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The Prison Systems For Your Mind!


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- prison systems around the word are a multi billion dollar industry, how is such an obviously corrupt system justified?

- why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?

- have you been to prison? are you in prison right now?

- does imprisonment actually help people or just contain them and get them out of the way?

- is solitary confinement worse then death?

- why do they feed prisoners such crap food, do they think it's going to help them?

- how many jobs and how much money is involved in the business of incarceration around the world? is the money factor motivation for the continued perpetuation of crime and for keeping prisons full?

- does keeping a human being in prison effect them in the same way as keeping an animal in a cage?

- do you believe in death penalty?

- what's your favorite prison film ?

- is the human body a prison? the earth, the universe, are they prisons? are we contained in a larger sense? why do we have to put forth effort to go from here to there?

- does gravity actually contain us against our will?

- have we all become so overwhelmed with the sheer complexity of this whole experience (life) that we run from it and self-medicate every chance we get?

- coming from our own perspective we tend to think that everything is the way we think it is but could it in fact be completely different?

- what if something totally insane and unexpected happened right now, what would it take for you to believe that there is something strange going on?

- have we become so desensitized by horrible things going on in the world that we treat the most horrific of events like it was nothing at all unless we are effected directly?

- are we being conditioned by the world around us to see horrific behaviors as normal and even necessary? the birds do it, the bees do it, the lions do it, right?

- do we get so distracted by this world that we can't see anything else, can't hear, can't think, can't feel anything else? until it is subdued will we ever be aware of what else might be going on?

- if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what i'm saying in the next room?

- are we humble or are we convinced of our own ability to control and solve things?

- is the current state of the world trying to put us at odds with each other? could we actually be made to attack one another?

- what would you do if someone threatened your family or your friends or threatened you? would your first reaction be to make peace?

- what perpetuates war?

- are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?

- do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?

- if truth presented more difficulty to you in this life then a lie would you still choose the truth?


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I will answer all of these in detail this weekend, as an exercise in creative writing. Mods, as much as you probably want to, please don't lock this thread.

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it has become clear to us now that it is inappropriate to continue speaking on such deep metaphysical themes here at the watmm. to the relief of many of you

this account will cease its spouting and instead concentrate solely on music and general conversation.

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- prison systems around the word are a multi billion dollar industry, how is such an obviously corrupt system justified?

it isn't justified... it just isn't criticized enough


- why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?

what things?


- have you been to prison? are you in prison right now?

no and no


- does imprisonment actually help people or just contain them and get them out of the way?

depends on the individual and on the prison... whether or not they actually did do something majorly wrong and if they are willing to improve themselves through education etc... I will have to research more to answer this question confidently


- is solitary confinement worse then death?

depends on time length


- why do they feed prisoners such crap food, do they think it's going to help them?

good question, but I don't really know what prisoners are fed these days.


- how many jobs and how much money is involved in the business of incarceration around the world? is the money factor motivation for the continued perpetuation of crime and for keeping prisons full?

employment of everyone involved in this industry is definitely a motivator , same idea with the military and war


- does keeping a human being in prison effect them in the same way as keeping an animal in a cage?

depends on the person


- do you believe in death penalty?

not really


- what's your favorite prison film ?

the prophet is a really good one I saw recently, but obvious answer is shawshank redemption


- is the human body a prison? the earth, the universe, are they prisons? are we contained in a larger sense? why do we have to put forth effort to go from here to there?

no way man, I love all those things. Effort is exciting


- does gravity actually contain us against our will?

lol I like you troon, but wuuuuuuuuuut?


- have we all become so overwhelmed with the sheer complexity of this whole experience (life) that we run from it and self-medicate every chance we get?

depends on the person, probably most people do this... but there are heroes


- coming from our own perspective we tend to think that everything is the way we think it is but could it in fact be completely different?



- what if something totally insane and unexpected happened right now, what would it take for you to believe that there is something strange going on?



- have we become so desensitized by horrible things going on in the world that we treat the most horrific of events like it was nothing at all unless we are effected directly?



- are we being conditioned by the world around us to see horrific behaviors as normal and even necessary? the birds do it, the bees do it, the lions do it, right?

in some cases... these questions are starting to get too vague / impossible to answer...


