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Close the fucking thread :facepalm:




i say we make this its own individual sub forum and see what happens


Good idea. We should also expose it to gamma and beta radiation and human feces and see what kind of creatures we can create. My guess is something pretty close to a BOC fanboy.

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So one of these albums he'd 'completed' is on he is or was still working on and another is never finished? Does he ever stop talking out of his arse?


I like your av, is that a Shai-Hulud ?


Thanks dude, I actually nicked it from this. I think it's a lamprey or something similar.

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Sirch, just stfu.


lolllllllllllllllllllllllll , you stfu girlfriend...... if you can't handle my opinions and what i say then fucking put me on ignore! pfft

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RDJ is irrelevant.


lol. but not half as irrelevant as BoC!


...who aren't half as irrelevant as Plaid!



lol, just seen this and i lol irl.... dude if you say that and really believe it ? then you really have no idea.. about anything to do with music.

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Who cares man. Justin Beaver is more popular than all of the featured artists combined , that doesn't make him good.



All i'm saying , lilb is shit.


this. lol. + all you slating cunts are shit, too. especially you, chas. ;)


boxing day suspended for being retarded


*phones up mods*


yek, spat upon for being 'teacher's pet'......

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Close the fucking thread :facepalm:


close ur ass, and ur mouth! shit mouth!.........




yeah, me 'n billov got called nazi's over in the Bored of BoC forum whe we said close this shit down!!!!!!!!!... so fuck that shit.... close it down if it's not 'nazi',......... or let us talk shite if this is a democracy!!!!! ???


"screw you guys, i'm going home".



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  • 2 weeks later...

So is there any new albums released yet by RDJ?



Yeah there's 6 of them (honest) though there on his Ipod, so to hear them you have to hunt him down and nick his mp3 player.


Thats why he's moved back to Cornwall because him and his Ipod is safer there.

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