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OK this is how it works;


i posted this, so one poster gets to ask me anything.

they, in turn, must do the same for the next poster.



i posted this, so one poster gets to ask me anything.

q: do you like meatballs?

a: generally, yes. but in ireland they tend to overcook them and not add as much garlic and basil as i like


so, ask me anything. i will answer the first question posted, but if you ask a question, be prepared to answer one as well.

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do you WATMM at work and if so are you discreet about it (wrt nsfw content, snooping colleagues, etc)?


i am unemployed as of about 9 months ago. i used to WATMM in work until my boss blocked it (he tried to block wiki as well. he was a stupid motherfucker who barely knew how to turn a PC on, and just managed to block wiki's CSS but not the site itself).

i received a decent few quid in redundancy because i was there for a couple of years. i have spent it wisely, i think, but it ran out a little while back.

i'm on the lookout for work at present and should with a bit of luck have something soon, but the employment situation is fucked in ireland at present.


ask usagi anything

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wow, annual? well my cell is a family plan with the wife which is about $140 a month. I don't come anywhere near that in buying clothes. most of my clothes come from birthday/christmas present giftcards. so aside from the occasional pick up here and there, I'd say cell:clothes is about 10:1. nice question.



ask Dr Lopez anything

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What's your take on 17 Seconds by the Cure?

we have no idea who you are asking or any of that shit. wait til lopez answers my question, and troon answers that.

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yeah kaini, this thread is a testament to the state of affairs at watmm...as well as the Fukushimi thread, we are the elitists/idiots who dance around our heads without leaving our homes...good times

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Hey Murve, why did the thread about the Japanese Nuclear disaster become an orgy for elitist ideals?

I wouldn't expect any less. I had a case of the tl;dr and I've been reading arguments all day. AcidPhakist vs. the world in that Burqa thread.

I happened to disagree with you opinion Atop, although I never read your justification (tl;dr).


I love the elitist arguments here. Get to hear so many opinions from across the globe.


And hi Atop. My question to you (I know I'm doing it wrong) did you ever take over that one cowboy town?

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dr. lopez, if you had to ask troon one question, what would it be?

hmmm interesting one.


Why do you need to have an aphex twin logo as your signature and as a rotating avatar on a site that is devoted to him? I've often wondered this. Surely we can all assume that every member of this board knows that logo and his music, so your intentions can't be informative. Usually avatars are some image the user finds special or amusing, a unique image that sets them apart and makes other members associate it with the users personality. I think it's because you want to show to other members (well, that's the only function of the avatar and signature) maybe that you've taken a more personal connection with his music. Maybe perhaps you feel it a little bit deeper, or that you're the true aphex fan cause you have him in your signature. Or are you really just that unoriginal and uncreative? Come to think of it, the only other member with an overt aphex image is boxing day. Come on now troon, you don't want to be boxing day, do you?





so who's turn is it now? kaini's?

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Hey Murve, why did the thread about the Japanese Nuclear disaster become an orgy for elitist ideals?

I wouldn't expect any less. I had a case of the tl;dr and I've been reading arguments all day. AcidPhakist vs. the world in that Burqa thread.

I happened to disagree with you opinion Atop, although I never read your justification (tl;dr).


I love the elitist arguments here. Get to hear so many opinions from across the globe.


And hi Atop. My question to you (I know I'm doing it wrong) did you ever take over that one cowboy town?


Not yet...


i don't appreciate your condescending tone you pompous prick


so troon, who are you specifically? and if you are many persons, who are all of you? and also nice to see you getting into ego-maniacal spirit of watmm in April.....

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What's your take on 17 Seconds by the Cure?

we have no idea who you are asking or any of that shit. wait til lopez answers my question, and troon answers that.


is that supposed to emulate what a troon post usually looks like? bc it's pretty close, it just needs more spelling errors and line breaks.

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i don't appreciate your condescending tone you pompous prick

answer the questions.

Troon, you always ask us questions, but you never answer any.


Closest I've ever been to having any idea who you are is when you posted in the 30 day music challenge for a bit. You posted some nice songs, btw.

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