- do we get so distracted by this world that we can't see anything else, can't hear, can't think, can't feel anything else? until it is subdued will we ever be aware of what else might be going on?

.... and repetitious


- if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what i'm saying in the next room?

lololol this made me laugh


- are we humble or are we convinced of our own ability to control and solve things?

honestly I think most of us are scared shitless, but some of us bathe in the mystery of everything


- is the current state of the world trying to put us at odds with each other? could we actually be made to attack one another?

psychologically this is already happening... but whether we get really violent depends on what happens next...


- what would you do if someone threatened your family or your friends or threatened you? would your first reaction be to make peace?

my first reaction would be to protect and defend myself /family/friends


- what perpetuates war?

boredom, self esteem problems and money


- are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?

we don't know what we are searching for, we just want to be able to explore...


- do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?

very little... if someone puts too much on my sandwich I get sad


- if truth presented more difficulty to you in this life then a lie would you still choose the truth?



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1. why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?


2. does gravity actually contain us against our will?


3. if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what i'm saying in the next room?



4. do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?


5. are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?



1. Hundreds of years ago things were shit. I think they were called shit back then.

2. L-to-the-O-to-the-motherfucking-L

3. Unfortunately, even with earbuds cranked, I can still read your inane drivel.

4. I can't really muster up the energy for either.


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Guest Scrambled Ears

- why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?


you mean where they would torture people till they confessed to things they often didn't do then claimed to repent before the gods(impetus) of the torturers?


- does imprisonment actually help people or just contain them and get them out of the way?


depends on the person...kills some people. fucks others up for life.


- is solitary confinement worse then death?


who says death is so bad?


- why do they feed prisoners such crap food, do they think it's going to help them?


My college cafeteria supposedly had prison grade food and all it did for me was make me shit like crazy


- how many jobs and how much money is involved in the business of incarceration around the world? is the money factor motivation for the continued perpetuation of crime and for keeping prisons full?


Foucault talks about this and the delinquent class being a necessary facet of societies in Discipline and Punish. I think he's on to something.


- do you believe in death penalty?


no, especially not with people watching someone get murdered...bad for the soul


- is the human body a prison? the earth, the universe, are they prisons? are we contained in a larger sense? why do we have to put forth effort to go from here to there?


i dont know if effort is the right word. i think we grossly underestimate the powers of entropy that have brought us all here. some may see this as a sort of prison but again I dont think thats the right word.


- does gravity actually contain us against our will?


its more of a balancing act really


- what if something totally insane and unexpected happened right now, what would it take for you to believe that there is something strange going on?


new aphex twin and boc


- have we become so desensitized by horrible things going on in the world that we treat the most horrific of events like it was nothing at all unless we are effected directly?


yes but we joke about these things which is both a recognition and a way for people to heal from certain inescapable horrors even if they have not yet been affected them.


- are we being conditioned by the world around us to see horrific behaviors as normal and even necessary? the birds do it, the bees do it, the lions do it, right?


i suppose this would be called social Darwinism. i dont know if we are so much conditioned but I think that it is a popular view.


- if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what i'm saying in the next room?




- are we humble or are we convinced of our own ability to control and solve things?


the royal we?


- is the current state of the world trying to put us at odds with each other? could we actually be made to attack one another?


i imagine lots of people will attack you for this thread


- what would you do if someone threatened your family or your friends or threatened you? would your first reaction be to make peace?


i would feel sad


- are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?




- if truth presented more difficulty to you in this life then a lie would you still choose the truth?


the statement below is true

the statement above is false



really i think you glimpse a certain sadness about human beings when you work with kids and observe that things dont really change when people get older it all just takes on a certain severity and sourness

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it has become clear to us now that it is inappropriate to continue speaking on such deep metaphysical themes here at the watmm. to the relief of many of you

this account will cease its spouting and instead concentrate solely on music and general conversation.


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really i think you glimpse a certain sadness about human beings when you work with kids and observe that things dont really change when people get older it all just takes on a certain severity and sourness


Man I dunno about that. I really like working with kids, they don't make me sad at all. I also view teaching kids as an opportunity to effect a positive change.

