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run 4 miles a day

eat lean meats, nuts, fruit and veg, whey. drink coffee with no cream.

Do resistance 3 times a week. im fit and fuck. sort of

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pretty sure im fat.


You always said you were fat, but 215 lbs ain't nothin. I'm 6'4" and 254 lbs. I must have a fucked metabolism after years of computer work, because I can eat nothing and gain weight. Have high blood pressure too. Now doing elliptical once or twice a day...

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pretty sure im fat.


You always said you were fat, but 215 lbs ain't nothin. I'm 6'4" and 254 lbs. I must have a fucked metabolism after years of computer work, because I can eat nothing and gain weight. Have high blood pressure too. Now doing elliptical once or twice a day...



yeah...apparently according to a weightlifter in the past im wasting my potential...which is a good point...i would like to see what happens with heavy exercise and weightlifting for a period of time.



ive definitely improved through the occasional bike for an hour...but ive plateaued too quickly and i dont have more than an hour to dedicate to bike riding...so im going to have to integrate weightlifting/pushups/situps to help it along.


i hate going to the gym though...feel like i have no idea what im doing...need to get off my ass and buy some handweights for starters.

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Why must you know these stats? Are you making a WATMM fighting game? That'd kick ass.



6' 3.5"

207 lbs.

I haven't checked the fat thing in ages. It's a flawed system. What if a ton of your weight is muscle?


Not fat, Not in shape either. Average build I guess.

Also, me and my girlfriend split 3 things of Ben and Jerry's Cinnabon icecream, and several pizzas last week. So I may have gained weight :O


Oh fuck, I'm 212 lbs. Shit, I'm buying a bike this spring. I've been 207 for 3 years D:

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Remember Kaini, I'm American :emotawesomepm9:


Yea, need to cut back on the food. Discovered we have an Aldi Grocery store in a neighboring town (Full of cheap generic brands, cheaper than Wal-Mart) been eating like crazy since.


Vegetarian diet isn't going keep me lean if I keep eating entire frozen pizzas and full boxes of Macaroni and Cheese.


Eh, I move out next year though. I'll be so poor I won't be able to eat.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Eh, I move out next year though. I'll be so poor I won't be able to eat.


lol, this is a great way to do it. buy a small amount of food and ration it for a week. if you're all out by day five, well that fuckin sucks. you'll learn somethin from it!

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I eat, like, 2 granola bars a day and a smallish dinner and I'm just kind of predisposed to being built like a linebacker. Especially in the legs area. They're not fat but they're about 2 times the size of the legs of your average girl-jeans wearing Los Angeleno. It actually makes me feel... particularly weird about myself.

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Guest hahathhat

you are

nine feet

nine inches


it's ok for her to drink.

it's ok for her to smoke.

you would prefer she did not have any kids.

you drink.

you smoke.

and you are looking for a date

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About 6 foot tall

Between 13 - 14 stone

No idea on ratios?


I'm losing weight and at the moment so I might be under 13. I dunno :shrug:


But snapped a ligament in my foot on Sunday while skateboarding so haven't done much exercise. The bruises are only just starting to appear. Literally my whole foot is covered in bruises now and it's getting worse. Walking like a gimp now. Fuck knows what Mulletover's gonna do to my dear old ankle.

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