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tv shows that should be put back on the air


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Firefly, no homo.


This, but maybe just a little homo for Nathan Fillion.





edit: Twin Peaks Season 3, yes plz

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Twin Peaks


Oz , which was damn good.




I would love twin peaks, but only if it was back in time with characters as they were and I think sometimes its better to have a series that leaves you asking for more rather then wearing the story too thin.

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Rubicon (still sore about them canceling it after one season)


I would say Twin Peaks but it would be hard to recreate everything, so maybe just get HBO to sign Lynch to a series deal and let him develop something new.

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lol, yes




those guys have a new show eh? i saw it while the academy awards were on. i don't remember what it was called but it wasn't that bad.

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Guest Dirty Protest

The Tick.


Are you aware of The Tick live action series with Patrick Warburton? I only found out about a few weeks ago, dont think we ever got it in Britain. Its worth a download.

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Guest AcrossCanyons


YES! best cartoon/show period. I wish I had a way to buy them in the UK :(


those guys have a new show eh? i saw it while the academy awards were on. i don't remember what it was called but it wasn't that bad.


Metalocolypse? Also brilliant.

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this damnit




I've no desire to hang around with a bunch of upper-class delinquents, do twenty minutes' work and then spend the rest of the day loafing about in Paris drinking gallons of champagne and having dozens of moist, pink, highly experienced French peasant girls galloping up and down my - hang on...

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Woody Woodpecker



and another, maybe not quite as good as woody woodpecker, but.. rocky and bullwinkle


or the original tom and jerry cartoons.. fuck oh yeah, sitcoms and stuff: x-files

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I don't think that the ridiculously high quality the Wire somehow managed to maintain would have lasted through another season, tbqh. There were signs.

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