer is a balanced approach. have some fun, but take care of yourself. take care of yourself, but don't forget to have fun.


not that complicated, really.

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I have no worries about the problems associated with smoking. If it's gonna happen then so be it. I'd prefer to be know that I'm going so I can knock myself off than live with dementia and become a pain on the rest of my family. Not a nice way of thinking I know, but fuck it. After the abuse I've put myself through I know it's not gonna be a pretty late life existence. Fuck the pension. I'm not gonna need one!


this attitude, the bill hicks philosophy... i quite agree. however, it's a harder philosophy to live by once the problems start catching up with you! i think the REAL answer is a balanced approach. have some fun, but take care of yourself. take care of yourself, but don't forget to have fun.


not that complicated, really.


fuck yes.


to the people spending $500 a month on cigarettes: you're not doing it right.

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