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- do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?


Did you know that they mix the two, it's rather nice. Also the fact that i have found and answered one of the last questions on your list, does not mean that i read any of the other ones. My eyes were just scrolling quickly and on finding that it was nearer the bottom, focused again on the screen, and the word mayonnaise popped out.


As for the rest of the thread. This forum can be a prison system for the mind, locking yourself in pointless threads wasting away hours of your life. But you are your own gaoler, remember that. You hold the keys.

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This is rather nice. I never knew much about the sciency hip hop thing when it came around (mid to late 90s). Maybe i should start a thread about it in music discussion. Get the peeps to tell my olL baot.

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Guest hahathhat

for the USA:


1800-1900 liberation from ridiculous clothes in exchange for factory jobs

1900-1920 war mentality

1920-1930 liberation from boring clothes in exchange for mental prison

1930-1950 war mentality

1950-1980 sexual liberation in exchange for consumerism

1980-1990 PARTY!

1990-2000 internet, mental liberation in exchange for deterioration of personal responsibility

2000-present no new aphex of note

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- prison systems around the word are a multi billion dollar industry, how is such an obviously corrupt system justified?


Fear of being raped and murdered.


- why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?


exploitation and greed


- have you been to prison? are you in prison right now?


no and no.


- does imprisonment actually help people or just contain them and get them out of the way?


I'd say some people are helped by it but most are just contained and out of the general populace. I'd say the fear of going to prison and what might happen once you are there is a huge factor in keeping people afraid and in line.


- is solitary confinement worse then death?


wouldn't know


- why do they feed prisoners such crap food, do they think it's going to help them?


to keep their profit margins


- how many jobs and how much money is involved in the business of incarceration around the world? is the money factor motivation for the continued perpetuation of crime and for keeping prisons full?


hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars. crime perpetuates because of imbalances.


- does keeping a human being in prison effect them in the same way as keeping an animal in a cage?


Prison is its own ecosystem. In order to survive, one has to adapt oneself. Any animal will be affected by confinement.


- do you believe in death penalty?


Doesn't matter.


- what's your favorite prison film ?


Escape From Alcatraz


- is the human body a prison? the earth, the universe, are they prisons? are we contained in a larger sense? why do we have to put forth effort to go from here to there?


I personally don't feel contained.


- does gravity actually contain us against our will?


Gravity is a condition of living on a planet. We don't have much of a choice currently, as our bodies and our technological prowess limit our physical range.


- have we all become so overwhelmed with the sheer complexity of this whole experience (life) that we run from it and self-medicate every chance we get?


I would argue that it is all part of life experience so there isn't any running from it.


- coming from our own perspective we tend to think that everything is the way we think it is but could it in fact be completely different?




- what if something totally insane and unexpected happened right now, what would it take for you to believe that there is something strange going on?


Strange and unexpected things happen every day.


- have we become so desensitized by horrible things going on in the world that we treat the most horrific of events like it was nothing at all unless we are effected directly?


Some do, some don't.


- are we being conditioned by the world around us to see horrific behaviors as normal and even necessary? the birds do it, the bees do it, the lions do it, right?


You can choose to see things that way or you can choose to not.


- do we get so distracted by this world that we can't see anything else, can't hear, can't think, can't feel anything else? until it is subdued will we ever be aware of what else might be going on?


This question is implying knowledge of another world. Do you have any evidence to support this implication?


- if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what i'm saying in the next room?


I'm not in the room next to you.


- are we humble or are we convinced of our own ability to control and solve things?


Can't we be both?


- is the current state of the world trying to put us at odds with each other? could we actually be made to attack one another?


We already are.


- what would you do if someone threatened your family or your friends or threatened you? would your first reaction be to make peace?




- what perpetuates war?




- are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?


we are looking for ourselves. a mirror.


- do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?




- if truth presented more difficulty to you in this life then a lie would you still choose the truth?



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- prison systems around the word are a multi billion dollar industry, how is such an obviously corrupt system justified?

It keeps the unsavory types away from good Christians.


- why don't we just call things what they are like we did hundreds of years ago, what are we trying to hide?

To broad a question.


- have you been to prison? are you in prison right now?



