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So i put "why do my armpits smell like gravy?" into google

Guest Rambo

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Guest Rambo

So i put "why do my armpits smell like gravy?" into google and i got a hit. That's amazing i thought, though not that surprising.


So then i put "why do my armpits smell like semen?" into google and i succeeded again. Bang. That's mad. I am onto something here.


So then i put "why do my armpits smell like nitrogen?" and i failed. But noticed someone else said their armpit smelt of amonia, so still felt like a hit.


So then i put "why do my armpits smell of curry?" into google. Bam! Fantastic.


So then i put "why do my armpits smell of metal?" into google and i succeeded yet again. There are people who have armpits that smell like metal. But below, i saw that there was also someone who said their armpit smelt of garlic and another person who was asking why their armpit smelt like Burger King (i'm not lying) another person who said cheese (predictable) and another who said onions.


I investigated onions further and many people were wanting to know why their armpit smelt of onions. LOTS of people have armpits that smell of onions. You should check it out if you doubt me.


So then i put "armpit smells like new carpet" and i failed.


Then i put "armpit smells like straw" and i failed again.


But then i put "armpit smells like gas" BOOOM! but it's not what you think. No-one was saying their armpit smelt like gas but google delivered a plethora of armpit complaints and confessions. People said their armpits smell like coffee, Chili, Maple syrup, yeast and mustard. I didnt even go onto page 2 of the search results.


It's all right there at your fingertips, guys. Dont take it for granted.

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occasionaly, my armpits smell like very good herb. It used to drive my ex mad (in a good way).

every time i sweat. every time.

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During puberty I had bad onion pits. "I smell onions" became a catch phrase around the house. A friend said he enjoyed my body odor because it reminded him of being at a carnival. True story. Apparently I had pretty bad BO after high school as well according to friends, but for some reason it disappeared when I started dating my current girlfriend. I swear my attention to personal hygiene now is no different than it was then. Might be a hormonal change, perhaps pheromone related? Er, unintentional double entendre there... "pheromone" is a nick name i gave her back in the day. So yeah, in that case definitely pheromone related.

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At first, I read 'peeing into a time capsule,' which is maybe more appropriate anyway.


Edit: typed this post w one hand, won't tell u why ...

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Guest Rambo

I am compiling a list of smells that people are talking about now. I think it's the worlds only list but i dont know; there could be other rogue researchers out there studying this. I have found more since we last conversed about it. If you do a search you rarely come back empty handed, it's amazing. I think i have unearthed a phenomenon here.






ammonia/cat piss

Burger King








Maple syrup



motor oil



weed & hash


chicken soup

ice cream

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Guest Rambo

what does a human armpit smell like? That's the million dollar question and the answer is everything




My armpits smell like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


Thank you yek. I will add to the list.


*types for longer than it would take to type that info down*

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