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whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with alcohol and weed?

Guest Helper ET

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.


wtf's that got to do with anything?

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.


wtf's that got to do with anything?

Well poison ivy is natural, I hear its good for your skin.

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.


wtf's that got to do with anything?

Well poison ivy is natural, I hear its good for your skin.


arsenic is natural

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Guest ezkerraldean

whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with basketball and mead

that sounds like quite a fun bender to go on, actually

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from what i've read and been taught (Psych classes, mostly), alcohol is the only substance which kills brain cells in large doses (like, blacking out). alcoholism is an actual disease, separate from the intake. the stuff is poison to our bodies.. no good.

alcohol only disconnects your brain cells from each other, not killing them.



Which isnt good either, but at least not that detrimental.

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You're fucked up unless you let jesus into your heart. he sort of sets up base camp there and then sort of rock climbs up into your brain and fixes it with his love, it's in the bible, read it.

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A frank from my thoughts


Took a psych course last semester on mind, memory, and cognition (class was a complete joke btw), but the whole course was graded on 1(one) research paper. I had a friend that researched the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol delta 9, THC, and how it effects the brain's performance in processing and retaining new information. What he discovered was that the brain required much more work to process new information because THC blocked various receptors in the hippocampal and amygdala regions(don't remember the specifics, I can PM you his paper if your interested). As a result the brain had to work around the blocked receptors in order to gain the same amount information therefore causing the brain to work harder, etc. etc.


Like I said, I don't remember the specifics from his paper, but the articles he presented were compelling enough even for me, and he got a solid A. Even disregarding the research aspect, I know for a fact that THC reduces motivation and information retention. Smoke weed everyday for atleast a year and you'll see what I mean. Now for smoking weed once a week or a couple times a month, is a different story. Honestly, it's extremely hard to determine whether or not weed is doing a lot of damage to you or not. Consequently, you can only know for certain once you've been fucked over by it. Such is the ethos of a 24/7 pothead :sup:


On to the psychological instability aspect, well....this is also difficult to determine properly. I guess if you smoked the dopest dope before every single thing you did (eating, waking up, showering, putting on shoes), you'd probably turn into




I'm taking an abnormal psych class right now, and my professor has worked with researchers on the effects of psychoactives and the brain's stability, and he has longitudinal evidence that shows that smoking weed greatly increases tendencies toward mental disorders. Again, even with research it's hard to digest how much the control group and variable group compare to you and me.



Basically, smoke weed if you wanna make dope beats. :cisfor:

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A frank from my thoughts


Took a psych course last semester on mind, memory, and cognition (class was a complete joke btw), but the whole course was graded on 1(one) research paper. I had a friend that researched the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol delta 9, THC, and how it effects the brain's performance in processing and retaining new information. What he discovered was that the brain required much more work to process new information because THC blocked various receptors in the hippocampal and amygdala regions(don't remember the specifics, I can PM you his paper if your interested). As a result the brain had to work around the blocked receptors in order to gain the same amount information therefore causing the brain to work harder, etc. etc.


Like I said, I don't remember the specifics from his paper, but the articles he presented were compelling enough even for me, and he got a solid A. Even disregarding the research aspect, I know for a fact that THC reduces motivation and information retention. Smoke weed everyday for atleast a year and you'll see what I mean. Now for smoking weed once a week or a couple times a month, is a different story. Honestly, it's extremely hard to determine whether or not weed is doing a lot of damage to you or not. Consequently, you can only know for certain once you've been fucked over by it. Such is the ethos of a 24/7 pothead :sup:


On to the psychological instability aspect, well....this is also difficult to determine properly. I guess if you smoked the dopest dope before every single thing you did (eating, waking up, showering, putting on shoes), you'd probably turn into




I'm taking an abnormal psych class right now, and my professor has worked with researchers on the effects of psychoactives and the brain's stability, and he has longitudinal evidence that shows that smoking weed greatly increases tendencies toward mental disorders. Again, even with research it's hard to digest how much the control group and variable group compare to you and me.





So you took a class that was a joke, your friend got an "A" in said joke class, and then you say you know for a fact that THC reduces motivation. Additionally, your prof in your abnormal psych class has longitudinal evidence (that's correlational evidence) that shows weed greatly increases tendencies towards mental disorders.

If the class was a joke, why should we trust any "A" that's given? Proof for your fact (anecdotes are not data). Correlation does not equal causation. Define mental disorder.

I thought most mental disorders as defined by the DSM (and the issues surrounding the DSM are not insignificant) are usually thought to be a combination of genetics and early environmental abuse.


I would be interested in seeing your friend's paper though.

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I guess if you smoked the dopest dope before every single thing you did (eating, waking up, showering, putting on shoes), you'd probably turn into





nice, i took the same class. what made you come to that conclusion though? jw.. not saying you're wrong (idk). dopamine interference?


i have a few studies which suggest low doses of cannabis activate the same serotonergic systems as anti-depressants.. but, then does the opposite at high doses (psychosis).

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.

Oh god I hate it when people bring up the 'natural' argument. The fact that something was grown naturally versus being made artificially in a lab has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on its safeness as a drug.


Datura grows wild and it is one of the most dangerous substances around. As well, there are psychedelics like Mushrooms, Amanitas and Peyote that can be incredibly dangerous psychologically.



Whether or not a drug is safe should be based on measured information, not this qualitative "natural" bullshit. Someone please do me a favour and close the logic gap between making a drug in a lab and that drug being bad for you. Please, I need to see the correlation. Otherwise stfu with this "I only do natural drugs" shit. Seriously, it's soooo stupid.


edit: I realize you weren't getting too deep into the natural vs lab made argument but I've heard it enough times that this was enough to set me off.

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.

Oh god I hate it when people bring up the 'natural' argument. The fact that something was grown naturally versus being made artificially in a lab has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on its safeness as a drug.


Datura grows wild and it is one of the most dangerous substances around. As well, there are psychedelics like Mushrooms, Amanitas and Peyote that can be incredibly dangerous psychologically.



Whether or not a drug is safe should be based on measured information, not this qualitative "natural" bullshit. Someone please do me a favour and close the logic gap between making a drug in a lab and that drug being bad for you. Please, I need to see the correlation. Otherwise stfu with this "I only do natural drugs" shit. Seriously, it's soooo stupid.


edit: I realize you weren't getting too deep into the natural vs lab made argument but I've heard it enough times that this was enough to set me off.




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