- does imprisonment actually help people or just contain them and get them out of the way?

Contains. Can make things worse. If someone is in for a petty crime they end up getting hardened.


- is solitary confinement worse then death?

Wouldn't know. I've never experienced either.


- why do they feed prisoners such crap food, do they think it's going to help them?

It's cheap, it's an industry.


- how many jobs and how much money is involved in the business of incarceration around the world? is the money factor motivation for the continued perpetuation of crime and for keeping prisons full?

I don't think so. It may be a factor, but not a major one.


- does keeping a human being in prison effect them in the same way as keeping an animal in a cage?

Sorta. People generally let animals out of their cage though. Zoos might be similar. Although keeping an animal in a cage may be more like solitary confinement.


- do you believe in death penalty?

We can spend money on keeping people locked up, or we can not ever spend anything on them again. With the current system.


- what's your favorite prison film ?

Idk, Shawshank was good.


- is the human body a prison? the earth, the universe, are they prisons? are we contained in a larger sense? why do we have to put forth effort to go from here to there?

Either way, I don't really care. As long as I don't have to go to the prisons we've created. To answer the last question, because we can't teleport or utilize dimensions higher than the third. According to theories. What would be the point in living if we didn't have to do anything. Doing nothing would hardly be living.


- does gravity actually contain us against our will?

Sometimes. It'd be easier to live without possessions if all of our shit was floating around. I think we'd all have different attitudes if there was no gravity.


- have we all become so overwhelmed with the sheer complexity of this whole experience (life) that we run from it and self-medicate every chance we get?

No. It's not life itself that is overwhelming, it's the expectations of a society on how to live your life "correctly" that is overwhelming. If one didn't need a career/schooling/socialization, why would they need to medicate?


- coming from our own perspective we tend to think that everything is the way we think it is but could it in fact be completely different?



- what if something totally insane and unexpected happened right now, what would it take for you to believe that there is something strange going on?

Depends on what happened. If a truck ran into one of my neighbors house, I may think it was merely a drunk guy/lunatic. If a U.S. Tank ran into my neighbors house, I'd think something was strange.


- have we become so desensitized by horrible things going on in the world that we treat the most horrific of events like it was nothing at all unless we are effected directly?

Depends on the person. Some do some don't. You can't generalize people.


- are we being conditioned by the world around us to see horrific behaviors as normal and even necessary? the birds do it, the bees do it, the lions do it, right?

On some issues, of course.


- do we get so distracted by this world that we can't see anything else, can't hear, can't think, can't feel anything else? until it is subdued will we ever be aware of what else might be going on?

That is, if there is anything going on. These questions lead the answerer a tad to much. If there was no world, what would I perceive? Would I perceive anything? I personally don't think so.


- if the stereo is turned up full, can you still hear what I'm saying in the next room?

I couldn't if you were next to me. I have a lovely stereo. Speakers would probably blow out though.


- are we humble or are we convinced of our own ability to control and solve things?

Depends on the person, again.


- is the current state of the world trying to put us at odds with each other? could we actually be made to attack one another?

Are you asking if the government, humankind itself, or a higher power is trying to "make" us do something? Can't really answer this question.


- what would you do if someone threatened your family or your friends or threatened you? would your first reaction be to make peace?

No. It wouldn't. Especially if they were going to physically harm one of them/me. I'd fuck them up.


- what perpetuates war?

Generally greed.


- are the far reaches of space really what we are looking for when we blast off in our rocket ships or is it something else that we are searching for?



- do you like mayonnaise or mustered on sandwiches?



- if truth presented more difficulty to you in this life then a lie would you still choose the truth?




My synopsis: I feel like I'm answering questions for a MySpace Bulletin, except the questions aren't awful. Also, Troon hates people.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

really i think you glimpse a certain sadness about human beings when you work with kids and observe that things dont really change when people get older it all just takes on a certain severity and sourness


Man I dunno about that. I really like working with kids, they don't make me sad at all. I also view teaching kids as an opportunity to effect a positive change.

oh i agree definitely, I love working with kids and think it can definitely be a way for affecting positive change. What I was saying is that I feel the playground hierarchy/mentality never changes it just becomes larger and less restrained.

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