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Are You Human?


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None of the above.


then what are you?


are you easy to deceive?do you feel a certain change in life recently, like things that were once hidden are starting to be revealed?what makes you so comfortable being human? look down at yourself for a minute, is this all really that familiar to you?there is something happening my watmm friends, something is happening.
1. yes2. yes3. 4.


would you be so kind as to fill in the blanks, you intrigue me my friend


I think it is an interest trope to say 'something's happening'it makes me think of some kind of magical weirdo, or an eccentric old man who has taken you to some kind of mundane spot in your neighborhood to show that there was always more there to be seen then you could imagine. Like he takes you under some local bridge and tells you to press a block in, and when you do he turns around and looks at you with wild eyes and says....shhh!....something's happening...can you feel it?


i like this very much


troon Id like to disagree with you but Ive no idea what you're talking about.


i'm sure you would







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troon - you're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. it's crawling toward you... you reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back. the tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. not without your help. but you're not helping.


what happens next?

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at the risk of sounding obvious


we're all aliens, right? everyone? everything is an alien to something else?


is that obvious? it's a good way of looking at things


at the risk of sounding like a dick


numbers handed down from Jesus Christ run the show


Cactus is the infinite storyteller


now who runs the show?


we'll never know.


the whole universe runs the show


if the universe is nothing


if the universe isn't 'real' by any human definition

if the universe isn't 'real' as a fact


then what's going on?


do you KNOW what is going on?


because, it could be anything


just a thought



if you guys were already wise i'm sorry


because by all means faggots, please enlighten me to the almighty ways of the number


geometry apparent

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at the risk of doing a troon, we're all fleshy bags of mostly water governed by the same instincts as every other fleshy bag of mostly water on the planet. the only differences are opposable thumbs and self-doubt.

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recently i wrapped my head around something i thought i totally understood 6 or 7 years ago after tripping for the first time.


during the trip i realized the universe is infinite.


and that any given point in the universe is zero compared to the rest of the infinite universe





well, i just realized something else typing that, i will get to it.



what i fully realized was that if the universe is infinite then THIS is not real. because 0 is not real. the whole 'we are insignificant and might as not exist' basically translates to 'we basically DON'T exist. fully, seriously, no fucking around. this isn't real. this is but one infinitely small part of an infinite whole. it isn't real. nothing we think is right.





anyway, i just realized, that since infinity continues, we would be infinite to other points. at no point inside of infinity, is something... truly nothing. because it gets smaller. so everything is relative basically.


so, in short, we do exist. and we are not zero, or 'insignificant.' only relatively.


but i'm guessing the end goal is the realization of some perfect acceptance of the between point, or something.

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at the risk of doing a troon, we're all fleshy bags of mostly water governed by the same instincts as every other fleshy bag of mostly water on the planet. the only differences are opposable thumbs and self-doubt.


Lots of other animals have opposable thumbs. The self-doubt part maybe not so much.

Basically we're just a bunch of atoms that have been shared around the universe more times than Paris Hilton at a b-list party.

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lol, we're the cumsluts of the heavy elements. it's so awesome.



That needs an MSpaint done...plum? mcgriff? gaarg?

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recently i wrapped my head around something i thought i totally understood 6 or 7 years ago after tripping for the first time.


during the trip i realized the universe is infinite.



Doubtful, and probably not.

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recently i wrapped my head around something i thought i totally understood 6 or 7 years ago after tripping for the first time.


during the trip i realized the universe is infinite.



Doubtful, and probably not.


It's neither infinite or finite. All the matter and anti-matter equals out to zero.

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