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The point is , you don't go to the subforum of the artists that holds this whole fucking website together and insult him with your series of "who cares" comments , because you know what!!?? a lot of people care.

Luke Vubert is more irrelevant and less people care about him , poor guy can't make a tune without using a shitty sample from a commercial he saw back when he was 12.

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The point is , you don't go to the subforum of the artists that holds this whole fucking website together and insult it with your series of "who cares" comments , because you know what!!?? a lot of people care.

Luke Vubert is more irrelevant and less people care about him , poor guy can't make a tune without using a shitty sample from a commercial he saw when he was 12.

:lol: Personal offense. Thats cute, but creepy at the same time.


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The point is , you don't go to the subforum of the artists that holds this whole fucking website together and insult him with your series of "who cares" comments , because you know what!!?? a lot of people care.

Luke Vubert is more irrelevant and less people care about him , poor guy can't make a tune without using a shitty sample from a commercial he saw back when he was 12.


this is kinda true actually.

Vibert does churn out a lot of samey sounding music! as much as i loved him back in '97... he still makes the same sorta thang now....

which is fine if you're into simple but well produced beats and funny samples, but... yeah, he hasn't really progressed much in all the time i've known about him. he uses the same formular over and over and over again.

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Listen to some unknown musician and pretend he's Richard.

I wish it were that easy. I have a really hard time separating music from the artists that make it, and I can always tell everyone's little signatures, and the way that they compose melodies. I have never ever fallen for a RDJ fake, and it would be impossible for me to convince myself that some other person with a completely different background, personality, and consequent musical style was Richard.



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RDJ is irrelevant.


lol. but not half as irrelevant as BoC!


...who aren't half as irrelevant as Plaid!

















(yes, I went there.)

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Guest hahathhat

i'm really more annoyed at the "afx soon!" --> "wait, nevermind" shit than anything else. i just wish he'd get a twitter and post 100 characters or something once a year and let people know what is actually going on!


it is getting to the point where the aphex twin is not a musician, so much as a fictional character that sometimes appears in riced out yugo posts.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Luke Vubert is more irrelevant and less people care about him


at this point in time, this statement is very untrue. Luke is doing like 20x more than Richard.


can't make a tune without using a shitty sample from a commercial he saw back when he was 12.


that seems like an irrelevant point. he just treats samples like another instrument. he doesn't have to use them, he just enjoys it. Richard and Tom have used drum machines quite a bit, but it's not like it matters. same thing

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i never heard BoC what do they sound like


im not joking


The point is , you don't go to the subforum of the artists that holds this whole fucking website together and insult him with your series of "who cares" comments , because you know what!!?? a lot of people care.

Luke Vubert is more irrelevant and less people care about him , poor guy can't make a tune without using a shitty sample from a commercial he saw back when he was 12.




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Luke Vubert is more irrelevant and less people care about him


at this point in time, this statement is very untrue. Luke is doing like 20x more than Richard.


can't make a tune without using a shitty sample from a commercial he saw back when he was 12.


that seems like an irrelevant point. he just treats samples like another instrument. he doesn't have to use them, he just enjoys it. Richard and Tom have used drum machines quite a bit, but it's not like it matters. same thing


Just because he is doing stuff doesn't mean people care , just look at the venetian snares,he does like 5 albums a year and nobody fucking cares(only rednecks)


Luke vibert uses a lot of samples,and has being doing it for a looong time.it just seems to me the guy ran out of ideas.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Just because he (luke) is doing stuff doesn't mean people care


i'm guessing you haven't noticed how much hype and excitement is being generated by the new wagon christ/kerrier district/possible other alias releases. just because you aren't following his releases (i don't see why a non-fan would), doesn't mean nobody cares. he's still doing more than richard, which is the main point. i'm not slamming ricahrd for that, but it's not like he's the only thing that matters in underground electronic music. he's not some untouchable jesus christ figure that no other artist is worthy of. stop bringing up your dislike of Luke in the aphex board.



Luke vibert uses a lot of samples,and has being doing it for a looong time





it just seems to me the guy ran out of ideas.


you seem to be missing the massive amount of variation he has in his work, despite the presence of samples


but personal taste aside, Richard made nothing but acid for 11 straight releases (13 if you throw in the tuss). does that mean he was having a creativity gap? no.

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Guest hahathhat

We got shit in 2007 and 2010. Quit whining.


if he went on rephlex.com and said QUIT WHINING maybe i would. but daddy left us alone for the weekend so let's jump on the couch and grind up cheesy poofs between the cushions~~

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Who cares man. Justin Beaver is more popular than all of the featured artists combined , that doesn't make him good.



All i'm saying , lilb is shit.


very good point. most popular artists are pretty much shit

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If you have any kind of specific tastes most artists who are underground, or acoustic, or wildly popular, or semi popular, or symphonic, or lofi, or hifi, or punk influenced, or experimental, or whatever the fuck are probably not going to be to your liking.


This thread is stupid. & so is that other one with the google charts.

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If you have any kind of specific tastes most artists who are underground, or acoustic, or wildly popular, or semi popular, or symphonic, or lofi, or hifi, or punk influenced, or experimental, or whatever the fuck are probably not going to be to your liking.


This thread is stupid. & so is that other one with the google charts.


good point. Its like Bach vs. Madonna. There is no sense in this at all

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